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Release Notes for 1.2.40 (Google Beta)

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    @Led, for you you like large pulls, and now it's possible for FULL damage BH! He has a control now.
    King of Android play


      Originally posted by Led View Post
      I am not a fan of the red animation on the warrior. Why?....because my warrior is red 100% of the time. I rather he looked like the way he is geared, not just a redskin....not that I don't like Indians, I also would like to open casinos and take scalps.....

      For the BR, I cast as soon is it is up, no point saving it and you will notice when it wears off, your attacks will slow and you stop charging around.
      Liked to see my char being red, makes it look like its going berserk hahaha .. yeah only way to keep it on is to spam it as soon as it cooldowned

      Forgot about what Dev Adrian said on the suggestion thread. Hope they can implement the buff and debuff icon sooner

      Originally posted by Adrian (Developer) View Post
      Debuffs & buffs icons: a very needed feature indeed.


        I endorse everything I said before: the BR "nerf" is not such a thing, it just requires us to rethink how to clear trials:

        Until now, I hadn't been able to farm trial 200 on the phone, the mix between the screen size (which is big, but nothing comparable to my laptop) and my goofy fingers made it just comparatively inefficient in comparison to the windows version.

        After the rework of the warrior skillset, I just pull smaller mobs and try to pick them rationally instead of running around the whole map like crazy. I am summoning the boss in 5-6 minutes (I'm below 100k DPS with my trial gear) which is similar to the time I need on the laptop + I down the boss faster than before. I don't know about higher lvl trials, as I wan't to improve my gear/jewelry before going further, but I guess it's all a matter of adapting to it.


          Originally posted by Led View Post
          Think ahead to multiplayer.
          You still believe in multiplayer :lol:


            Originally posted by hades0505 View Post
            After the rework of the warrior skillset, I just pull smaller mobs and try to pick them rationally instead of running around the whole map like crazy... I guess it's all a matter of adapting to it.
            I guess it's a matter of taste really. I love the barbaric warrior playstyle, to me the change is clear nerf, it makes warrior way less attractive. It's like you've played barbarian in Diablo and then switch to paladin/crusader


              Originally posted by Travis (Admin) View Post
              You keep your beta progress when the build gets promoted.
              That would be fair to have a beta build for the windows game then

              Another point is: why not creating Synergy Levels that are specific to each class instead of the actual generic ones?
              So you might have more ways to balance each class
              Last edited by ZiPouet; 06-29-2017, 12:53 PM.
              XEZI VOXA QAQO 9547


                Originally posted by ZiPouet View Post
                That would be fair to have a beta build for the windows game then
                Windows has no mechanism in place for a beta build, Android does. What they did last time for the Windows build was released the update to 10% of the players so if something went wrong they could roll it back, but that isn't something you opt into, and they don't want to release unstable builds to people who want stable


                  I've done some measurements today. Farming long levels with warrior takes nearly 40% longer than before. I mean the case when you don't abuse CoW, but play in a casual style farming maps like The Broken Dragon, The Temple and others. Normal relaxed play-style, not that mechanical thing we do in CoW.
                  And it takes so much longer now not only because BR deals less damage, it's because timings are broken. It takes more time to farm a pack of mobs + it takes more time to get mantle's boost - as a result my BR doesn't get recharged in time and I have to walk with normal speed waaAAy much more than before...


                    All the rage about the BR fix ;D

                    To be honest, BR is (was?) one of the most parasitic abilities for warrior. It makes (made?) DWBR a far superior build, which stifles variety a lot. I'm not too sad about the fix.
                    Useful links, for my use and for yours...
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                      Originally posted by Estharon View Post
                      All the rage about the BR fix ;D

                      To be honest, BR is (was?) one of the most parasitic abilities for warrior. It makes (made?) DWBR a far superior build, which stifles variety a lot. I'm not too sad about the fix.
                      +1 to this and to what Led said. It was a completely broken ability (which I exploited, I won't lie about it) which made playing with the warrior less relying on the skill of the player than with the other classes. Anyhow, I doubt this debate will ever end and many will keep on ranting about it. As Led said before, it is most likely a fix aimed to the upcoming PvP/multiplayer feature. Hopefully, their opinion will change once it is released.


                        "Variety"... "Skill"...


                          Originally posted by hades0505 View Post
                          +1 to this and to what Led said. It was a completely broken ability (which I exploited, I won't lie about it) which made playing with the warrior less relying on the skill of the player than with the other classes. Anyhow, I doubt this debate will ever end and many will keep on ranting about it. As Led said before, it is most likely a fix aimed to the upcoming PvP/multiplayer feature. Hopefully, their opinion will change once it is released.

                          I'm not sure how it can be seen as a fix for PvP/MP given the only changes made to Mage effectively buff it.
                          Account deleted


                            Mantle seems to have dropped, my skills on bh and warrior is alot slower now..change in chance?.. Just me?


                              They fixed bugs on the mage. They did not buff or nerf it. BR was broken good for warrior if you consider life on hit and pvp
                              Originally posted by Dave View Post
                              I'm not sure how it can be seen as a fix for PvP/MP given the only changes made to Mage effectively buff it.

                              The needer of Nerfs,
                              The greatest sheepshagger of all

                              Killed 1970 frogs...and plans to kill 1 more
                              HALU RALO ZEYO 0519


                                Originally posted by Dave View Post
                                I'm not sure how it can be seen as a fix for PvP/MP given the only changes made to Mage effectively buff it.
                                Battle Rage already gives the warrior the capacity to basically rush into any target, if it remained with the recovery rate as it had before the tuning from this beta, it would make him almost immortal 1vs1 against the other classes. I mean, he would probably absorb a great deal of the incoming damage and the mage wouldn't be able to blink/run fast enough to keep a safe distance with the warrior.

