Jugg 2 bonus of 500 CR when using frenzy is underpowered when compared to warlord 2's bonus of free BR. BR is 1000 haste plus 20% damage boost at level 10. 20% damage boost is roughly worth 700-800 power at around CL 2k. So warlord 2 bonus is roughly equal to 1700-1800 of offensive stats. Power stat has no diminishing return and haste boost still stops well before the extreme end of diminishing return (800 base haste seems to be what ppl are going for, so 1800 haste with BR is well before heavy diminishing return part of the attack speed curve). On the other hand, no self respecting warrior will have anything less than full CR everywhere. Which means that Jugg2 CR bonus lies on the extreme end of the diminishing curve.
Take myself for example, I have a base CR of 3400 (yes I know, I'm on the extreme extreme side of things).
So the base CR gives me a crit % of 53.3%
With charge 2000 CR, now I'm at 64.286%
With the Jugg2 bonus, I will have 3900 CR, adding in charge's 2000 CR, results in a 66.292% crit rate.
That's roughly 2% higher crit rate. Far less effective than 20% damage boost, not to mention the 1000 haste and blazing running speed towards an enemy.
Juggernaut is about hitting hard and crit for massive damage. This seems to be the theme looking at the Jugg4 and Jugg6 bonuses. In keeping with this theme, what about the following:
Juggernaut 2 bonus: Frenzy increases your critical rating by 100, Frenzy damage by 20%, Critical Damage by 20% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks up to 500 critical rating, 100% frenzy damage, 100% Critical Damage.
Basically an extra 100% CD and doubles frenzy damage in addition to the CR.
In an earlier analysis (WW vs Devastate), I showed that frenzy / cleave dps output ratio is only 2. Meaning if cleaving 2+mobs, cleave actually outputs higher total damage than frenzy. I always though that single target dps should have a 3-4 ratio compared to mobbing skills/attacks. With this change, Frenzy/cleave ratio becomes 4. Also makes frenzy a truly frightening attack when combine with the Cleaver set axe (butchery effect of 13x normal attack damage).
The extra 100% CD is roughly 6.25% more CD than the currently endgame base CD of 1600%. Makes the hits hurt just a little more seems pretty compatible to what Juggernaut is supposed to be. Frenzy damage seems to be 1-2% of endgame damage at the moment. So a doubling won't really move the needle; thus not overpowered.
But the extra 100% CD will benefit all other attacks, making Jugg set more universally appealing for various skill combos out there.
Take myself for example, I have a base CR of 3400 (yes I know, I'm on the extreme extreme side of things).
So the base CR gives me a crit % of 53.3%
With charge 2000 CR, now I'm at 64.286%
With the Jugg2 bonus, I will have 3900 CR, adding in charge's 2000 CR, results in a 66.292% crit rate.
That's roughly 2% higher crit rate. Far less effective than 20% damage boost, not to mention the 1000 haste and blazing running speed towards an enemy.
Juggernaut is about hitting hard and crit for massive damage. This seems to be the theme looking at the Jugg4 and Jugg6 bonuses. In keeping with this theme, what about the following:
Juggernaut 2 bonus: Frenzy increases your critical rating by 100, Frenzy damage by 20%, Critical Damage by 20% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks up to 500 critical rating, 100% frenzy damage, 100% Critical Damage.
Basically an extra 100% CD and doubles frenzy damage in addition to the CR.
In an earlier analysis (WW vs Devastate), I showed that frenzy / cleave dps output ratio is only 2. Meaning if cleaving 2+mobs, cleave actually outputs higher total damage than frenzy. I always though that single target dps should have a 3-4 ratio compared to mobbing skills/attacks. With this change, Frenzy/cleave ratio becomes 4. Also makes frenzy a truly frightening attack when combine with the Cleaver set axe (butchery effect of 13x normal attack damage).
The extra 100% CD is roughly 6.25% more CD than the currently endgame base CD of 1600%. Makes the hits hurt just a little more seems pretty compatible to what Juggernaut is supposed to be. Frenzy damage seems to be 1-2% of endgame damage at the moment. So a doubling won't really move the needle; thus not overpowered.
But the extra 100% CD will benefit all other attacks, making Jugg set more universally appealing for various skill combos out there.