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I am having two odd things happening with my DW warrior.
I have many spacious rocks for hiding under, so you're welcome to join!
Sorry, I forgot to mention that only Normal has quests.
Once you have cleared all the quests through Act IV in Normal, that hero will see no other quests other than the six Daily Quests. Those six are the five that are typically discussed that are tied to clearing the quests for each act that give 20 gems each plus the one that only gives one gem from Quack on SL 1-3.
Tin Man, the Trials are unlocked from Trial 1 to 20 for my Warrior. ( 21 is still dark gray. )
I do not know if it was a daily quest anymore. It must have been I guess? All I know is that I got the quest right after I finished the game on normal, and now I am not getting quests from any one? It seems I can not get the story to start on Heroic mode.
As for the Trials 9 and 10, they just did register. As for the number of trial levels unlocked, I would have to check and get back on that.
Trial level leaderboard entries will not register if there is the slightest hiccup while you are running the trial level even if it is just a single packet and you do not notice.
One problem I have when running on a mobile device is when both my mobile service and WiFi are active while I am in my house at the edge of both the mobile service and WiFi. My device can not make up its mind which network it wants to use and switches between them. My leaderboard entries do not register when that happens. I turn off one or the other when playing in that scenario, typically my mobile service because my WiFi is more stable inside my home.
Curiosity question, your Trial Level (TL) 10 entry did not register, which trial(s) unlocked after your TL 10 run? Once you clear hero level 70, the number of trials unlocked is increased as you clear a trial level faster. The number of trial levels unlocks gives a range of times that you could have completed your last Trial Level.
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That bug is now gone with the side-quests back alongside the main-quests.
Illus, if you just finished Normal, then you unlocked the final Daily Quest which is the one for the second part of Act IV. The second time that you received the Proving Ground quest probably had a blue indictor because it was a Daily Quest rather than a side-quest. Generally, the side-quests are used as Daily Quests.
Guest repliedThe next quest after Proving Grounds is given by Kanthara - you can find him either near the end of Desolation Desert (world 4 map 48), or easier to go to Scartree Forest (world 4 map 49) as he's right there at the start. Talk to him to get the next quest. Once that's done everything should be back on track with quests given in the hometown area. It's a bit out of character given that all the other quests previously are initiated in the hometown, and there's no obvious way of knowing what you should do next once Proving Grounds is complete.
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I am having two odd things happening with my DW warrior.
Ok first hello everyone, first time posting here on these forums.
Ok A few days before the previous ANB I found Eternium on Mobile first but saw it was also on Steam. So I started on Steam and first started a Bounty Hunter and I liked it a lot. To see how a Mage was I also started a Mage which was great as well. Then the ANB came and I tried a Sword and Shield warrior and made it to lvl 60 before my time was up. After that I played the game out on normal with my Bounty Hunter, and after that continued on in Heroic mode with her.
But I got a bit tired of ranged so I started a DW warrior, and this afternoon I finished the game on normal with him. Then that mage Aralon (?) gave me that quest Proving Ground again. Since I could not go there in Heroic mode since I was in Act 1 again, I thought I hat to do it on normal mode. After I finished it, I went back to Heroic mode but now no one in town gives me quests any more? I keep seeing the text "Open the town gate to continue your adventure"? I tried redoing the Underworld in normal mode again, but that did not work. Exiting the game and restarting it did nothing either.
Also with my Warrior I can not see the times for my warriors trial 9 and 10? While it seems to work fine for my Bounty Hunter and Mage.Tags: None
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