As the title say, I'm a fan of the Diablo and Torchlight series, especially Diablo 2 and Torchlight 2. An RPG fanboy at heart. I've been playing the game Etherium for a while now, my main character a Warrior being Level 125 Champion and like many fans before me I have a bunch of likes, dislikes and hate (mostly this one, not intending to be rude) for the game. If i don't mention my likes, it probably mean they are too much too say. I love the game. 

Explaining things is not my forte so kindly bear with me as I flip around this entire thread lol. But i need you to know that I'm doing this because I love the game and would love for the devs. to improve the gem which they have created! Its my all-time favourite Android game by far. Thanks a lot!
Anyway here I go,
1. First off, about the character delete option. I understand that it cost gems to create a new character but I don't get why it has to cost to delete it. Its like my govt., charging me fees for depositing money into MY bank account and then charging me AGAIN for withdrawing MY own money. Sure it "only" costs 50 gems but still a fee is a fee. I [s]hate[/s] dislike this. I haven't created unlocked a third character slot because of this, that it would be useless if i don't like the new character. The very limited number of character slots also don't help.

2. Bounty Hunter shots ricochet!Why do the shots rebound when they are fired through a wooden fence with a huge area in between? This also applies to those cactus-like grass in the desert areas (also in Trials)? Even for a fantasy game its kind of silly tbh/imo. Also not sure if its a bug but in the early stages of the game (the places which have houses burning) I've noticed how some shots go *through* the walls of the house. I know this because I could kill monsters inside the houses from outside and also wall-bang (CSGO term) them. I tried to replicate this but it doesn't work 100% of the time. I honestly would've liked for the shots to go through these kinds of objects.
Below is a screenshot of a bullet ricocheting.

And here's another screenshot which show the shots somehow going through a wooden signboard. So it doesn't go through a fence but go through a board. hmm...

3. Robin's animation problem. I'm sure you have all noticed this by now but when Robin shoots, the arrows fly only when she *crouches*. The arrows don't immediately leave the bow. Basically, the arrow animation and her posture need to sync. I couldn't get a perfect screenshot but I tried.

4. Vision obstruction on the map. Needless to say this is a serious issue. I couldn't see what monsters they were and which one i was fighting. Remove it please.

5. Not sure how to term this. The two red boxes areas had monsters in them. I tried to go in but I couldn't, instead my character took the path in the middle straight ahead. It took me many tries to finally go in those areas to kill the monsters. I don't remember what stage it was.

6. And now a special place for the thing which I absolutely HATE THE MOST: CRAFTING TIME!! I think that we will agree, crafting takes a ridiculous amount of time. Freaking 24 hrs like is this for real?? When you climb a higher level and start farming those epic and legendary grade items crafting becomes 99.9% useless. Why? Because you get lots of good items overtime that saving the items (in stash) for crafting makes little sense. I mean look at the number of gems required to finish it instantly! I hope the devs. bring an overhaul change to this or get rid of this crafting time altogether in the next update. I want it to be like those rings/necklace. Instant crafting. Instant result. It would also help me gamble away some of my gears which i don't use. At least it would be fun.

I would write more but for some reason my phone has given up on transferring files to the laptop. Tried to send 6GB+ screenshots at once. XD
I will update this thread as I continue to play the game.
Thanks for reading. Hope i didn't make it too difficult to understand.

Anyway here I go,
1. First off, about the character delete option. I understand that it cost gems to create a new character but I don't get why it has to cost to delete it. Its like my govt., charging me fees for depositing money into MY bank account and then charging me AGAIN for withdrawing MY own money. Sure it "only" costs 50 gems but still a fee is a fee. I [s]hate[/s] dislike this. I haven't created unlocked a third character slot because of this, that it would be useless if i don't like the new character. The very limited number of character slots also don't help.
2. Bounty Hunter shots ricochet!Why do the shots rebound when they are fired through a wooden fence with a huge area in between? This also applies to those cactus-like grass in the desert areas (also in Trials)? Even for a fantasy game its kind of silly tbh/imo. Also not sure if its a bug but in the early stages of the game (the places which have houses burning) I've noticed how some shots go *through* the walls of the house. I know this because I could kill monsters inside the houses from outside and also wall-bang (CSGO term) them. I tried to replicate this but it doesn't work 100% of the time. I honestly would've liked for the shots to go through these kinds of objects.
Below is a screenshot of a bullet ricocheting.
And here's another screenshot which show the shots somehow going through a wooden signboard. So it doesn't go through a fence but go through a board. hmm...
3. Robin's animation problem. I'm sure you have all noticed this by now but when Robin shoots, the arrows fly only when she *crouches*. The arrows don't immediately leave the bow. Basically, the arrow animation and her posture need to sync. I couldn't get a perfect screenshot but I tried.
4. Vision obstruction on the map. Needless to say this is a serious issue. I couldn't see what monsters they were and which one i was fighting. Remove it please.
5. Not sure how to term this. The two red boxes areas had monsters in them. I tried to go in but I couldn't, instead my character took the path in the middle straight ahead. It took me many tries to finally go in those areas to kill the monsters. I don't remember what stage it was.
6. And now a special place for the thing which I absolutely HATE THE MOST: CRAFTING TIME!! I think that we will agree, crafting takes a ridiculous amount of time. Freaking 24 hrs like is this for real?? When you climb a higher level and start farming those epic and legendary grade items crafting becomes 99.9% useless. Why? Because you get lots of good items overtime that saving the items (in stash) for crafting makes little sense. I mean look at the number of gems required to finish it instantly! I hope the devs. bring an overhaul change to this or get rid of this crafting time altogether in the next update. I want it to be like those rings/necklace. Instant crafting. Instant result. It would also help me gamble away some of my gears which i don't use. At least it would be fun.
I would write more but for some reason my phone has given up on transferring files to the laptop. Tried to send 6GB+ screenshots at once. XD
I will update this thread as I continue to play the game.
Thanks for reading. Hope i didn't make it too difficult to understand.