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Do You Like the 20-Day Season (August 2022)?

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    Do You Like the 20-Day Season (August 2022)?

    Holy cow, this is a major, big change. Second thoughts on the dramatically reduced event time vs the benefits, especially when purchasing the Season Pass.

    Is this a permanent change or a test for feedback?

    I'm going to delete this topic sometime later today. If anyone wants to repost their comment to another topic or thread, please do so ASAP.
    Last edited by WarriorSeven; 07-27-2022, 12:03 PM.
    “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb
  • Answer selected by Travis | Support Mgr. at 07-27-2022, 02:10 PM.

    Originally posted by WarriorSeven View Post
    Holy cow, this is a major, big change. Second thoughts on the dramatically reduced event time vs the benefits, especially when purchasing the Season Pass.

    Is this a permanent change or a test for feedback?
    A typo when setting the end-date, never intended to last for only 20 days. Will update the event to last until end of September.


    • WarriorSeven
      WarriorSeven commented
      Editing a comment
      Okay, Adrian (Developer), thanks for reset and the clarification.

    • Blackhole
      Blackhole commented
      Editing a comment
      Okay everyone, revise your strategies! LOL

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Season August 2022.png
Views:	564
Size:	336.2 KB
ID:	213658

    Buyer beware! You need to farm 500 gems per day to fill that.


      Originally posted by Wispy 2.0 View Post
      Click image for larger version  Name:	Season August 2022.png Views:	6 Size:	336.2 KB ID:	213658

      Buyer beware! You need to farm 500 gems per day to fill that.
      I just noticed that. That is not realistically possible. 4000 would be a more realistic number
      Last edited by Arawn; 07-25-2022, 09:42 PM.
      DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


      • Arawn
        Arawn commented
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        Travis Seriously though, how are the devs expecting us to get 500 gems per day? I bought a season pass without realizing it ends in 20 days. Kinda want my money back now

      • Arawn
        Arawn commented
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        Tin Man Oh never mind, i see. They match any gems you receive UP TO 10,000. All this time i thought you had to get 10,000 for them to give you anything.

        I would say i can't believe anyone would five-star story mode through legendary daily but I'm sure there are people that would actually do that. Sounds ridiculous to me

      erm Still remember last season I purchase at the very last moment? a week or less than 10 days bf season ends
      Like hell runnin here and there. Can accumulate around 5k gems only plus another 5 that I hv = 10 k

      this time I will purchase very much earlier. Maybe today. Suddenly this 20 or so days thing?

      For a non-native speaker of English. O dear. Wat does it means? Is it 20 days left or 20 days left for August or??

      Hv a nice day
      Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
      trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

      brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

      Hv a nice day


        Travis | Support Mgr. I too bought the Pass and then realized that we only had 20 days. I feel a bit cheated as there is no way for me to get 10k gems in that time period as I did not even think you could or should "plan ahead". Season pass could be prorated or maybe a refund option.

        I am quite surprised that those "plan ahead" and buy/sell techniques are allowed (and work).


          Originally posted by Tin Man
          There are players that will 5-star a hero through Legendary a day and earn 1500+ per hero run and only take around 3 hours a day of play time.
          I don't doubt that there are some players with nothing better to do than play this game but for most of us that's not the case. I retain my position of 10,000 gems being an unfeasible amount of gems to collect in 20 days.
          DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


          • Arawn
            Arawn commented
            Editing a comment
            Tin Man If I pay for a product then I expect the merchant to deliver it. In this case I paid $10 for 10,000 gems and the merchant will not deliver it without additional cost to me, either in the form of an excessive amount of my time or additional real-world currency. The argument can be made that the new 20-day time period was disclosed prior to purchase but as--I'm assuming--none of us were anticipating a truncated season I simply purchased a season pass as I always do. This is a disappointing decision made by the developers that denotes a lack of integrity and I stand by my initial statement.
            Last edited by Arawn; 07-26-2022, 01:58 PM.

          If they do not have another season for 50 days, this basicly decreases the season pass worth by half. Making the price to gem ratio double. Was this is done without notice? I purchased my pass as soon as it was available. How many of you want your money back? Even a 30 day season pass with 100 gems for 30 days would leave you over 3,000 gems short of 10,000. Even if you had 3 or 4 people playing on one account so that you are gem farming 24 hours a day, I see no way to hit 10,000 gems.

          I am going to request my money back.


            The leaderboards don't seem to be the right ones?!


              Well, the Lbs should be reset at the start of the new season, even if it just lasts for 20h59m59s!


                Elaboration: Screenshot of current Warrior LB. 8393 new entries within the last 32 hours! This LB looks horribly outdated! Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20220727-033433.jpg
Views:	751
Size:	125.6 KB
ID:	213708


                  Originally posted by WarriorSeven View Post
                  Holy cow, this is a major, big change. Second thoughts on the dramatically reduced event time vs the benefits, especially when purchasing the Season Pass.

                  Is this a permanent change or a test for feedback?
                  A typo when setting the end-date, never intended to last for only 20 days. Will update the event to last until end of September.


                  The Season is back to 65 days !

