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What are your "top 3" bugs? (Part 2)

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    What are your "top 3" bugs? (Part 2)

    Almost all of the bugs reported the last time I asked this have been fixed, so let's do it again!

    In order of priority, what are 3 bugs you would like to see fixed?
    1. Please only list 3 bugs.
    2. Please do not suggest feature requests here.
    3. Be sure to check back because I may be asking questions about the bugs you report.
    4. Please keep this thread clean, so the devs don't have to sort through clutter.
    Annnd GO!

    1) Event heroes operating as standard heroes sometimes (unlock costs, XP gain, etc.).
    3) Need better control of dipshyt henchman. Their horseblinder flailing apoplexisms are, at the least, an embarassing distraction. We spend resources on them; they should provide more value.
    Last edited by Bryan James; 10-13-2024, 04:49 PM.


    I'm running the game (1.24.30) on an Android tablet. Thus big fat finger taps for navigation. The examples are not an exhaustive list of each bug.

    1. Random starts are outside playable area. Examples : Currents of the Ether, player starts inside the crater just above the Broken Dragon, or even just above the crater. Drakenmoor Forest sometimes feels like 50% of starts are outside the playable area.

    2. Random start location prevents spawning of key enemy. Examples : Scartree Hold the gate stays closed since the proper enemy doesn't spawn. Murkvale quest can't be completed as the Aztek Chieftain doesn't spawn.

    3. Areas of the map the player can enter, but can't seem to find a way out. These are harder to point out as it's now automatic for me not to tap anywhere near the problem areas. Example : Rain of Fire, the treasure chest furthest west I can walk well behind, but then I can never get out. There's a trap in Drakenmoor Catacombs I can get out after 20+ random taps as I've never figured out the secret. I can immediately get out of a trap in The Temple when I'm dumb enough to walk into it.

    4. Those were so similar I'm throwing in one more. I always play a Bounty Hunter. What bugs me is inconsistent bullet behaviour. There are some stone columns and trees that bullets pass right through. Sometimes walls let a bullet through that disturbs the enemies on the other side. On the other side of the coin, I've had fluffy bushes, fire pits and logs on the ground deflect my bullets. It would be nice if bullets acted more like the real world. Hard things deflect bullets. Soft or short things don't.

    Thanks for listening.


      As you likely know, the "random starts" are a (kinda fail) Bot control/suppression measure. THAT damage has already been done and somewhat ameliorated with the EXP stones.

      At this point, starting to get "random starts" after a certain number of runs hurts legitimate players more than it combats/deters Bots. I've had 5 consecutive runs in Murkvale where the Chieftan never exists...kinda hard to Decapitation Strike.

      I have noticed, though, while trying to fix other issues, an App Reset reduces (if not entirely fixes) such problems.

