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ANB Bronze League #16

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    supposed to be a retired shield warrior reporting:
    for those who try shield warriors this anb ( is/are they any?): In my honest opinion Don't used encrypted shield: just follow the norm: full set blackguard set;

    Me? An hour 54 min left. Look at my achievement at trial 141. The worse result I'm afraid. It is as simple as that.

    Well I considered it as try and error build. Now I can safely say the old SW build (encrypted shield plus whirlwind axe are redundant? Obsolete? Better be at the museum? etc etc)

    Good luck

    Suddenly a bit better at 142 (encrypted shield plus ww axe). I don't understand at all. This is strange. How to analyze etc??

    usually with full blackguard set Magroth more easier to a SW than TBD: with the old build? It is the other way around: TBD more easier??. Maybe just pure luck

    Trial 143.

    O Dear wat "unintelligible nonsense" this encrypted shield. It supposed to give some kind of protection? Full blackguard set is far more better.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by TheExorcist; 06-26-2022, 12:33 AM.
    Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
    trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

    brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

    Hv a nice day


    • Ozymandius
      Ozymandius commented
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      Looks like you are getting more Damage per Second from Shield Slam in TL142. Could be just differences in map and enemies though. It seems like whenever I move up to higher trial, my first run sets a low time that I struggle to match until I build more CLs or add an upgrade. Maybe just beginner's luck, though it feels like it is built into the game.

    • TheExorcist
      TheExorcist commented
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      I think I manage to beat 142 it's just pure luck Ozy it's tough SW without full blackguard set
      Last edited by TheExorcist; 06-26-2022, 12:43 AM.

    Inspired by great warriors & Pendekar Ksatria Tameng : Romme, Exorcist, Ozy, Bojck and many more,

    this humble mage was roadblockde by the infamous Elbanmobs & their leechy verminmaster @142, yet never would have gotten there without the Ksatria's might & celerity and the secret knowledge of the council of the wise & kind Eternium elders UmbraDei LodWig @TinMan and hardy companions WarriorSeven Medamanaman helping out in times of dire need...

    Many more, Travis @Wispy Hegemony Kristoff laffcarl and so many others..., have lead and stood by us in battle.

    Preparing for the Day of Ragadam..
    ...the evil in these worlds shall fail and all the good things
    great and small


    Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
    [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


    • Ozymandius
      Ozymandius commented
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      A hearty toast to the Eternium Council of Elders! They are generous in spirit, powerful in knowledge, and valiant in battle!! Cheers!!!

    Thought I'd use this Bronze to practice BH so I can finish up my Zero to Hero BH series quicker plus research for a potential and final future ANB video series. So, have played my main account and the alt account (this second account won't appear on the leaderboards thanks to some jiggery pokery from Travis) and somehow found the time (will need a big rest afterwards).

    Alt account (no medals) reached CL2008 with 4hrs 46mins remaining. It completed story and farmed around 12m gold at DC off a single booster. Pushed it to TL146 before stopping to push on the main.

    Main account reached CL2010 with 4hrs 51mins remaining. It too completed story and farmed around 12m gold at DC with a single booster. I've pushed it to TL154 but tiredness (and the awful in-game marmalade pathing) was leading to too many errors so parked up. Might take a look at some higher Trials before the end of the event, but...I'm lazy and that might be it for me.

    Sleep is very much needed!


    • Guest's Avatar
      Guest commented
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      Thanks Ozymandius. Just getting Synergy up on the Zero to Hero character then can record the "push" runs. The goals for that character to be a "hero" - reach CL2100, 5-star all maps, all skills to lvl 10 and clear TL150. This ANB got the first goal completed thanks to the ANB character finishing with CL2020 so plenty of exp carried back to the Zero to Hero character . I think my main account ANB character finished in the top 50 with that TL154 which is a great result given I've only been playing BH a few weeks - it had a slow start to the event as I could only craft single stat gear for a while until the higher quality / rarity tiers unlocked. Learned so much from the event so I'll definitely be confident in recording a BH ANB event in the future!

    • chessmaster58
      chessmaster58 commented
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      :Good Lord you put me to shame. I did my best ever 1919 CL (all on BH) and made it to 148. I had an hour and a half+ left and couldnt get past garm at 149.. Main stuck at 164 for the same reason.

