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ANB Silver League #15

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    ANB Silver League #15

    This ANB has been delayed until Saturday. Start time 13:00 UTC.

    Thanks for everyone's patience!
    Last edited by WarriorSeven; 05-07-2022, 02:48 PM. Reason: Updated start time for record purposes.
    “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb

    I still don't have a solid answer on this. It might start today...if not today, then probably tomorrow.


    • WarriorSeven
      WarriorSeven commented
      Editing a comment
      I will edit then original topic as needed to reflect changes.

    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      That actually works better for me. I prefer a later starting and ending time.

    Coming soon


      I just got the official word that Silver will start tomorrow (Saturday).


      • Kristoff
        Kristoff commented
        Editing a comment
        Cool! Thanks, Travis!

      • WarriorSeven
        WarriorSeven commented
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        Thanks, again, Travis!

      Back to warrior this round, primarily because of me losing track of Pythia sequence on my main (moan ... groan ... grumble ... mumble ...). So I will use this ANB to eventually swap out my old warrior with the new afterward. Also using this ANB to try out adolf_2003's 6 Fury Guide (I made a personal copy and am editing for future use based on my style); he did a decent job with the flow and gameplay sequencing.

      I do like the 6F set and its bonuses, generally excellent in my experience in low to medium trials. Will try to test push during this Silver to see if I can optimize my performance and advance past TL125 into higher territory (and better medals) -- my ultimate goal this time. Since Season ended, I also have extra gems and will treat mysefl by opening all 3 ability upgrade slots to help with ability and synergy upgrades quicker (a little less effort to focus on when and where to get BoL's, which will be banked until I really need them).

      Fifteen minutes into the game and at Level 25 (meh). Hoping to get to Level 70 in less than 30 minutes. Stopped playing temporarily to focus on cooking abilities (primarily with daily quests, perhaps for a few days) to get to Level 49. At which point, it's back to gameplay. I may deviate from the Guide a bit, upgrade gear, and to continue with Story to TBD to retrieve Robin before attempting any Trial runs for the very first time.

      Good luck to all!
      “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
        Editing a comment
        Love the 6F Warrior, especially for XP farming! Good luck in the event!

      yeah patience is the key to save event time. Each second counts, have some sleep the next day when you're refreshed everything runs clear as water. You'll easily make mistakes when playing half-heartedly. When our mind is tired our hands might not follow.
      Last edited by adolf_2003; 05-12-2022, 12:45 AM. Reason: grammar check


        A retired shield warrior step by step having fun with mage style of playin
        Now tryin to understand this "shatter" thing. Later how to used wat"s that: thermal shock??!

        Just reach trial 6. Not too bad I think so. I dunno Fun fun fun

        Attached Files
        Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
        trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

        brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

        Hv a nice day


        • Ozymandius
          Ozymandius commented
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          Shatter and Thermal Shock are super fun at lower trial levels; you can use them to clear the whole screen. Good luck in the event!

        • WarriorSeven
          WarriorSeven commented
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          Mage is fun! Lots of interesting abilities to learn and master. Still having a hard time with you abandoning Shield Warrior!

        Started a new account last week to run in Veteran's league for a while. I forgot how long it takes to collect recipes. I have only managed to collect two Havoc recipes so far, and none of the BH weapons. I will mostly just have to count on e-box gear and luck for this event. Still managed to level up in just over 20 minutes.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Genesis 20mins.png
Views:	577
Size:	166.0 KB
ID:	211695

        FYI, except for the trinkets and BoM, the legendary pieces were all crafted as epics, but with a new account you occasionally get bumped up to the next level. The trinkets are my level 2 pieces that were crafted after finishing the first map, and the BoM is the level 55 one that you can buy with gems. I normally would have passed, but this account does not have the BoM opened up yet, and it had the Heatseeker bonus. I will most likely ride this BoM to the end of the event since I do not have enough Glory to craft a new one.


        • WarriorSeven
          WarriorSeven commented
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          Good gawd ... Just thinking of having to start from scratch to buy all those recipes and to re-craft masteries again makes me ill.

        • Kristoff
          Kristoff commented
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          WarriorSeven I just did it for the last ANB. It was hellish.

