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Demolitionist Gear

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  • Argon
    commented on 's reply
    Those warrior and mage builds a a lot of fun and very efficient at xp grinding. I will run that setup on a main account mage too and switch to SCR for pushing. That also means I will have RL time to distribute and will probably only have 6h timer time for each. That is why I'm still thinking about using lily demo4/2 for pushing. If pushing with low CLs the additional slots with lily might overcompensate the the loss in buffs of RF.

  • Argon
    commented on 's reply
    got it. I also like experiments and usually play around with setups to find the most fun builds. So I should have seen that myself. Right now I was focussed on upcoming bronze and on efficiency with many questions and little time for experiments...

  • Naktl
    commented on 's reply
    Depends on what you mean by “help’? As far as I know there is not a build that comes close to competing with Stalker right now, so I am not trying to make a competitive build. Assault is a fun addition. Your Scatter Shot becomes huge. Add a bunch of charged ammo to that and pretty fun. I use this sort of build as an Attack only build for gold and even exp.

    Have we seen any Fire Lily builds really competitive on the LB? Lily is mostly used for grinding I think?

    Oh! I am also going to try a warrior build with 2xDef/2xWarlord/2xFury because the 2 piece bonuses are all activated by Leap or Charge.
    Last edited by Naktl; 10-09-2020, 01:32 AM.

  • Ozymandius
    commented on 's reply
    Argon My bet is that the Assault BH would be the best build to use with a Fire Lily set up, but I salvaged all of my Assault gear to make room for new gear sets. I use Tesla pistols on my gold farmer, and I like how the scatter shots ricochet all over the place. In Gold 6 used the 4:2 Demo with Havoc gloves and helmet with a "true" Fire Lily set up (i.e., no CR or CD on anything instead used Power, Haste and Vitality/AR as needed). I was mostly running trials that I could complete in 90 seconds or less and pulling 10-15 CLs per trial (depending on booster). I didn't have the gems or the time to make a push, so I just ran as far as TL110 to get the second CT. I am not sure how far I could have pushed because it is hard to compare stats between a Fire Lily build versus a more traditional CR/CD build.

    Still not sure what my "experimental" build will be in Bronze ANB. I really enjoy Warrior again with the 4 pc Fury set (storm of swords and tornadoes) with 2pc Warlords since it lets me use my Vampiric Blade set, and I also have experimented with an ELR Mage with fire effects and trinkets using Death from Above.

  • Argon
    @Ozimandius I also ran a cheap AnB 6 series with mage, now I want to do this with 4/2 demo/havoc for push and feel comfortable to get to tl130 (because in AnB i can craft better gear than I have now), IF I get enough CLs. I didn't have a lot of time to run tests and didn't get any of my tested demo setups to perform well at grinding XP. Do you remember what those XP demos were using? And how fast did they run their trials?
    I just tested an epic assault lily build with good legendary weapons, had fun and pretty good times. In AnB I will probably just add XP for a legendary lily assault XP grinder. Bronze AnBs are the perfect event to run tests anyway. Easier to get equipped.
    Last edited by Argon; 10-08-2020, 10:36 PM.

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  • Argon
    commented on 's reply
    It's hard for me to see how mixing in assault helps. This way you want both explosive shot and scatter shot as main primaries. While QoL and Versatile increase the overall number of attacks, they also reduce the hps of the first primary.
    Multishot worked very well for me with 4/2, not because it dealt significant direct damage but because it increased sticky bomb damage, so I think it just significantly increases the tracer ammo stacks (using piercing shots too). That is what heatseakers lack, they don't add tracer ammo stacks at all.
    Btw I ran this with a fire lily and QoL, QoL for the lethal shot BoM which also is the only BoM I have. I got to tl132 like that, which is all I'm going for in bronze anyway. But lily reduced sticky bomb dps, probably too even damage distribution leading to too late chain reaction, so by the time they went pooff most mobs were already very low on vit.

  • Naktl
    commented on 's reply
    Funnily enough I just finished leveling Mulitshot and have been using it on my Demo BH. Though right now I am messing around with a 2xHavoc/2XDemo/2XAssault build to see what that is like. Currently he is set up with Scatter/Explosive Qol/Lily. Both Traps and Multishot. I have played between the Trapper, Versatile and Molten Belts. I have BoM with a good trap buff. Magnetic Trap usually does a ;lot of the damage, which seems weird. The traps can be stacked and Multishot has the shortest cooldown of any BH ability I think. Of course it could never be competing, but its interesting.

