In 'Trial on Honor' you are setting up 40 level Warrior (which is my game hero) with 60 level Demon, which 40 lvl Warrior cannot defeat. This makes no sense. It's akin to 4 year old fighting 16 year old. Who do you think will win? Why would you expect 40 lvl Warrior to fight 60 lvl Demon when you know well there is zero chance of defeating him, he is too strong and should show up in game when my warrior becomes level 60 (not sooner).
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Not ok: 40 lvl Warrior vs 60 lvl Demon
Originally posted by ྿༻Travis༺྿ (Support Mgr.) View PostTrials are supposed to be difficult and challenging. It's recommended that you reach hero level 70 before trying to grind Trials.
Originally posted by NoSuchReality View PostWhen you go through the town gate, before selecting a trial, look at the top of the screen. Click the tab at the top of the screen that says Story and you'll switch back to story mode..FEYI FAJU BESE 4881
Enthusiastic but inept player. Computer programmer and world traveler.
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Originally posted by NoSuchReality View PostWhen you go through the town gate, before selecting a trial, look at the top of the screen. Click the tab at the top of the screen that says Story and you'll switch back to story mode..
Also, thank you Tempest1503 and TerryDarc for your tips.
I purchased $1 in-game deal initially (got a nice sword), and I also purchased 100 gems/day deal to help me out in my quest to become stronger. My next plan is to unlock 2nd slot so I can level up 2 hero abilities at the same time. I need 400 gems to do this, so I will have to wait a bit until I collect enough gems. Anyways, it's a pleasure to play this game.
Here is a suggestion to game developers:
- Make sure to create info pop-up in trials advising players if trial levels are too strong, they can always "switch" back to the story by clicking "Story" tab.
- Don't offer players trials challenge until they are level 60 at least. If you offer them to take trials, you're setting them up for disappointment. Make sure players undestand that trials are "Optional" and that it's better to stick to the story to level up hero before any trials are undertaken.
underdog If you prefer to play the story mode (normal game) then I would encourage you to do that. I will mention that finishing story mode under normal difficulty means that you will be looking at level 70 opponents at the end and you will be around LV62-65 depending on things like the number of times you have rerun scenes, use of experience boosters, that you ran some trials, etc. that all boost your characters level.
When you find a level (Story Mode or Trial Mode) that is too difficult with your character's current ability level? Rerun an already completed level to gain more character levels. Improve your gear through crafting, equipment boxes or running previously done levels. Level up your abilities.You will eventually hit a wall running the Story Mode through normal to heroic to legendary unless you either rerun old levels to boost your character's level or run trials to gain levels.Once you go all the way through the entire Story Mode all the way through legendary difficult they Story Mode tops out in difficulty. Trial Mode has not upper limit that we no of regarding difficulty and will eventually be more difficult to advance than you are able unless you improve your game play tactics or new options become available from the developers. The current top TLs completed by anyone are in the TL 150 range.
There is one point that no one seemed to mention that I will elaborate on.
When you first go to the trials, the trials are unlocked based upon your characters current level. The unlocks are:
Trial Level 1 = Character Level 10 or more and Monster Level will be 10
TL 2 = CL 20 or more and ML 20
TL 3 = CL 30 or more and ML 30
TL 4 = CL 40 or more and ML 40
TL 5 = CL 50 or more and ML 50
TL 6 = CL 60 or more and ML 60
TL 7 = CL 70 and ML 70
TL 8 and up = No more ML jumps by 10 (as the monsters top out at ML 70 though there is a stray ML 71 here and there) but gradually increasing difficulty level just as the character gradually increases via Champion Levels after attaining CL 70. After completing TL7 you will only be allowed to advance 1 TL at a time until you attain CL 70. It is possible to hit TL 20 before you even get a CL 70 character if you are not running experience boosters and do not have any Champion Levels, so basically a brand new character. It is also not unusual to, once you hit CL 70, skip multiple TLs each time you complete one up until about TL 30. You will also progress your first couple of dozen Champion Levels very quickly.
