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RNG Loops

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  • Bali_Lenni
    commented on 's reply
    Haha that is like Marsian to me.... ...but sure hope Phytia or Phytia 2.0 will survive !

  • LodWig
    commented on 's reply
    Still, if the new set of people just code again the "specification" embodied by the current codebase, these kind of errors will creep in the new version. And I do think most of the game logic code will be copied verbatim, for short term efficiency.

    I do hope I am wrong and that the many existing fundamental errors (not only linked to the pRNG, I'm thinking about floats, signed integers etc) will be spotted and not replicated. Easy example: is it planned to have the same pRNG on all platform, at least for the important purposes? Or will the one provided by the environment be used, as is the case now? Because that leads to some exploits...

    (Pythia and Antikythera would most probably survive, albeit maybe not in the current form.)
    Last edited by LodWig; 05-17-2023, 08:04 AM.

  • WarriorSeven
    commented on 's reply
    Hmmm ... Are the days numbered for Pythia and Antikythera?

  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    commented on 's reply
    A completely different set of people are hammering out the code.

  • LodWig
    The issue here has nothing to do with the engine used. It’s because of bad usage of the pRNG, namely unnecessary reseeding between each drop. This totally derails the randomness of the numbers used to choose each aspect of the items..

    By the way, it’s not reserved to the PC version, the same kind of triple (or double) drop can happen on mobile too; also there is no way to prevent it, resetting the app or swapping platforms doesn’t help at all.

    The same bad usage is the origin of the loops we detected and reported in the linked post. These loops can be escaped by swapping platforms though.

    Both issues (and others related to randomness) won’t be fixed by a rebuild unless specifically tackled.
    Last edited by LodWig; 05-16-2023, 11:32 PM.

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  • Guest
    Guest commented on 's reply
    'Port' was probably a bad choice of word on my part! Looking forward to what the team delivers, the first preview shows so much promise

  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    The Unity version of the game is actually a complete rebuild, not a port. As a result, issues with the live version of the game won't transfer/port to the Unity version.

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  • Guest
    Guest started a topic RNG Loops

    RNG Loops

    Just requesting that in the port of Eternium you consider looking at the RNG issues on PC to prevent the below from happening.

    I reset the app to clear the issue

    Edit : All three items dropped in the same run of TL105 during ANB Gold 22