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BH help?

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    BH help?

    Hello, I’m a returning player, Iv not played in a long time like well before belts bracers and trinkets were added as well as the new gear sets. I can’t seem to find a build anywhere for my BH to aim towards. My current set up is assault gear and if I remember correct I was kind of near min maxing aside from a piece of two but with the added gear slots and such I don’t know where to go. I’m getting through trial 60 comfortably but I can’t really go any higher and I’m playing on mobile any help is appreciated Thankyou

    How about jewelleries? Do you have good weapon stats? How good is your Assault gear? Are they legendaries above lv 72? And which abilities are you using? What is your Champion level?

    Many questions...

    You can also post screenshots of your stats, abilities and gear. Easier to give suggestions.


    • Piggott95
      Piggott95 commented
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      That’s my point, I don’t know what weapon stats and stuff are good anymore because so much has changed with the game hence the request for a build thread to work towards

    Piggott95 Welcome back! Assault gear is no longer competitive, but a few people use it for farming gold because of the movement speed. Prior to the latest update, Stalker BH with Assassins pistols was dominant. There is some hope that the new Demolitionist BH will be competitive as well, but since you have to earn a lot of glory to open those recipes, I would recommend a Stalker build for now.

    kamap posted the following suggested stats for your BH build:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	BH build targets.JPG
Views:	2277
Size:	57.9 KB
ID:	175601

    Some things could change a bit with the new bracers, belts, and trinkets, but this should get you started.


      well the answer to your question will depend on what you are currently seeking.. are you asking whats the best way to build an assault set, because you prefer to stick to that set? or are you asking whats the current most competitive set, and what you should shoot for with said build, to compete on lb for medals?.. sorry, but will be easier to give a less lengthy answer knowing what you specifically are trying to accomplish.. welcome back btw, and just so you know thers lots of good info on discord chat as well, if you are looking for more.

      still much to test, and so much new stuff its hard to guarantee that this is 100% correct, but just so you know, from my current tests, this is the order from weakest to strongest of different sets for bh.. with a few viable mixed sets as well..

      adventurer 6 set < assault 6 set < havoc 6 set < demo 2, havoc 2, stalker 2 < demo 4, stalker 2 < demo 4, havoc 2 < demo 6 set < stalker 6 set
      TEHA ZONU WEFO 4599
      Makina "The Corpse Princess" - stalker bh
      Sabre - dw warrior
      Shadowiiix - arcanist mage


      • 13ft shadow
        13ft shadow commented
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        hmm, my phone doesn't want to seem to pull up an @ list if i comment instead of post... might be so low, its off my screen i guess lol, strange...

        anyways yes, i have had a chance to test all the belts for bh, with the exception of the special ordinance belt, (which appears quite underwhelming anyways, tbh) including the possibly bugged versatile belt. the molten belt is no good for xp grind, complete overkill and just gets waisted. trappers belt is awesome for xp grinds, as well as assassins belt and versatile belt... all very helpful actually, but as for pushing, yes they become obsolete and the molten belt becomes a necessity for any bh class imo, for pushing.

        did most of my testing with bh in the 130ish trial ranges, so far. worried what top pc players will be able to do, if i am getting to 144 so easily, but it will be what it is lol... am fairly confident that even the adventurer 6 set can reach trial 130+ with enough skill, strong weapons and osmosis+ molten belt combo, and mabey a nice unique trinket lol... very powerful indeed...

        the demo 6 set bonus is slightly deceiving (if i overstand it correctly) as pathfinder only adds 20% dmg to lethal shot. with demo 6, if you mantain a ×5 stack with bonus 1 to demo, you gain effectively an over ×12 pathfinder bonus to lethal shot.. this is meant mainly for 1 on 1 "boss battle" fighting, and switching between attacks 1 and 2 helps keep alacrity flowing anyways.. so it flows fairly well when you get the hang of it... havoc 2 demo 4 is still very nice, and yes i definitely would use any bonuses available, including stalker gloves for any stalker mix. (this is 1 issue with demo 2 havoc 2 stalker 2 combo, cant use both glove bonuses)

        hard to say for sure though, as still haven't tested new weapon enchants, the new triple rng bracers of mastery, wind vial lol.. not over excited about the triple rng ther with the bracers, tbh.. also still haven't tested most of the trinket/talismans. that could all change things up a bit, as was very interested in the slayer enchantment, until i saw it only procs 4 times/min.. while the other two proc 40 times/min... wtf?!? lol am i totally missing something here?.. i get how nasty slayer+ osmosis+ molten belt can be, but damn, 4 procs /min is terrible lol

