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save the time because lifes is short

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    save the time because lifes is short

    just a suggestion ,after buy the daily gem plus a walfare.

    skip the watching video get 5gem to direct get it.

    because life is short,don"t waste .

    also some time after done the video,the game hanging.

    this mean waste time.

    It also mean can give eternium work shop more income.

    thank you all

    As far as I am aware, the ads need to be viewed in full before the Eternium team receives the income from it - so cutting the ad means no income for the team...

    If you mean that you want extra gems without the ads, then... it's been brought up before, and I don't think it's fair - those gems are because you watched an ad, so they shouldn't be "free".

    You can always turn off Rewarded Videos, since you made a purchase, and that will stop you getting the ads altogether (and the gems from them, obviously...)
    Last edited by Nhat; 07-24-2019, 11:17 PM.
    Eternium Files - links and details Eternium Guides:


      As mentioned before, creating a per-day Ad limit actually reduced the revenue stream for the owners. ( I suspect that it was a trade off between income and reducing exploitation.)


        actually,i mean limit is still got it.
        just skip the watching video