        • Ozymandius
          Ozymandius commented
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          Yes, I had figured on the need to go though crafting mastery again, but it has been a very long time since I needed to buy recipes. I ended up gemming the recipes that I wanted for Havoc BH, but I still cannot craft weapons. I managed to get a couple of Igniters pistols to drop, but ended up replacing them with e-boxes.

        O dear
        I'm still at trial 6. At the moment just run gold's etc at SM & anderheim. As an afterthought try to craft a decent regalia set for later XP running at trial 90

        Only First attempt ( my luckiest day)
        I never obtain this kind of thing at first attempt Not too bad I hope
        Good luck to all
        Hv a nice day
        Attached Files
        Last edited by TheExorcist; 05-10-2022, 04:17 PM.
        Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
        trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

        brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

        Hv a nice day


          I tried 6Fury Shockwave build again this time. Already done xp farming. Synergy bonus 170 & CL2050, all of my objectives in the checklist done. I already did this build last bronze, I only cleared TL147, spending 2K+ gems. This time I'll spend a little bit more.
          Attached Files


            Doing a "slim Silver" - the milestone rewards really helped though. Spent a total of 695 - Character unlock / 2nd skill upgrade slot / 50 Gem crafting crate.


              So far so good with this "Mage" thing My aim this ANB is step by step tryin to learn playin it proper
              Not incline to high trials etc
              Now Just practisin how to used "shatter". No thermal shock yet

              Attached Files
              Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
              trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

              brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

              Hv a nice day


              • Ozymandius
                Ozymandius commented
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                Nice shatter stats; you must be doing something right! FYI, I learned that while you need to hit an actual mob for Frost Nova, you can drop Immolate anywhere on the map. It helps to steer random mobs toward the spot where you drop the Immolate.

              I assume your still using a mobile phone, the reason i stop playing mage because its a double disadvantage when competing in the LB. I can't do crowd control after beaming & using a crit build really disappoint me so much. With limited phone capability on phone fps, it lags a lot doing large pull. Its hard but if you do that for fun its fine doing a fire lily build instead. Good luck.


                Ozy, Adolf etc Wat I did?

                ​​​​​​1. Still not familiar with 2 finger arc lightning yet. Maybe later. So at the moment just: frost bolt follow by nova immolate and DFA

                2. I just frost bolt here and there try to gather mobs then used Maggie or Eileen? Cast nova immolate lastly DFA. Is it ok?. Or should i frost bolt then nova a bit then gather mobs and cast immolate follow by DFA?

                3. Not using frostbeam yet. So can't comment. I'm afraid to used fleet footed. Just enchant pants & booth. hihi

                4. My hero's attribute at Trial 60:
                Attached Files
                Last edited by TheExorcist; 05-11-2022, 04:16 AM.
                Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
                trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

                brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

                Hv a nice day


                • Kristoff
                  Kristoff commented
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                  bojck You make it look so easy!

                  I was able to rank with mage this ANB, but mage on mobile is definitely not my favorite way to play. I just can't get it to move around as quickly and smoothly as you seem to do in your videos.

                  Farming was pretty slow too, but maybe it's because I went with lily and ToP instead of a CR CD build.

                • Bali_Lenni
                  Bali_Lenni commented
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                  PLEASE help :
                  Does arc lightning really have to be on the one finger spot ? are 1 and 2 finger spot different in procing behaviour ? .....if yes , I have been playing wrongly since the beginning....
                  I always use AL on th two finger spot, because it greatly diminishes unwanted running into the mob direction...

                • Bali_Lenni
                  Bali_Lenni commented
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                  The buff does appear in the list when clicking player icon during the game for both positions, one or 2 fingers \primary/secondary. So it seems not to matter - unless the attack speed is indicated , but not applied in reality ? Can anyone confirm ?

                Hoping to reach 119 this time around


                • Ozymandius
                  Ozymandius commented
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                  +1 especially if you are using Fire Lily. For me, VoWS starts to fade around TL80.

                • Kristoff
                  Kristoff commented
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                  Teebs Ozymandius Thanks, guys! I'm doing a mage this time, so I appreciate the advice.

                • kysner
                  kysner commented
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                  Thanks , unlocked it and crafted it