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1.5.80 Release Notes

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    1.5.80 Release Notes

    • Fixed: PvP Arena not working.
    • Fixed: ANB inventory and stash unlock costs on Steam.
    • Fixed: Some players are unable to post to leaderboards.
    • Lowered the level req. for Frost Nova and Deadly Throw to 5.
    • Lowered the level req. for slot unlocking in ANB events to match the requirements on Steam.
    This build is current available to 99% of beta testers on Google, has been submitted to iOS and Microsoft, and will be live on Steam soon.

    Did this patch also unlock all the Stash tabs in ANB? I don't recall spending Gems on them but they are all unlocked and my gems are depleted. About 1000 from yesterday.
    Last edited by Ozsmeg; 11-02-2021, 11:05 PM.


    • Travis | Support Mgr.
      Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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      Yes. All Stash tabs are normally unlocked for event heroes. If you'd like a full list of what your Gems have been used for this week, shoot me an email at

    • Ozsmeg
      Ozsmeg commented
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      Awesome, was or will there be refunds for people who spent gems which should have been unlocked in the first place?

    • Travis | Support Mgr.
      Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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      If you paid to unlock your Stash tabs or if you were overcharged for inventory unlocks, email and I can help you there.

    Hmmm... After past experiences I have a real hesitancy to updating in the middle of an event.

    Has anyone who's updated seen any bugs that would affect ANB?


    • Turgeon
      Turgeon commented
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      Did not took that chance. Still on 79 here

    • papa jim
      papa jim commented
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      I updated, android, still farming just got the first ct

    It's all good both on PC and android, just stort map 2 is longer - for some reason on PC only. It looks nice, probably first-timers will like it more than the ridiculously short old version. Us veterans will whine about the extra seconds needed to run through it : )

    The new skill unlocks are a tiny upgrade for us mages - we have shatter available at hero level 5, as nova and immo are both available : ) Also at level 20 you have all skill and passive slots unlocked.
    Mage: Anba
    Bounty Hunter: Gemma


    • Travis | Support Mgr.
      Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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      The level 2 map was made longer on PC (only) in an update last week. PC players are used to longer dungeons/maps and the team felt that they might be turned off by such a short map early in the game (and assume all maps are that short before giving the game a chance).

    • bojck
      bojck commented
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      Got it, thanks! Holds true for me, I've tried a few other mobile games where the early levels are 15 seconds of playtime and 2 minutes of collecting rewards and upgrading stuff I didn't get to care about.

    Will Amazon/FireOS be updated as well to reflect these changes?


    • Lowered the level req. for slot unlocking in ANB events to match the requirements on Steam.
    Can someone explain what this means?


    • RockDoc
      RockDoc commented
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      In Steam there are differences in the levels at which you can unlock abilities, and the costs to purchase different items. One of those differences was that under Steam your 3rd ability slots opened at lower levels than outside of steam. Thus giving Steam players an unfair advantage of having a third ability to use when equivalent heros not playing under Steam were limited to just two abilities. There a number of other inconsistencies between the different versions. Hopefully they will get everything leveled out and not have as many differences related to which platform you're playing on.

    All, now, seems fair and cross-platform mirrored.
    As far as I can test it anyhow (no Android) - 2021.12.04

    Windows 10 Store App
    3rd Secondary Attack Slot: Cant unlock till Level 51
    3rd Passive: Cant unlock till Level 55
    Expand Page 5 of Shared Stash: 900 Gems
    Hire Companions: 500 Gems Per Person
    Unlock Ability Upgrade/Learning Slot #3: 900 Gems
    Unlock New Hero/Character Slot #5: 500 Gems
    ANB, Unlock Ability Upgrade Slot #2: 400 Gems
    ANB, Unlock Secondary Attack Slot #2: 10 Gems

    Steam on PC (Running inside Windows 10)
    3rd Secondary Attack Slot: Cant unlock till Level 51
    3rd Passive: Cant unlock till Level 55
    Expand Page 5 of Shared Stash: 900 Gems
    Hire Companions: 500 Gems Per Person
    Unlock Ability Upgrade/Learning Slot #3: 900 Gems
    Unlock New Hero/Character Slot #5: 500 Gems
    ANB, Expand Page 5 of Shared Stash: 900 Gems
    ANB, Unlock Ability Upgrade Slot #2: 400 Gems
    ANB, Unlock Secondary Attack Slot #2: 10 Gems
    ANB Stash Expand 1st Extra Line: 1000 Gold

    3rd Secondary Attack Slot: Cant unlock till Level 51
    3rd Passive: Cant unlock till Level 55
    Expand Page 5 of Shared Stash: 900 Gems
    Hire Companions: 500 Gems Per Person
    Unlock Ability Upgrade/Learning Slot #3: 900 Gems
    Unlock New Hero/Character Slot #5: 500 Gems
    ANB, Expand Page 5 of Shared Stash: 900 Gems
    ANB, Unlock Ability Upgrade Slot #2: 400 Gems
    ANB, Unlock Secondary Attack Slot #2: 10 Gems
    ANB Stash Expand 1st Extra Line: 1000 Gold


    Guess Travis, Adrian & Co. fixed it.
    Thanks, guys


      Originally posted by Travis | Support Mgr. View Post
      • Lowered the level req. for slot unlocking in ANB events to match the requirements on Steam.
      This build is current available to 99% of beta testers on Google, has been submitted to iOS and Microsoft, and will be live on Steam soon.
      So is this another PC only fix or was it supposed to apply to ALL versions?

      Because my Gold ANB char (didn't play Silver) still have the same old level requirements for the two 3rd slots, on Android
      Eternium Files - links and details


      • Turgeon
        Turgeon commented
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        Yeah its only n steam dunno why its not the sam3 all around. But i guess its a A&B testing.