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Percentage Rank Medals

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  • hp9000
    commented on 's reply
    Sadly there was a long, thoughtful conversation on this which disappeared during the forum rollback. I can't quite recall all the points but I conceded my initial complaint/post a bit. I hadn't realized CL levels were capped, for one. I also conceded that it no longer takes that long to hit CL 2000 and that, if it really only takes about 100 hours, is a fairly valid amount of time to put in to reach a top 100 or top 10 (I do believe 100-200 hours is reasonable expectation for mastery of any game).

    However, I stand by my scaling comment. The mechanics simply don't accommodate player base growth without the assumption of people dropping off. Frankly, people probably do drop off and maybe the devs have done the math and it's perfectly balanced for a three-months-tíl-boredom. Who knows.

  • lmcelhiney
    I know that for me it will always be "them and us". Maybe this is to gear us for multiplayer...

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  • hp9000
    started a topic Percentage Rank Medals

    Percentage Rank Medals

    I haven't played since medals were introduced and while the leader board always taunted me (ie no way will I catch up to CL2000+ ever) I always felt kind of nice running TL100+ and being in "top 5%".

    But now in addition to never catching up with VL2000k folks, I have medal stats I'll never catch up to. It seems weird that I'd play a game, off and on, for an hour or so a day for *years* and never have a chance at medals. I'll be honest, if I hadn't lost my Switch on my last work trip I wouldn't even have come back to this.

    Tldr: fixed numbers for seasons doesn't scale. The more players you have the fewer will ever attain a medal, so unless you're hoping this game doesn't grow maybe plan things for scale and longevity (CL shouldn't ever have just accumulated forever). I know the devs are super dedicated but your mechanics literally communicate that you don't want the game to grow in a fair and competitve manner.