A simple new idea.
A wheel for perfect jewelry crafting. Player select the type and %/stat they desire and the wheel spins until the said jewelry show up or run out of gold. This removes a huge amount of drudgery when trying to craft that perfect jewelry piece. But this is also more costly as you will skip over other "perfect stat" jewelry in the process. Essentially wasting gold. Let us trade gold for faster jewelry crafting. This isn't pay to win as player still need to grind for that gold to begin with. But sure as heck remove some crafting misery. I for one have been crafting for that 60% cd ring for a good week now with no luck.
Also a quick suggestion on lvl70 crafting time. Can we do 23hr instead of the current 24hr? This will allow players to better manage the schedule and start crafting around the same time everyday instead of seeing the start time slowly slip etc.
everyone like this idea please.
A wheel for perfect jewelry crafting. Player select the type and %/stat they desire and the wheel spins until the said jewelry show up or run out of gold. This removes a huge amount of drudgery when trying to craft that perfect jewelry piece. But this is also more costly as you will skip over other "perfect stat" jewelry in the process. Essentially wasting gold. Let us trade gold for faster jewelry crafting. This isn't pay to win as player still need to grind for that gold to begin with. But sure as heck remove some crafting misery. I for one have been crafting for that 60% cd ring for a good week now with no luck.
Also a quick suggestion on lvl70 crafting time. Can we do 23hr instead of the current 24hr? This will allow players to better manage the schedule and start crafting around the same time everyday instead of seeing the start time slowly slip etc.
everyone like this idea please.