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Completed levels not being recognized...sometimes...

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  • WarriorSeven
    commented on 's reply
    Excellent! Unlike many others here, you seem very knowledgeable on this topic. A bit frustrating at times (many of us have been there/done that). Here's hoping you can eventually find the source of the issue so it does not linger in your gameplay.

    Anyways, good luck, Mikey!

  • mike peterson
    Yep, I know about various means of checking for packet loss, as I work for a smaller company in IT, and "network support" is one of the hats I wear. The cabling is pretty solid, as I have things wired to patch bays and keystone jacks in outlets (much like an office environment) in my home. The connections have been verified as OK via a fancy Fluke cable tester (when installed). I know that things can change, though. Every once in a great while, in the past, something like this would happen and I would wonder if I did something. to cause the behavior... now I know the culprit. If the issue persists, I will bring in the cable tester and see what it shows.

    As far as router firmware goes, it's got the latest and greatest available. The config has not changed for several months, so pretty sure there's not a config issue.

    Anyway, I appreciate the tips... and the issue is not happening frequently, so the wall is not banged up too badly! .

    BTW... no coax in this network, other than the ISP to the cable modem! :-)


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  • WarriorSeven
    You're going to want to fix a packet loss problem (if it exists) to play this game. Fortunately, there are all kinds of free help on the internet, and INTEL has a decent step-by-step guide with things you can try:

    And as a first, easy thing to check, simply re-seat all wired connections, to ensure they are all tight (and clean) -- especially if you have any coax connectors in the pathway. Look out for loose/wonky cables and connections, including frayed shield braids.

    Also, you still have a router somewhere on your home network that interfaces with your ISP, it goes without saying, do you have the correct settings? recent upgrades/updates?, etc.

    There are also many free websites that will measure your packet losses (if any), also worth checking out.

    Anyway, you won't know how good it feels until you stop beating your head against the wall.
    Last edited by WarriorSeven; 10-04-2023, 01:41 AM.

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  • mike peterson
    Is there a way that I can tell (until finishing the trial and finding that something like this happened)? I am running the computer on a wired connection, so the home wireless was not the issue... Possibly ISP=related, but not sure how I could tell that.

    Just looking for a way to tell this, as it's frustrating when I do a great run and it does not register the trial. And I get it - you have to have means to prevent cheats. I just would like to know if whatever mechanism triggers the anti-exploit algorithm, if an indicator could appear letting the player know that the trail won't be counted. It could even show the indicator in a randomly generated interval after detection (say 1-10 seconds)?

    Anyway, thanks for getting back to me and the explanation. Appreciate it and the work that's been done on the game (and what's coming)!


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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    In order to prevent exploitation, you must remain connected to the server (online) throughout a Trial run for it to post to the leaderboards. Any sort of network hiccup resulting in even a single packet being dropped during a run invalidates the run. When this happens, you need to complete your latest Trial again with a better time or complete a higher Trial using a more stable network connection.

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  • mike peterson
    Level 121 Info
    Here are some pics, in case it helps.

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  • Completed levels not being recognized...sometimes...

    I am running 1.8.7 on Windows 11 and I saw what I thought was a glitch in the Bronze ANB. it happened to me at least 3 times:
    I would complete a level and the leader boards did not update with the latest level completion. I even went back to the completed level via the portal and knocked off a few monsters, walked around, saved the game in and outside the trail level... nada... The next time I completed the level, it worked fine. I was playing a mage character in the ANB.

    Now I am playing a warrior in the 2023 Fall Season, and it "glitched" on me again. This time, I was playing as a warrior, previous level completed was 116. I jumped to 121 and (barely) completed it... but it still shows 116 as the last trial level.

    I have some screen shots from this time (not the ANB). It it helps I can upload and share the link here. Just let me know.
