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Please, tighten those "ambush" quests

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  • Christian Lamine
    Originally posted by Ramdango View Post
    I enjoy these quests they are simple to do and I can make dinner at the same time.
    You do register the intrinsic error you state here, do you? You say, you enjoy these quests, you start them - and then you go and make dinner? Yup, that really sounds like "enjoying these quests".

    It's so sad that folks like you have obviously completely unlearned how to deal with criticism. Who is more invested in a thing: the one that tries to make suggestions on how to improve something or the one that just states "it's fine like it is, I do something else meanwhile"?

    Fact is: if you're running a high CL character through these ambush type quests, you die from boredom, because the enemies spawned actually are able to take just one single step before they fall to the ground. Fact is, gems are an important ingame currency one simply just can't "let go", just because they way of acquiring it is boring. Fact is, there ARE things to do in Eternium that are way more entertaining than running low-level quests. So, why exactly do you want to force people to go through that? Shouldn't Eternium be fun for all? And, the "likes" my original post got show clearly that I am not the only one feeling this way.

    So please, spare me the arrogant "Please be grateful" attitude. I am grateful, I just try to improve things.

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  • Kuro P
    commented on 's reply
    I also agree with you, the devs changed the old daily quest system, but that does not mean every season they have to change it because it gets boring for the long run. Sorry but I am satisfied with the current daily quests aside the disappearing quest mobs due to random spawns, and I am enjoying farming gems at The Fiery Pits, I intenionally kill myself once, put the hero in any side of the map, wait until he cleans the mobs, click on the ad box, then repeat. That way I can farm gems while at work

  • Ramdango
    I enjoy these quests they are simple to do and I can make dinner at the same time. The time it takes is the time it takes. I realIy do not understand the complaints about the daily quests and the boredom problems. Remember they are daily quests if you want the gems than you will do the quests no matter how fun or boring they are. If one does something everyday no matter what it is at some point some part of that activity will be boring.
    Please be grateful we have a new questing system and all the other things the Dev's had added to the game, we are in a bit of a lull right now, be patient enjoy the wait, and try to be flexible and not so rigid because the game is changing and it bothers you, have faith in the Dev's to bring everything back even better than Ever! Including the leaderboards...Happy Grinding!

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  • Ubba Lothbrokson
    I agree 100%.

    When faced with running these levels, I usually run around the perimeter a few times, giving the bad guys a chance to assemble, so that it vaguely resembles a fight. Makes it a little bit less boring.

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  • Christian Lamine
    started a topic Please, tighten those "ambush" quests

    Please, tighten those "ambush" quests

    Hi there!

    Today, as I ran my daily quests, I was set to accomplish two "ambush" type quests: "Ambush at the bones" and "Smoking them out".

    Can you imagine how boring it is, to have no other choice then to wait until this whole ordeal is over, when you're running a character at CL 2k+? And there's simply no way of speeding things up. You have to wait until it's over.

    So please: could you please bind the spawn rate of enemies to the champion level facing them? I wouldn't mind if they spawn all at once. Even if tripple the amount would be spawned. I just would like to get by these quests and move on to something more entertaining. So, please: either speed things up or remove these quest type from the dailies...