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Bronze AnB ends

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    Bronze AnB ends

    erm this recent anb I'm a bit lazy. Still much time left
    Result? I'm excited to know. Is it top 100 or 50.
    Hope everyone achieve good results or at least hv fun
    Hv a nice day

    Attached Files
    Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
    trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

    brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

    Hv a nice day

    Grandson, yes, your Defender warrior is still currently Bug Reports That means you likely have a Top 50 finish.


    Update: That is funny. I type # 49 without the space and it converted the leaderboard position reference to a link to Bug Reports. Who knew?
    Last edited by Tin Man; 09-27-2022, 07:53 AM.


    • TheExorcist
      TheExorcist commented
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      Thanks Tinman!

    • Tin Man
      Tin Man commented
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      Whoops! Sorry about original post of mine, grandson. Ran into a formatting error of which I was previously unaware.

    Best ANB for me. I got a bunch of 77’s for my main hero by hiring several ANB heroes. I really need those 77 for my season push.


    • Travis | Support Mgr.
      Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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      If you created multiple event heroes to exploit crafting, you may catch an (automatic) ban.

    Travis | Support Mgr. sorry, I thought it was ok because I sacrificed time to make a new hero. So what is the official limit of the number of heroes in ANB? Is it two?


    • davidz
      davidz commented
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      Found out some previous thread. So it’s ok to dual class but not ok to have multiple of same class. Is the ban for the ANB event only, or for the account for ever?

    • Travis | Support Mgr.
      Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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      The consequence depends on a number of factors (the severity of the infraction, account history, etc.). I won't know until the results are processed.

    • davidz
      davidz commented
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      Can I ask for a pardon? I’m not aware this is considered an exploit. If I know this, I can make a bit more crafts with one hero.

    Travis | Support Mgr. I couldn’t get on the leader board for the last season, does that mean I’m banned? For this silver ANB, I’m able to get on the LB. Can you help me to confirm if my account is banned for last season only, or for ever? I will start a new account if it is banned for ever.


    • Travis | Support Mgr.
      Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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      I won't know until the results for Bronze are processed.

    Hey can i create another hero just for farming gems then delete it after all the story has 5 stars on each difficulty???


    • Travis | Support Mgr.
      Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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      Yup. Creating multiple heroes is only a problem when it's done to exploit crafting.

    • Tin Man
      Tin Man commented
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      You 5-starred all story levels for all three difficulty levels with your ANB hero?

      Kinda wasting the built-in XP bonus during ANBs farming gems with your ANB hero rather than farming gems outside of ANB.

    Im using warrior with leap though and yes total of 795 stars which is 1650 gems total the loots are not included, deleting a character will cost you 50 gems


    • Tin Man
      Tin Man commented
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      Yes, the gems earned and the deletion cost is the same as outside ANB.

      Is clearly your choice how to spend the ANB but ANBs are one of the only places that you can get Glory and the only place that you can get a Celestial Transform.

      No idea what your goals are for the game. You know what best meets your desires for the game.

    Not using it in event after the event might as well use the event char, for extra funds of gem for the next anb.

