Try this build also more fun to play
-Havoc set (6/6)
-BoM (Mag trap)
-Trapper Belt
-Igniter set weapon
-Fire lily
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Demolitionist Gear
Originally posted by Ozymandius View Post
I use the Igniters Pistol set with my Demolitionist BH to get the most out of Tracer Ammo, plus I set up my Demo BH using mostly fire damage (Rapid Fire, Magnetic Trap, and Heatseekers). I get most of my damage from Sticky Bombs (64%) and only about 10% from Heatseekers, but I use magnetic trap to pull large mobs, then Rapid Fire followed by Heatseekers to set off the chain reaction of Sticky Bombs. For me, the most fun of Demolitionist is watching big mobs all go up in flames.
If you want to keep using Snipe while still having the sticky bombs, you can just add an Assassin's Belt to your Stalker BH. I was able to push that build through TL123 in Gold5 ANB.
I have a question, is sticky bomb damage buffed by fire or physical damage?
Thank you for answer
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Originally posted by Ubba Lothbrokson View PostI'm not sure what the best gun set is for Demo. Given that I use Snipe a lot, I think that the Assassin's set is probably the way to go.
If you want to keep using Snipe while still having the sticky bombs, you can just add an Assassin's Belt to your Stalker BH. I was able to push that build through TL123 in Gold5 ANB.
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I have used the Igniters because I run Tracer Ammo and Sploding shot with Demo.
I'm not sure what the best gun set is for Demo. Given that I use Snipe a lot, I think that the Assassin's set is probably the way to go. My current Demo BH is optimized for experience and is using a pair of very good non-set pistols which are just fine for now.
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I did different hybrid during bronze for a spell. I did 6 demo epic for a spell, swapped out 2 pieces for stalker (gloves for + poison/helm) played that till I could upgrade again and swapped out in a pair so I still had 2 demo pieces, until I could afford the final pair
I found myself missing the sticky bombs during mob phase once i became all stalker, but stalker still more powerful
The one thing i didnt do was use torch/firebug combo - I stayed with the assassins guns knowing I would finish as a stalker
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I ran a 6 x Demolitionist BH during last ANB Gold. My first ANB and didn’t get all that far, but the build was much fun. Think I may have also used the sticky bomb belt. Don’t remember. Large pulls were really fun since if you could hold it long enough for everyone to have a bomb the whole group explodes at roughly the same time.
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i miss heatseekers very much
of all the BH skills Heatseekers is so much fun for me
TheExorcist - I am enjoying using Demo gear a whole bunch.
I have not really pushed high trials yet. I have one of my Bounty Hunters equipped with a Demo set optimized for experience and I am using him for my on-going study of gear drops at various Trial levels. This study had to be re-set with all the new gear sets and pieces, so that is my main focus right now.
As far as Heat-seekers go, I am currently using Magnetic Trap instead, along with Snipe and Scattershot. That seems to be the best combo for now. And yes, a 6 piece Demo set, as it's the 6 -piece bonus that really makes the set work, IMO. At the Trial Levels I am currently running, I go through the mobs like a buzzsaw through balsa wood. I miss the Heatseekers fighting the bosses, but so far Molten Belt seems to make up the difference.
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Ubba's your Demolitionist progress in trials? everything ok?
are u still using 6/6 demo gears?
Heatseekers ok?
Thank you
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I have purchased the recipes. Currently have 5 Glory left, after using 10 more for a belt for my WW Warrior.
There's no way I could have gotten as high as I did by using Epic e-boxes.
Congratulations! Did you open the Demolitioniist gear recipes or just run the Epics from e-boxes?
Well, it is official - I am now a fan of the Demolitionist gear set. Ran it for the Bronze league and while I didn't get to the 2nd Celestial at TL 110, I did beat TL 100 for the 15 Glory points.
Also achieved 1200 Champion levels, which I have never done before. This was enough to push my main account over the CL2000 mark!
Demolitionist gear really rocks for grinding experience!
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