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Epic drops on 95 level Trials

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    Epic drops on 95 level Trials

    I've made a new account on Eternium at 27/11/2020. Now my 70 level main hero can play on 95 level Trials and finish them on time but the bosses are still dropping x3 epic items very often and rarely 1 or 2 legendary.
    My wife and her sister have made an account about 1 month before mine and from 80 level Trials they have only legendary drops on every run.
    At the forum I read that other players have also the same problem with drops and someone wrote that if you don't have x3 legendary drops on 80+ level Trials then you may have a nerfed account. What does that mean? Are there two kind of accounts? Normal and nerfed?
    My main hero has the following traits:

    1) Level 945 champion
    2) 610/825 stars total on stories
    3) Mastery level 42 on crafts
    4) Android 1.5.32 version of game running on tablet
    ....if these characteristics above affect the drops of course!!!

    Also I sent post on Eternium support team a week ago but I didn't took an answer yet.
    Anyone can tell me something, if he/she know of course, about that problem and if is there a way that it could be fixed??
    Thank you

    As part of a recent test, some players were given different drop rates. Now that the test is over and the results are in, all players (new and existing) will start seeing the same drop rate you see.


    • Turgeon
      Turgeon commented
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      By this travis you mean 3 guaranteed legendary will be found at highe4 trial. D you know wich lvl it willbe?

    • Danielius
      Danielius commented
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      With "the same" you mean "much lower"?!...

    Hi~ I have also created my account early november 2020. I farm items and mats in TL100 and TL105 which still drops epic, worst than that, 3 epics with 1 boss. Knowing some players(older) get 3 legends at TL80 is sooo disheartening. Jealousy is an awful drug.

    Well, for me, I just focus on a positive side. I mean, this is somewhat better than getting blue items per run. Still hopeful that we will also get the chance to farm low level trials with 3 legends per boss as it's wayyyy new-player-friendly than what it is right now.


    • Turgeon
      Turgeon commented
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      Hope that in anb you were getting 3 legendary each trial 80

    • ZyneLgie
      ZyneLgie commented
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      Annnnnnd there goes my hope. *shattered*

    • ZyneLgie
      ZyneLgie commented
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      Haaa~ I see what you did there. But nah, i'm sulking.

    Im new to warrior, and got this sword at trial 89 garm, i reforge the life on hit to make haste. all legendary drops are guaranteed at trial 80 for me and the higher the trials the higher the lvl but still random u never knew when it will drop a very decent one.

    but most of the time it gives this legendary drop that is not part of the sets sometimes it is part of the set but it has useless stats on it. so i just farm since i get to salvage most of the legendaries at end its like i buy the legendary crate because i have hundreds of greater essences just for farming.

    my Enternium App is updated.

    i never encounter the 3 epic drops at trial 80+ even in 100+ no epics.
    Attached Files


    • ZyneLgie
      ZyneLgie commented
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      Farm like a madman!

    So which Trial is the best now to farm legendaries?

    On Trial 95 I get 3 epics most of the time
    Last edited by Danielius; 01-11-2021, 12:22 PM.


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    • Turgeon
      Turgeon commented
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      Woah that is gonna be harder in ANB

    Damn, so you took a resource driven game and are going to nerf the drop rate of legendaries, effectively hamstringing salvage rates. It’s going to be impossible to craft three sets of gear (XG, XP, push) for ANBs now, let alone having enough greater essences for multiple 77s.


    • Guest's Avatar
      Guest commented
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      Nahhh, you seen those wonderfully cheap things you can buy during ANB's. Get yourself x3 of the one for £44.99 / $60 and you are golden. That is what I imagine the Devs are thinking right now.

    Anyone expecting Epic Drops at trial 90+?

    i just salvaged my 3 epics, like the next match i get 2 legendarye and 1 epic. next 3 legendary next all epic. next 2 epics 1 legendary its random. haha ill be getting less greater essence now.

    u guys should increase bracer drop rate even its epic atleast it has +1 special effect. haha


      Ok I am an established player and now I have had my drops from trials reduced. This morning all legendaries from tl80 and above. Now just did tl100 and all epics! This is with all my toons. Well at least being a ledgendary really means that!!! The good times have gone. Will this even up the playing field? Let's hope so.

      I would like to add that if the Devs raise the 77 level that would level the playing field with all players starting anew as it were.


        I think it was done just to make farming much more difficult and tedious. There have been a lot of recent decisions that make absolutely no sense, and this is one of them.


          i just did tl 90 all epic!! I wonder are they trying to get rid of older players so the younger will come in and spend more money?


            Spend more money!!! Thats what they are after!! None of the upgrades actually improved the game now if you want to play ,pay!!


              Did you also notice in story mode many of the locked chests are gone? I wonder what is next...


                Its done so you'll spend gems on crafting boxes and in turn hopefully pay cash for gems.


                  To be a bit more precise: drops from 100 arent't all epics. I recorded 33 t100 runs, so 99 items: 46 legendary and 53 epics. I salvaged separately and checked the resources.

                  Combined all lesser and normal essences into greater, and added them all together. Got a total of: 113GE and 28MoTs from epics, 331GE and 46 MoTs from legendaries. That's roughly 65% of the essences and 75% of the MoTs we got before this update farming t100.

                  T115 brings almost only legendaries, but not guaranteed. T80 drops some rares in the mix, mostly epics.

                  Mage: Anba
                  Bounty Hunter: Gemma


                    GKM, that is exactly what the design is now. PvP is PTW and now they want you to spend gems and then purchase gems.

