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Arc Lighting Ability and Stormblade sword's Chain Lighting look too same

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    Arc Lighting Ability and Stormblade sword's Chain Lighting look too same

    Hello. Firstly I want to thank you for the amazing game, but I have few suggestions.

    Arc Lighting Ability and Stormblade sword's Chain Lighting "critical attack" look way too same. I CANNOT anyhow say when it activates, to the point I'm suspecting it doesn't work at all.

    Can you please have a look at this, and possible change one of them a little? Or someone could confirm that they work?

    And also one little thing, autocasting stops after casting drawing ability. You always have to tap again, which isn't a big problem, but I think it would be a nice quality of life update, if autocasting would continue like after walking.

    Originally posted by heikki.heinonen View Post
    Arc Lighting Ability and Stormblade sword's Chain Lighting "critical attack" look way too same. I CANNOT anyhow say when it activates, to the point I'm suspecting it doesn't work at all.

    Can you please have a look at this, and possible change one of them a little? Or someone could confirm that they work?
    Yeah, the visual are the same, but the "effects" are different - and I can confirm that it does work, I mainly use Arcane Bolts on my mage, it also works on my Warrior, and with Stormgun for Bounty Hunter.

    Note that the one from the weapon only does the extra damage, not the additional effects that Mage's Arc Lightning have => damage debuff and attack speed increase.

    Edit: screenshot from Training Grounds, showing the proc - the Meteor is from the Ironbound cape.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2018-07-25-12-33-20.png
Views:	821
Size:	105.4 KB
ID:	109125
    Last edited by Nhat; 07-25-2018, 02:35 AM.
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