  • Ozymandius
    commented on 's reply
    Argon I haven't played a full Havoc BH in an ANB since the new Demo set was introduced. I used the epic gear boxes to craft a starter 4 piece set of Demo gear with Havoc gloves and helmet shortly after reaching level 70, then gradually replaced those pieces with Legendary gear as I collected enough materials and gold. I played the entire ANB 6 series from Bronze to Gold in minimal gems mode, but even just using the XP boosters that are awarded from the event I was easily able to achieve over 1000 CLs in about 5 hours of actual game time. I did run into several players who were using the Demo build as their starter XP farming set before switching over to a Stalker BH set for their push gear. I did not have the gems to reforge my gear, so I just pushed to the second CT milestone using the 4 pc Demo set with Rapid Fire, Mag Trap, and Heatseekers. I did see several players experimenting with swapping out Heatseekers for Snipe, but I was using Igniters pistols and did not push Snipe and Poisoned Ammo abilities to make that work. I might give it a try though if the downtime between events is long enough.

  • LodWig
    commented on 's reply
    The bug is still here.

  • Argon
    commented on 's reply
    Yes, I only climbed with demo because I had so much fun with it that I got that OP molten belt for it and crafted some additional pieces.
    With almost useless I actually meant the proccing effect of LS which I get from QoL.
    Fun fact, I switched to Multishot, so we are using 3 different setups. Snipe didn't perform as well as heatseakers after adding 4 times +fire and with the molten belt I have more than enough dps for bosses. MS leads to many more painted targets and higher dps from sticky bombs.
    Now for AnB I need to figure out how to farm XP efficiently. How do Havoc and 4/2 farm XP and how do thay fare compared with each other?

  • Naktl
    Just made a Stalker build. Much easier than Demo, but I don’t enjoy it as much. I have run both 4xDemo/2xHavoc and 6xDemo. I am not very good so I dont count as a benchmark.

    I do not know if the Demo bug is still active or not. I do know that I like the 6pc Demo bonus and my last build center around Lethal Shot. This helps a lot since single target is a weakness for the build. I also use Snipe instead of Heatseekers. I do this because killing single targets rapidly within a pull leverages the Demo builds with the way the bombs mechanic works, so Lethal Shot and Snipe are both useful in this way for mob pulls.

    Its really not near competitive with Stalker though, particularly for a newb with few Medals, mediocre gear, and mediocre CL. Its more fun for me though, so I play it anyway.

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  • Argon
    commented on 's reply
    Doesn't seem to be worth it, the bug is still there and we're still getting this almost useless 6piece bonus. But this is a really awesome build, I'm totally enjoying it. I must say, all new sets are a lot of fun to play! That's why it took me so long to get started with demo.
    Actually I started with havoc for the Dyoma Crown, as always switched to stalker for a few more tls and got bored with stalker really quickly. But with the drops from beta testing had 5 pieces and instantly fell in love with the 4/2 setup. Already went 10 tls higher than with stalker

  • Ozymandius
    Originally posted by LodWig View Post
    Be aware that there is a bug granting the Demolitionist 6-pieces bonus effect with only 2 pieces, or with the Assassin’s Belt. This is why you see people with only 4 pieces on the Leaderboard.
    LodWig Do you know if this bug still applies? I ask because in the most recent ANB, I was running a 4 Demo:2 Havoc build to get the extra effects from the Havoc helmet and gloves. I did not progress as far in the last ANB using that setup as I had in previous ANBs, but that could have just been lower CLs or lower damage weapons.

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  • Ozymandius
    commented on 's reply
    Argon thanks for posting your results. My hunch was fire damage, but I haven't had time to test it in training grounds to be sure. Now that season is over, I am finally having a chance to relax a bit. I got a couple of gear upgrades in the last ANB for my Demo set, so maybe I will try to see how far I can push the 6pc Demo build.

  • Argon
    Pavol Panik I just started discovering demolitionist, had the same question and ran some tests in the TG. I suppose you've meanwhile figured it out but maybe others not yet
    It's fire

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