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ANB Gold League #22

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    ANB Gold League #22

    Here we are again, boys and girls!

    According to Travis | Support Mgr. in a recent post, the PLAN is to start ANB Gold #22 likely beginning at 17:00 UTC this Friday 5-MAY. Plans sometime change, so in case they do, I'll make an edit(s) to this post with any changes in RED.

    For the newer players, the general concensus around here is the benefit in participating in ANB far outweighs sitting it out on the sidelines (unless you have to, of course).
    This is your chance to prepare early! Save your Daily Quests until the ANB, ensure you have room for your new toon (and ask yourself, which class and why?); and check your gem stash, Glory count, crafting mastery levels, and recipes for this, the shortest and most challenging 6-hour playtime event.

    Personally, I'm switching to Warrior this event, which I haven't played in many months. I've found I need to replace my lazy, good-for-nothing XG farming Mage with a more productive (and ambitious!), XP Warrior farmer. So, my focus is a more relaxed material gathering gameplay to land decent XP farming gear, jewelry, and a few CTs; not too, too interested in competing for Trial position or medals.

    Hoping you've put some thought into a strategy to participate, as well!

    Good luck to you all!

    “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb

    Yeah, this time is to farm experience more efective, and fun.
    good luck, GGWP :-)


      finally get cleaver L77, but no more CTs, break it down only to get 1 essence, couldnt transform the cleaver


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        Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
        [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


        • Bali_Lenni
          Bali_Lenni commented
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        • Ariant
          Ariant commented
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        First time I've played ANB Gold in a very long time. Went with ELR Mage (Firelily) of course with a Exp / XG set. Got the character to 70 then sat it in Oldinn for the next 8 days cooking skills. Did all the exp farming on Friday and Saturday evenings reaching CL2001 which is my highest for Mage in ANB Gold. Push this evening was going very smoothly right up to TL147 when I pulled in a load of enemies on TBD fight, still got through fine although it cost me around a minute in extra time. Next problem arrived at TL149 when Garm spawned on the edge of a map in a tree and most of my Frostbeam attacks couldn't hit him - scraped through with 12 seconds to spare thanks to that! Finally took a poke at TL150 and it went relatively smoothly, almost lost control of Kara's summoned minions on a few occasions but managed to recover the situation each time. So finished at TL150 cleared, could take the build to TL153 but definitely happy with what I've achieved in this event. Was aiming for a Top 50 and I think that's safely in the bag now (famous last words).


        • bojck
          bojck commented
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          Nice, CL2K achieved You have a chance for top10 even. Top5 in Gold is ridiculously competitive, I'm not sure if I'll stay there with 159...

          So next ANB we all go for the improved Lilybeam? With 1.2 times the damage when lily is fixed, it should be very close. People are already doing 154 with Lily SCR on mobile, so we can potentially see at least 157 with both beam and scr, lily and crit, pc and mobile Looking forward to that new update...

        • Guest's Avatar
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          I think DfA lily exp farm then Lilybeam push. Agree TL157 should be doable as long as lining up ToP + Slayer procs. I'd love to see some of the balance suggestions implemented too maybe for next Season

        Game over ! 142 End of Road, as so often...
        ..but not bad for my abilities and the focus lying on CTing 2x77s. Lost track of time doing Kara 140 first time and put just a hint less toughness 2nd try. 141 and 142 back to almost max dmg (changing gemstones) and all went smooth after several early abandons in mob phase (that is the nice bit about SCR).
        Happy final sprint everyone !
        Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
        [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


        • Guest's Avatar
          Guest commented
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          Congrats, as long as you had fun meeting your goals then that's all that matters

        • Bali_Lenni
          Bali_Lenni commented
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          Cheers, did have fun...
          But getting unexpectedly soooo close to first Red, does send one wondering : hmmmm....if only I had.,... ...or maybe..... ;-)
          And congratulations on the CLmilleniumGold !

        First ANB in ages. Started a day late but think I made up for it (lots of red gems used to get ability cooking going)

        Should be in top 100 for warriors. Yay. All due to new(ish) phone and its higher frame rate plus that ridiculously entertaining boss killing ability which comes from running 6J

        Just have to decide whether or not to 5 star this toon now.


        • Guest's Avatar
          Guest commented
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          Congrats! At a minimum I'd run story and side quests through normal mode to recover some of the gems used.