    • Guest's Avatar
      Guest commented
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      Nothing to be ashamed of, that's a great haul of CLs too. I'm expecting Kara to be my main problem with higher TLs, well her spawned minions to be precise. I'm an odd one in that Garm is probably my favorite boss fight! Good luck with your main and pushing through your wall!

    Completed my goal of running my Warrior to TL119 using a 6Fury Fire Lily build and finished in 4:27. Decided to push for 2000CLs, so I started recrafting to more of a critical build. I had already CT'ed my weapons with Fire Lily stats and also had no CD on the ephemeral jewelry. I had the crazy notion of trying to run TL105 in under a minute, but it proved a lot harder with the wrong stats on my weapons. I never got there with this build, but I learned a lot along the way about what to do next time. Managed to hit 2003CLs and complete TL119 in 2:08 with 4 hours left of the player clock, though it looks like no one will hit the top 50 by stopping at TL119 in Veterans league. Oh well, I am running without medals on this account anyhow. Will have to complete crafting mastery on this account before I will be much of a threat, but I will definitely want to rest up first...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Artemis final run.png
Views:	408
Size:	274.1 KB
ID:	213190
    Last edited by Ozymandius; 06-27-2022, 05:23 PM. Reason: Updated finish time


      My best ANB effort to date ... but I still suck.

      Even given 12 playtime hours, I still can't get past CL2000. Nevertheless, I made it to TL132 where I simply ran out of gas.

      There is always something to learn and improve upon, as is this was no exception.

      I think I'm putting my warrior class on hiatus for the next Silver ANB. Perhaps BH, instead, which has been a long while.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	LB.jpg Views:	0 Size:	148.2 KB ID:	213199
      Last edited by WarriorSeven; 06-27-2022, 06:00 PM.
      “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


      • WarriorSeven
        WarriorSeven commented
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        Yeah, I still like the 6F for fun. I sorta struck out with BoM with the new tool, instead relying on a L72 drop with an 834 Leap buff. Go figure. It will be a renewed focus during Silver ANB.

        I also mess around with passives, the final above was for push.

        Also thinking that next time, simply delaying synergy boosting until much later is better than earlier for getting XP leveled sooner (just save all those BoLs until needed).

      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        I never thought about saving BoLs for later in event, though I do that all the time when dual classing. Maybe I should just treat the push phase as a second hero...

        This is a relatively new account, so I can not craft BoM for Warrior or Mage yet. I got several BoM drops including WW & Cleave, but the other stats were not that compatible with my build. It seemed more like just a redistribution of damage than any actual improvement, and my times were better with the regular bracer because I was able to get the stats that I wanted.

        In the heat of battle, I mostly stuck with Cleave as my primary and even used a CoQ at times to keep Frenzy buff active. I finished with VoWS since my times were better using that trinket. Maybe if I had a good Cleave BoM it would have worked better. At the end, I noticed that players who beat my TL119 time were all using Frenzy, some did not even open up the second slot. I guess I still have a lot to learn about playing Warrior.

      • Guest's Avatar
        Guest commented
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        On the BoL front, I spent an hour on the final day just farming 3hr BoL from TL122 to take back to the alt account to help speed up skill upgrades on the Zero to Hero character. Got 53 of them from that farm, so enough to get six skills straight from 9 to 10.

      Got this drop but I salvaged it for mats since I couldn't really think of anything to use it for.

      Been driving visiting guests around every day for the past week, so I used up 1.5 hours of event time, grabbed the celestials and didn't even try to reach TL 120.

      Hope the rest of you did better.
      Attached Files


      • TheExorcist
        TheExorcist commented
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        Me also. As a WW lover I only knew how to used whirlwind when playing a defender or full set fury. I absolutely hv difficulty when using that thing: 4w/2F. hihi

      • Kristoff
        Kristoff commented
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        Ozymandius TheExorcist W4F2 is my go-to for pushing because with high enough parry, WW is up almost constantly, and if you pair that with the templar belt, your CR is always at 5K as well.

        For me, it's the best offense-defense combo in the game.

      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        Kristoff I probably did not have enough Parry to make it work. I will keep that in mind for next time I try running that build. I think that I still have one on my main account.

      Goodbye Gold 'n
      Hello Silver old friend

      (,,,,,that's Simon &Garfunkel tuning in the background)
      Good Luck everyone
      Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
      [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


      • Bali_Lenni
        Bali_Lenni commented
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        Bronze of course, not Gold.....always mixemup