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Pros and Cons of staying in Veteran's League?

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    Pros and Cons of staying in Veteran's League?

    I'm a pretty casual player, and haven't yet attempted to push TL100. I'm pretty sure that I could, but here's the thing: in Veteran's league, I still have a chance of collecting medals in ANB or other events. There's virtually no chance for me to get any medals in Master's league: I'm just not interested in working that hard or spending that much time/money/gems to finish high in that league.

    I know this prevents me from getting the second CT and a bunch of extra Glory in any given ANB, but the way I see it, it will just take longer to get them with this strategy. But once I beat TL100, that's probably the end for me getting more medals.

    In this situation, is there any good reason why I should push on to Master's league anyway?

    Based on what I've seen posted, the best thing for you right now is to stay in Veteran's League.

    This is exactly the point that was raised when the devs first brought up these trial-based leagues... if all the rewards are the same, players will look to intentionally stay in lower leagues... It was mentioned that the leagues "will" have different rewards, but yeah... still not changed yet
    Eternium Files - links and details


      Yeah, there's got to be something really good that's only available in Master's league. If medals weren't limited to the top X-ranked players, but were instead available to everyone who reached certain milestones, I wouldn't mind moving up to Master's and getting that extra CT and glory.
      DEPE CIQU ZILU 2182


        The point of medals was to award them to those who excelled, that changed with the advent of the leagues for each class. Now giving them for participation instead of achievement is disrespectful to those who competed and earned them playing for years.


        • Guest's Avatar
          Guest commented
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          Very accurate statement, I worked bloody hard to get Red Medals. Now I could just start a new account, stay in the low leagues until AnB Gold and hey presto, easy red medals.

        the way I see it there is an easy solution on the devs' side - don't award the rarest medals in lower tiers (Glory medals (power) and Heroism (cr/cd)). I don't think that anyone here minds new players getting the other colours, as we all have a lot of them, but these two are special!

        To the original question - it's your call, but if you're not interested in playing why bother with medals? There are a lot of casual players around here and in Discord who casually get top 50 every time - they're just playing casually for a long time and got good in the process There's no need to spend any money, although it's way easier if you get season passes and/or 30-day gems
        Mage: Anba
        Bounty Hunter: Gemma


        • Teebs
          Teebs commented
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          I think an even easier solution is that once you earn a medal - you are automatically elevated to the next veterancy level.

          Seems the best solution to me.

          ... KTB

        • Bali_Lenni
          Bali_Lenni commented
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          A small amendatory veto if permitted:
          would like to see Green medals {xxp/xg} added to that list.
          As a , so far, non money spending mobile only toon, I have been trying, rather unsuccesfully, for months and months to get even 1 of those green medals . At my skill level, current 'mixed LB' and not the best of devices, the only possibilty of remotely hoping for a greenie is Top100 in silver....that makes it seem pretty precious
          [Pink Floyd's “Green is the colour“ comes to kind]

          Not feeling in a position to enter the fairness/advantage argument, I do think medals may be a great motivational element for many players, so I wholeheartedly agree that to keep them special would certainly be a good decision.

        Originally posted by papa jim View Post
        The point of medals was to award them to those who excelled, that changed with the advent of the leagues for each class. Now giving them for participation instead of achievement is disrespectful to those who competed and earned them playing for years.
        Medals are just a "rich get richer" scheme that way.
        DEPE CIQU ZILU 2182


          Actually, those who want to compete get better and earn, those who don't expect it to be given for just showing up.


            I don't object to top players getting rewarded (duh), but the medals kind of throw a wrench into the whole premise of ANB, namely, everyone starting out on equal footing.
            DEPE CIQU ZILU 2182


              The actual effects from medals aren’t so big as to unhinge the balance to be honest. Yes they help a fair bit when levelling up to clvl 70, so if you have a lot of medals you can save 5-10 minutes on an Anb, a bit more if you change classes half way through. But once you start to gear up, the stats you get from max level gear simply dwarf out the stat gains from medals.