You automatically unlock at least the next level when you finish the current level before the timer runs out regardless of Character Level. This creates the situation you ran into when TL6 was present to you after you completed TL5 but were only CL40. Being able to complete TLs 2-7 against monsters 10 levels higher than your character is not unusual if you have high ability levels like attacks of level 10.You successfully be Kara that was ML 50 when you were only Character Level 40 for instance. I suspect you will be able to beat TL 6 Trial of Honor readily once you reach Character Level 50.
Once you attain Character Level 70 the faster you finish a trial the more trials will be unlocked up to a limit of around 22 if you finish in 38 seconds and unlocking 2 starting at finish time of around 6:36.
Beating a champion 10 levels greater than you character is good. You are well on your way to conquering the game. Take the path and pace that you find personally most enjoyable.
Originally posted by underdog View Post
... I purchased $1 in-game deal initially (got a nice sword), and I also purchased 100 gems/day deal to help me out in my quest to become stronger. My next plan is to unlock 2nd slot so I can level up 2 hero abilities at the same time. I need 400 gems to do this, so I will have to wait a bit until I collect enough gems. Anyways, it's a pleasure to play this game...
Each character qualifies for their own daily reward with 20 gems. You do not have to complete the daily rewards with each individual character. Say character 1 has a daily quest of kill 50 archers and character 2 has a daily quest of kill 100 enemy. If character 1 kills 50 archers along with 50 other enemies than both rewards are given. The second character slot is free and everyone should create a second character and get that character up to level 9 immediately to get the additional 20 daily gems. The other character slots cost:
Character Slot 3 - 100 Gems
Character Slot 4 - 500 Gems
Character Slot 5 - 1000 Gems
If you spend the full1600 gems to open up all 5 slots the 5 daily rewards per day will get your gem levels back to the starting point in just over two weeks.
All the characters share the same Stash and Champion Levels once you start getting Champions Levels after reaching Lvl 70. FYI, Say your Character 1 reaches Lvl 70 CL 125 and then you decide to start your second character. Your new character starts out Lvl 1 CL 125 but does not contribute to anymore Champion Levels until that character reaches Lvl 70.
A further note about Daily Rewards. The most burdensome Daily Reward is the 50 Merlock Toads reward. There are a couple of things to keep in mind. Story Level 3 has around 20 merlock toads which can make quick work of that task. Also, killing a Sister of Ragadam counts as killing a merlock toad so there are other ways to meet the 50 Merlock Toad requirement.
Purchasing the Daily Gems is a great deal but you should seriously consider one other purchase. Purchasing a Season Pass for $9.99 changes the doubled gem bank from 1,000 gems to 10,000 gems. The daily gems gets you 3,000 gems in just 30 days. Five characters with daily rewards gets you another 3,000 gems in just 30 days.Getting a total of 10,000 gems in the next 60 days is pretty much automatic which means you get an additional 9,000 gems for just $9.99 which is the cheapest you can pay to get gems. Plus, you get a lot more boosters and gemstones and crafting boxes on top of that.
Hope the information helps you decide how you want to go and spend your precious time and real money.
Originally posted by ྿༻Travis༺྿ (Support Mgr.) View PostA whole new quest system is in the works that will guide new players through the key parts of the game.
Appreciate everything you do.
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Originally posted by ྿༻Travis༺྿ (Support Mgr.) View PostI'm sure existing heroes will be able to participate in the new quests when they're added. The new quests will have some fun new features like breaking barrels and collecting crystals.Or is that Coming Soon TM
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Originally posted by ShotDead View PostWe can break barrels?Or is that Coming Soon TM
Originally posted by ྿༻Travis༺྿ (Support Mgr.) View PostA whole new quest system is in the works...Originally posted by ྿༻Travis༺྿ (Support Mgr.) View PostThe new quests will have some fun new features...
I guess we'll finally find out whether or not there is someone in the talking barrel in Marcus' village.
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