They need an overhaul.
First, fix the AI. The marriage/yo-yo'ing thing is annoying and a huge tactical liability. They need to be smarter in terms of enemy selection and supporting the Hero too.
Second, add indicators. When you're using 3 Comps + 10% Muk + 30% Necro, it's *awesome* and all, but the Comps blend into the fray real quick. The targeted enemies get red indicators, so the Comps should get indicators like Green and Blue and Gold (for example), with the colors coded by Companion type.
Third, implement some sort of leveling beyond 70. Their DPS contributions aside from draw abilities are miniscule at high levels, and they get pretty squishy too. Stat and aura upgrades would be nice.
Fourth, maybe some additional vocal lines indicating which auto-ability they're using at the time? It wouldn't fulfill any major needs, but it could be potentially helpful.
They're good for meat shielding and buffs, but that shouldn't be all they're good for.
First, fix the AI. The marriage/yo-yo'ing thing is annoying and a huge tactical liability. They need to be smarter in terms of enemy selection and supporting the Hero too.
Second, add indicators. When you're using 3 Comps + 10% Muk + 30% Necro, it's *awesome* and all, but the Comps blend into the fray real quick. The targeted enemies get red indicators, so the Comps should get indicators like Green and Blue and Gold (for example), with the colors coded by Companion type.
Third, implement some sort of leveling beyond 70. Their DPS contributions aside from draw abilities are miniscule at high levels, and they get pretty squishy too. Stat and aura upgrades would be nice.
Fourth, maybe some additional vocal lines indicating which auto-ability they're using at the time? It wouldn't fulfill any major needs, but it could be potentially helpful.
They're good for meat shielding and buffs, but that shouldn't be all they're good for.