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Epic drops on 95 level Trials

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    thats gonna be sad not for me because im literally rich in game to the point my target is only glory points now, and the new players will be the one experiencing this nerf on drops, instead of them getting 3 legendary drop, its gonna be 3 epics haha well not all the time yes but still thats gonna lessen the resources thst u get. because the main content of this game is trials if u want to go further go higher trials and compete for rankings to get medal. Story mode is all about gems and completing daily task.

    Just imagine u wanted to craft your very own legendary but it requires u to craft 36 Greater Essences of shadow and other Greater Essences. thats alot of resources and the only way to get those is by farmimg at trials but now.

    Even at higher trials it will give you epics which when u salvaged an epic item it gives u like, Essences Of Shadow with a low amounts and u cant even craft 1 Greater Essence of Shadow if u salvage 1 epic item.

    If they have a trial lvl that guarantees all legendary drop like before, all legendary drop guaranteed is at trial lvl 75+ now even at 90+ trial lvl u are getting 3 epics and most of the time it includes epic and the sad part is its not part of the sets which is not good, but some epic that i get is part of the sets and u get 2-4 mark on tintan out of it. but dont expect e alot essences.


      I see this too. Just ran Marcus' Village a couple of times (for Cleanse the Ponds) and both locked chests were absent on both runs. On the other hand, I played some trial levels in the eighties today, and was still getting all Legendary, except for one Epic.


        They nerfed the game. This is sad. Time to move on to another game.....


          Since I did not experience trial80+ with 3 legend drops per run, as i'm new, getting pinks up until TL110 is pretty normal for me. Though at TL105 and 110 there's always, if not most of the time, 1 legend per run. Sometimes 3 legends if lucky.

          Idk, but for me it's like they've moved the 3 legend per run from trial 80 to trial 120. But of course, as a newbie, who would fu**ing hunt for mats in TL120? Maybe we'll be getting lv 87, 90, 97, or 100 items in future updates to make farming mats in high trials with less time spent, possible. I'm currently farming mats in TL110 as it drops 3 legends more so often than not. I could care less about taking too long to complete 1 run as long as i get to see legends as rewards. It's quite motivating on my side.


            I truly like this game but really dislike the way the people in charge is changing it for the worse,all i can see is the takeaway from players and what do we get in return ? A PVAI thats it? Chests taken away crafting materials harder to aquire which means longer and longer to craft your gear!! A new player with all the better games out there will spend hours to craft a lv 71 on this game ,i dont think so,,THE ONLY REASON IM PLAYING ETERMIUM IS PLAYING OFFLINE ..when i find one for my computer then this game is history,,,,,sorry just had to vent.


              I realize it won't matter, but I created an account to post this anyways....

              I've been playing this game on and off for years, and this is the straw that broke the camels back. I have CTs piling up, given that it already takes enough effort/luck to hit 77s for them. I'll check back in from time to time to see if this is reverted, but this is 100% quality of life change that screws everyone and is a massive detriment to any new players you might have gotten otherwise. I'm finished.


              • Eternium2020
                Eternium2020 commented
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                thats sad to read.

              • Cdoc
                Cdoc commented
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                Squinch, I did exactly the same thing....playing for quite a while...created an account just to comment about this latest nerf they did to collect crafting material - specifically legendaries to get MOT. That's about all I was the game is pretty much what else is out there?

              Here is shot of my inventory for BH that I run through TL105 (always snow). The first 2 rows of gear were dropped from five runs of TL105 just before end of ANB, the last 2 rows are from five runs of TL105 today.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot (123).png
Views:	736
Size:	249.0 KB
ID:	189937

              Definitely a change in trial drops. Really sucks for newer players who have to now be able to beat higher trials to get Legendary drops, or spend more gems/money on crafting.


                How did you fair in AnB with that drop rate?


                  Locked chests where only ever of value to new players who couldn't craft the items in there. And then only rarely - you need to have quite a bit of experience to work out if the contents would be worth spending gems on. Rule of thumb is to never spend gems on the locked chests as they are 95% of the time a waste of gems
                  Last edited by Stusmith50; 01-13-2021, 08:31 AM.


                    The changes do make perfect sense - if you're changing the game to be Pay to Win!


                      Sadly I did spend money on this game and was planing to continue, after this patch I´ll wait if they change it. Im stuck at trial 100 with 695 Champion levels. I takes way to many runs to get enough materials for only the slight chance of a higher level item. Its not even funny what a waste of time this is and I was so hyped for this game... a friend who recomandet the game to me also stoped playing it at this point. Seems that we were to late to the party. Loved the game for being fair in price with the 100 gems per day pay. Now greed comes into play and people go away... Great job

                      Originally posted by John F. Trunck View Post
                      They nerfed the game. This is sad. Time to move on to another game.....
                      any suggestions?
                      Last edited by Danielius; 01-13-2021, 08:47 AM.


                        Ok thank you, but I´m done with this game. I was an Idiot for spending money on this game. Now I feel screwed as a new player.. hit the wall at 100. Feel like the devs are making fun of us..


                          TL 100 is s#it with drops. Its time to make a pause from Eternium.


                            If in the years (or months) to come that we will be dropping COMMON or NORMAL items in trials 80+, then it'll be the indicator to stop playing then.


                              Exactly same here. I was excited when I started in December and now probably going to uninstall. Bad luck
                              BUWU PEGO FEFE 4758

