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New Bracer

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    New Bracer

    Which one of you amazing people are figuring out the new bracers? I have an idea how they should be used but I'm still researching. What's everyone's take so far?

    Yall are just too talkative.


      Might be quiet here but it is a lot busier over on the Discord channel


      • Quazihoto
        Quazihoto commented
        Editing a comment
        Fine I'll join lol

      I bought the recipe, and quickly got one as a drop. I tried it out on my full Demo EXP farmer, and didn't really see much whiz-bang-boom...I likely just gave it a test run with the wrong build in the wrong situation (sub-30s TL 90 doesn't leave much time for poison to bloom, heh).


        Yeah I haven't crafted the armor set or guns that look like they will run well with this.


          Don't waste your gems/resources on the recipe/item. By far the worst of the Legacy items


            This new bracer is meant for the not used much Stalker build.
            its been a while since I used the stalker build, but playing around with my old gear I’m finding x6 havoc or x2 dem/x4 havoc are much quicker and effective

            I am however using a fire lilly build, I have no nature effects and I was really unsure on the guns and belts as I know I switched to igniters as I was finishing my stalker days.

            does the poison stack if I choose poison as a passive too? Or does it allow me to have another option instead ( like a fourth passive)

            jury definitely still out at the moment

            the shield in the warrior build made SUCH a difference to my game

            Last edited by Hairball; 06-30-2024, 04:13 PM.


              Unless I start seeing all the hunters at the top of the leaderboard using this bracer I won't be buying it.

