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ANB Bronze 15 (I think)

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    ANB Bronze 15 (I think)

    BH really isn't the best on mobile, at least for me. Mainly it's control issues, like I tap on a mob to attack it, and my BH runs towards them and gets killed instead. Farming is also not as efficient as warrior.

    Was a bit miffed that I had to delete several ex-ANB characters without farming all their gems, but looking back I realize that a.) I didn't want to go through the tedium of all that gem farming anyway, and b.) I don't really need that many gems anymore since I no longer do serious trial pushing, or even level-77-item-crafting.

    Hope everyone else is off to a great start!
    Attached Files

    Doing shield warrior here. Fun should always be key


    • TheExorcist
      TheExorcist commented
      Editing a comment
      Wat's this shield warrior thing? Is it good? Should I try it? I dunno? Just a joke hihi. Anyway hv fun sir & good luck. May the force be with you

    Whether you all realize it or not, we've already started a thread in the "new" ANB Sub-Forum:
    “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      Sorry about that. I thought it was weird that no one had made an ANB post.

      Should I just delete this thread?

    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      Thanks for your suggestion, Tin Man! I moved the thread.

    One hour into Bronze. Had one of my best early crafting of a level 77 weapon at craft #17. The damage stats on the Firebug were very poor, so I had to use the first CT to boost them, but I rolled a level 76 Torch with perfect damage stats to make up for it. Fired up Antikythera to see that I could craft a Magnetic Trap BoM at craft 21, which was dead on accurate! I have a Heatseeker BoM coming up on craft 27, 28, and 30 depending, so I have a few shots at getting a nice one. Just finished crafting my last piece of jewelry, which should help to speed up my runs.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Mariupol 1hr.jpg Views:	0 Size:	142.0 KB ID:	211160
    Last edited by Ozymandius; 04-19-2022, 08:05 PM.


      This fire Lilly thing ehh?
      8 hrs somethin ' left. Good luck to all
      Do have fun: for heaven's sake I'm having fun already
      Hv a nice day

      JUst reach trial 100.
      errm this is my first time not too bad with exp fire lilly build at trial 100. Cant't be worse can it?
      6hrs 16min left

      ​​​​​​Rest for few days: cooking abilies etc
      Attached Files
      Last edited by TheExorcist; 04-20-2022, 11:05 AM.
      Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
      trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

      brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

      Hv a nice day


        Thanks for the inspiration indeed Exor

        5h left, trying to reach 119, dont want 120 cuz i dont want to end up with you lots


        • Kristoff
          Kristoff commented
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          Isn't it after you reach TL 100 that you get ranked in the master league? Or did they raise the requirement to TL 120?

        • Ozymandius
          Ozymandius commented
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          They raised it to TL120. If you never complete TL120, you stay in lower tier.

        I thought It told me to reach 120 to move from veteran to master, if not, its too late


          I'm very happy Completed running for exp with Nhat fire lilly flaming axes 6/6 fury. Reach the 2K CL
          3hrs 45 min left.


          I'm lazy to used the Crit exp build. Just follow the Lilly etc Guide.hihi. Nothin to loose with warrior lilly exp build I should say.

          Now will fully build a crit warrior for pushing
          1. I dunno how far a 6/6 fury crit can perform? Can it reach say trial 155?. I kind of like a pure fury DW warrior

          2. Well. Maybe back with my lover a whirlwind shield warrior. Will surely stuck either at 145, 150 or the final destination Trial 155. Wat to do. I only very familiar with a shield warrior I'm afraid.


          Attached Files
          Last edited by TheExorcist; 04-21-2022, 01:52 AM.
          Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
          trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

          brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

          Hv a nice day


            the gold medals; not yet issued;???


            • lefkal
              lefkal commented
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              I just received a medal, but it puts me at 150. some mistake would be made if it is gold. I was definitely in the top 10 and I should have won more medals, but I only got one yellow

            • Travis | Support Mgr.
              Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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              You reached Trial 131, putting you at Rank #150. In order to breech the top 10 as a warrior, you needed to reach Trial 157.

            • lefkal
              lefkal commented
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              You are right my friend, but there is no way I can reach, this dragon at 138 is invincible, very difficult, in the season with better equipment I can not beat him, in this championship I am a little better at 133

            kysner This is the information that I've read about it as per LodWig . If that's changed, then I would appreciate it if someone could confirm it.
            Attached Files


            • WarriorSeven
              WarriorSeven commented
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              Old news. See my post below.

            After start pushing: I've tried the long forgotten SW build: the encrypted shield & WW axe. Just reach trial 131. the timing left after beating the boss is not too bad
            3hrs 20 min left

            Attached Files
            Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
            trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

            brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

            Hv a nice day


            • lefkal
              lefkal commented
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              It shows me 3 positions above you. friend.I am Irina


            LodWig reported the latest changes to League qualifiers on 12-NOV-2021 on Discord:
            Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.

            Contender's: TL 79 or lower
            Veteran's: TL 80 - 119
            Master's: TL 120+
            “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


            • Kristoff
              Kristoff commented
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              So LodWig's information is wrong, or is it that the league requirements change or can change from one ANB to another?

              And thanks, I did see that thread, but if the league requirements changed, as LodWig seemed to indicate, then that is what I meant should be clearly communicated.
              Last edited by Kristoff; 04-22-2022, 02:18 AM.

            • WarriorSeven
              WarriorSeven commented
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              Adrian's thread (Travis' link) WAS the original official release, but the info is OLD and is no longer valid. Lodwig's discovery/unofficial update reported on Discord reflects REALITY today across all ANBs. No OFFICIAL post regarding that 12-NOV-2021 change was EVER issued by the Devs on this Forum or Discord. Yes, Kristoff, we all agree with you that this type of change should have been made by the Devs instead of a community user.

            • Kristoff
              Kristoff commented
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              Thanks for clarifying, WarriorSeven . I wasn't aware of the changes because I was already in the top league by the time the LBs were split, since the only official indication of the new thresholds is in the actual ANB announcement screen when you join and start the event.

            Two hours left on my timer at TL115. Still need to try and craft at least one 77. Not so sure about push, but coming in under a final 250 rank would be ideal for me as a secondary goal. For sure, my best Bronze, but I can still do better. Good luck to all in the final few days/hours!
            “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


              dClick image for larger version

Name:	οθόνης 2022-04-22 212202.png
Views:	546
Size:	225.2 KB
ID:	211238


                and yes I did the impossible. I defeated the dragon and today I will celebrate it with champagne ..¨Click image for larger version

Name:	οθόνης 2022-04-23 093344.png
Views:	480
Size:	99.2 KB
ID:	211250
                Attached Files


                • Raingold
                  Raingold commented
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                • lefkal
                  lefkal commented
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                  Thanks everyone, 20 minutes left, I definitely have 140, maybe I can do something more, but 20 minutes is not enough

                • Ozymandius
                  Ozymandius commented
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