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    Hello, I have a question, concerning City 20, Level 186.. I am wondering, why did the points on the third star, change. I have many friends who play, but there are five of us, who are up to the top of the Leader Board. I have 172, 500 points, for my highest score, on Level 186. Two of my friends, are below me, at 144,500 and 169,750, and two are ahead of me, one at my score, 172,500, and the other, at 182,500. All of these friends have gotten through on this scene, and they only had to do two stars..I was hoping someone could explain to me, why I did not get to go through like the others did, because now, I have every City mastered, except this one, and I cannot do it, it was hard before, to get my points to register, when I got a high enough score, more than what they were first asking us for, at 163,000, for the third star..It is just frustrating to have mastered every City, but this one, thanks for any help...