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Damage display for fire lilly

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  • Turgeon
    commented on 's reply
    Yeah good id3ad romme !

  • Romme
    Who cares what the number displayed is.

    Its like saying devs should calculate any stat bonuses we will have on skills and gear. Just let it be

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  • Turgeon
    commented on 's reply
    Nice. But when i said t buy them all i was talking about buying anyone every three hour with gold. It wasnt really clear sry

  • Ozymandius
    commented on 's reply
    Because the universe often has a sick sense of humor...

  • papa jim
    commented on 's reply
    drops are just that, you don't pick the stats. you have to craft for specific stats exceptions the bom pos that doesn't allow you to pick damage type

  • Ozsmeg
    commented on 's reply
    I think its just coincidence but the next refresh was firebug for gold.

  • laffcarl
    Why do we get Lily drops with CD on them?

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  • davidz
    commented on 's reply
    Since it’s often dynamic so it can’t be accurate at all, but lily effect is static and certain, also it’s effect is huge, so should change the stats.

  • Ozymandius
    Good point, the sheet damage displayed for Fire Lily build underrepresents the actual damage with the multiplier effect. Then again, sheet damage is often unreliable. For example, the computer adds in CR & CD into sheet damage even when you are using a Fire Lily and don't get critical damage. Maybe a stats expert like LodWig knows what the multiplier that you would use to estimate your actual damage would be? I am guessing you would have to calculate in your actual Power, your weapon damage, maybe Fire Damage, and then it still would not account for procs of Talisman of Power and Power Infusion.

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  • davidz
    Lily’s effect is very significant, certain and clear, so please update the stats accordingly.

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  • Turgeon
    Just bought all the recipe. Youll have the one you want way faster

    +1 for the stat with lily

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  • Ozsmeg
    started a topic Damage display for fire lilly

    Damage display for fire lilly

    It would be great if calculations for damage increase could take into consideration if you are wearing a fire lilly.

    At present it displays that Crit and Crit damage are damage increases when they are actually not. It also displays what appears to be a base damage in the charactor screen before the 500% modifier is applied. In reality if it displays 200k damage that is actually 1m damage.

    Gems for Crit % and crit damage should say 0% increase rather than the stupid numbers they show at the moment like 500% increse in damage.

    Equiipment modifiers should also show 0% but they make equipment look WAY better than it is for this particular trinket.

    Additionally, Can you make the stupid craft recipe Trader give me a firebug its driving me insane. Kappa