              So the answer to your question is simple: you don’t need medals to compete at all, veteran or master. And even for free players, with a bit of practice the occasional top 100 finish is definately possible. I can’t choose for you the importance you should put into medals, just see them as they are: medals. Not as a boost to your strength, an extra piece of gear…
              mobile (Apple) player - shield enthousiast - Heavily suffering from butter fingers

              SchilKardy - main Fire Lilly Shield Warrior - Trial 143


                What are the requirements for moving leagues?
                I'm in my second AnB and competing on veteran...
                I pushed trial 132 and I am currently top3.


                • Wulfric
                  Wulfric commented
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                  At TL 132, you'll be moving up a league next ANB.

                Yes I think the cut off is at tl 110, any higher and your next will be master league.
                mobile (Apple) player - shield enthousiast - Heavily suffering from butter fingers

                SchilKardy - main Fire Lilly Shield Warrior - Trial 143


                  Originally posted by eliel77 View Post
                  What are the requirements for moving leagues?
                  I'm in my second AnB and competing on veteran...
                  I pushed trial 132 and I am currently top3.
                  I think TL100.
                  DEPE CIQU ZILU 2182


                    Mine showed it too, this event and the one before but very briefly. It was there then gone and I didn't see it again. ??‍♀️

                    Sorry for the strange characters in my post. I should have used the forums and not my phones emojis.


                      You really only have one shot at finishing at the top of the Veteran's leaderboard because the trial thresholds for moving up were set so low. In the last Silver and Gold ANBs, all of the top 100 Veteran BH players passed the trial threshold for moving up to Masters league. In the most recent Bronze event, over half [68] of the top 100 players in the BH Contender's league will also move up to Master's League based on their ANB trial completion. I suppose that you could stay just under the threshold and still earn a lesser class of medal, but what would be the point of that?
                      Last edited by Ozymandius; 01-07-2022, 09:32 PM. Reason: added BH class to clarify which leaderboards I was using.


                      • WarriorSeven
                        WarriorSeven commented
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                        Well stated, Ozy!

                      • Ozymandius
                        Ozymandius commented
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                        Tin Man I was basing my comments on the Dev's originally proposed threshold for the Master's league. I agree that changing the threshold to TL120 does decrease the numbers a bit. However, I stand by my original position that if you are pushing to top of the leaderboard to earn medals then you really have only one shot. Even using the TL120 threshold most of the top 100 BHs will threshold out of their current league in a single event.

                        Silver 12 BHs that passed the TL120 threshold = 95
                        Gold 12 BHs that passed the TL120 threshold = 49

                        I expect that most players will eventually end up in Master's league unless they deliberately avoid crossing the threshold. You can already see that the number of BHs in Silver who crossed the threshold [95] dropped significantly in Gold [49] since the top 95 Veteran BHs in Silver all moved up to Masters league. I would expect to see that trend continue until only "new" players are in the lower leagues.

                        The only exception would be if a players actively trying to "game the system" by not completing TL120 by any of the heroes on that account just to keep the account in the lower league. Given the current stats in those lower leagues, I do not see that as a viable strategy for a player who wants to be competitive.
                        Last edited by Ozymandius; 01-09-2022, 08:13 PM. Reason: Added values to reflect the change in Master's league threshold to TL120

                      • Blackhole
                        Blackhole commented
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                        I'm staying in Veteran for a bit. Why? I want the experience of playing against the best remaining veterans in th spring ANBs. So I plan to hold at level 99 this season, and move up sometime in the spring. (In between is farming time!)

                      If you want to stay casual, stay casual. if you wanna go causal, get causal.

                      Pro's of staying in vets:
                      casual play, take all day
                      no stress to be the best
                      no need for speed
                      you grow as you go
                      competition not your mission
                      then you settle for any medal
                      if that's your style, then stay awhile

                      Con's of staying in vets
                      wanna develop faster, move to master