      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        13ft shadow Thanks for your response. I have been testing mostly the Demo 6 build, with Igniters pistol set and Talisman of Storms and Molten Belt. I got a Bracer of Mastery drop which boosts Lethal Shot, so I am using Charm of Qol to get the lethal shot damage from the secondary attack. Before Molten Belt, I was able to clear mobs quickly but struggled with bosses, but now boss fights are more manageable. I am still playing trials 110-120 trying to get some more gear to drop, but I am running up against the need for more Vitality/Toughness on the higher end trials. Meanwhile, my Stalker BH with no name belt is able to push into the 120s about the same speed as before the version update, but she has better weapons.

        I have been so busy trying to get new gear pieces that I have not experimented with the helmet or weapons enchants yet either. I may try to give that a try today.

      • LodWig
        LodWig commented
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        [...]as pathfinder only adds 20% dmg to lethal shot. with demo 6, if you mantain a ×5 stack with bonus 1 to demo, you gain effectively an over ×12 pathfinder bonus to lethal shot..
        I don't follow you here? Each stack adds 100% damage to Lethal Shot (not 50% as advertised), so with 5 stacks the damage is multiplied by 6. If Pathfinder is multiplicative with that, you get 7.2 times the damage of bare Lethal Shot. I'll test with and without Pathfinder.

      Go for stalker 6 with Malice and Ill will. get purple quality if u lack resources.
      integralas on the cloak
      As for belt, molten belt is worth investing in.
      Bracer of mastery should be snipe
      for trinkets i have only tried out the 3000%CD trinket and 5000AP trinket. the CD one wins hands down.
      But i would like to test it out against the 3000CR trinket and 100%Nature damage trinket.
      I play with explosive shot on secondary slot, and that is my main skill. QOL along with molten belt works quite great this style. However if you dont use this combo QOL is not worth it.

      stats order i go for is move speed>Nature Damage>AR>CR>CD>HR>AP>LOH

      To gold farm, go for assault 4. Stats to invest in are movement speed and gold find


        Before belts, bracers and trinkets many BH were using piercing ammo + poison ammo + xxx(maybe pathfinder, maybe something else). I assume for molten belt you have to replace piercing ammo with tracer ammo? Tracer would be mandatory for molten belt, poison for snipe, am I right?


        • LodWig
          LodWig commented
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          You need Tracer Ammo for the Molten Belt, but poison is not required. However, it does a great amount of damage, and will now benefits from nature damage factor (I think).

        • Calin Chc
          Calin Chc commented
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          Ok, sorry, I meant Tracer Ammo for Molten Belt, poison ammo for (Shadow Assassin's Pistols + Snipe) poisonous cloud.

        • LodWig
          LodWig commented
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          Ah yes my bad forgot the Poison Cloud. So yes, Molten Belt and Shadow Assassin's mandate Tracer Ammo and Poisoned Ammo. For the third one, I use one of Pathfinder, Piercing, Power Infusion (and now Celerity and maybe Intense Training, because of the nerfed Alacrity) according to the mood.

        How would Demolitionist gear work with Assassin Belt? Two identical effects at the same time, will they "add up" somehow? Would you get sticky bomb 60 times a minute instead of 30 times? Would each sticky bomb do 4000% weapon damage instead of 2000%?.......


        • Skyla
          Skyla commented
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          The belt only allows 15 a min unlike the 30 from the gear set but no they don't stack.

          The belts are there for each class as a way to get some of the bonuses from the new gear without using the new gear. They don't stack unfortunately tho.

        Hello friends! I have a dumb question...I have always played warrior and only just now tried playing BH (mobile, android). I crafted stalker gear and SA pistols with CR, CD, Vit, and AR on everything. Been playing a while so I've got 2,100 CPs. I'm playing trial 119, but unlike my warrior I'm getting one-shotted by mobs. How do I keep from getting one-shotted with a BH lol? I have no idea what I'm doing...

        DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


        • Ozymandius
          Ozymandius commented
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          Arawn It is a tough transition from Warrior to BH as you do not have nearly as much toughness (thus your getting one-shotted by elites or bosses). I started as a Warrior, but then transitioned to Mage before ended up a BH. Where most people struggle in the transition is thinking that you can pick a good spot between mobs and just fire away from that spot. In reality, a successful BH never really stops moving until the trial has ended. Make sure that you have movement speed on boots and pants. With the Stalker BH you run past a mob and open fire [often with Snipe will proc creating a nice poison cloud] then instead of admiring your handiwork, you instantly move to the next mob or circle around behind and hit the same mob from a different angle. The "stick and move" style takes advantage of the DOT from Snipe while also avoiding any counter attacks.

          You can get more out of your attacks by hitting multiple mobs then aggregating them using Maggie's Vortex or Magnetic Trap. Then hit them with a quick sequence of Smoke Screen (to get damage bonus), followed immediately by Rapid Fire (another bonus), then Snipe. Then move to an open spot where any survivors can be picked off or start rounding up more mobs.

        • Arawn
          Arawn commented
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          Thanks Ozymandius ! Okay, so don't stop moving. How do you handle Kara? I keep dying from her shots (not the darts that reduce attack speed, but her other shots). Having only ever played warrior, I had no idea they did anything lol. I thought they were just there for effect!

        • Ozymandius
          Ozymandius commented
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          Arawn The best bet is to just circle around Kara. Although you can just run directly under her to the opposite site, I find that it is a bit trickier to pull off especially if any of her minions are nearby. A movement of about 45 degrees (e.g., from 12 o'clock to 12:15) is usually enough to avoid the purple arrows, but at higher trials you can still get hit by her first regular attack, so I typically complete more of a half circle, then I can dodge back along the circle once the purple arrows hit and avoid her regular attack. The best way to battle Kara is to stay in close; once you get too far out, she fires multiple shots which are much harder to dodge.

          Theoretically, IF you trigger SmokeScreen right before she fires the purple arrows, they won't cause any damage. For me that seems to work except when I really need it, so I tend to just keep swarming around her like a mosquito and dodging her attacks.

          p.s. - she will follow wherever you go, so sometimes you can get her near a rock or a tree to block her attacks.

        For high trial level Kara, where her shots can kill me fast, I usually keep running away from her in a liniar direction, always staying outside of her shots radius. Shoot and run, shoot and run, (almost)never get touched by her projectiles. Pathfinder might help you maintain distance. Of course, you will do limited shooting when running away so much, fight might take a long time, must have high damage.


        • Ozymandius
          Ozymandius commented
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          Actually, when you shoot and then move, it tends to reset your Snipe procs. That way when you stop and shoot again it will often trigger another bonus Snipe proc. It works with mobs as well. Hit them from one side, then circle around and hit them again from the opposite side. You cannot fire while moving, but I feel like I get most of my Snipe procs when I re-engage an enemy right after moving.

        • Arawn
          Arawn commented
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          Thanks guys!

        • LodWig
          LodWig commented
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          I think it's because now Snipe procs chance is per minute, not a chance per hit as it was. It's 12 ppm, so by running away maybe you just let 5s pass and are "due" a proc.

        One CT left to apply in this ANB. Which item would you take with you? I already have lvl77 pads with my main hero(for high trials), but not with XP attribute. On the other hand, my best bracer is only lvl73 with rapid fire 66% and some useless attributes.

        Attached Files


          HELLO! newbie here. How can I unlock this feature cos I cant equip 2 Pistol Set? Thanks in advance!



          • Travis | Support Mgr.
            Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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            You can only equip one of each pistol in a set. For example, you can only equip one Firebug and one Torch (Igniters Set). You cannot equip 2 Torches. If you want to equip 2 pistols, you'll have to use 2 Hailstorms or 2 "normal" pistols.

          • Travis | Support Mgr.
            Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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            Ozy beat me to it. It's funny how similar our wording was.

          • Elijohn Payopay
            Elijohn Payopay commented
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            Thank you so much guys!!!