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  • Skyla
    Originally posted by Purple Potato View Post

    At high trials elite healers literally NEVER die. So the only way to deal with them is for them to lose aggro and not heal anymore.
    Mmk that's good to know thanks. I mean I figured if it wasn't a typo then you'd fill me in being one of the Elites of this game. I haven't made it past like tl91 so I haven't really encountered this issue. I'm glad I'll be ready for it.

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by Purple Potato View Post

    The silence field is still there, but nerfed basically. Vortex and invulnerability will be added in the balance update (as previously stated).

    Mirrors might become invulnerable also but it is not confirmed 100%.
    Crossing my fingers on that second part. I like Blink, but for the mirror mortality. It's a great skill otherwise.

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  • Purple Potato
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post

    I think I saw somewhere that they took away her slow/silence field, and now I hear that she doesn't even have Vortex? Glad I never bought her.

    I wouldn't say that they need to be invincible, but it'd be nice if they made the Blink mirror invincible. Its fragility is part of why I'm putting off using it until I absolutely have to.
    The silence field is still there, but nerfed basically. Vortex and invulnerability will be added in the balance update (as previously stated).

    Mirrors might become invulnerable also but it is not confirmed 100%.

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by Purple Potato View Post

    Minions will be invincible in a future patch (I assume the balancing patch which includes maggie getting vortex).
    I think I saw somewhere that they took away her slow/silence field, and now I hear that she doesn't even have Vortex? Glad I never bought her.

    I wouldn't say that they need to be invincible, but it'd be nice if they made the Blink mirror invincible. Its fragility is part of why I'm putting off using it until I absolutely have to.

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  • Purple Potato
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post

    They wouldn't be anywhere near invincible, at least not in terms of what I'm imagining. Just not as bonelessly squishy. I'd like to see them be of at least some use against Bosses aside from their auras.

    And again, their draws have utility. Charge and Vortex have saved my butt more than a few times, and I've seen Multishot put dents in enemies when it was needed. In a game like this, every little bit is better than nothing at all. I'd just like to see them be a little more fit for "endgaming" instead of not having much utility beyond Level 70.
    Minions will be invincible in a future patch (I assume the balancing patch which includes maggie getting vortex).

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by Purple Potato View Post
    Minions dont dent anything past trial 7 basically. All they are good for are their auras. If minions become invincible then having archers auto-target healers and have them keep aggro, it's bad for high level gameplay (at least for mage).
    They wouldn't be anywhere near invincible, at least not in terms of what I'm imagining. Just not as bonelessly squishy. I'd like to see them be of at least some use against Bosses aside from their auras.

    And again, their draws have utility. Charge and Vortex have saved my butt more than a few times, and I've seen Multishot put dents in enemies when it was needed. In a game like this, every little bit is better than nothing at all. I'd just like to see them be a little more fit for "endgaming" instead of not having much utility beyond Level 70.

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  • Purple Potato
    Minions dont dent anything past trial 7 basically. All they are good for are their auras. If minions become invincible then having archers auto-target healers and have them keep aggro, it's bad for high level gameplay (at least for mage).

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by Rytrik View Post

    At high trials, the bolded/italicized portion is untrue. Sub 105, sure, you can outpace healers. That's where 'generally' is true. As you get higher... healers -do- screw you. No matter what your dps.
    That's why I also mentioned the range, and also said "generally." My point is that in many cases, you'll have to clear out at least a huge chunk of the mob before you can give the healers the TLC they deserve, so it would be better if the Comps stick close to the player and support that effort instead of going off on their own little missions against the healers. Like I said, it's not like they can put a dent in high-level healers on their own.

    Right now, my main Mage is at TL87 and 618K Damage, and healers are dust after a full Imm/Blizz/Sing rotation. They're only an issue if they can't be gotten to, but 23.7fps makes up for that, and the only reason to hit them early is to free up the Comps who get married to them. So that's where my data is coming from.

    Remember, players don't start off at TL105. I'm not talking about fixing Comps *solely* for the benefit of veteran players such as yourself.
    Last edited by Melchiah; 04-19-2018, 09:59 PM.

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  • Rytrik
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post

    But much of a big mob may also be out of the healers' range at that point, and healers generally can't outpace your DPS, so better that the Comps stay close and support you directly even if that means ignoring the healers.
    At high trials, the bolded/italicized portion is untrue. Sub 105, sure, you can outpace healers. That's where 'generally' is true. As you get higher... healers -do- screw you. No matter what your dps.
    Last edited by Rytrik; 04-19-2018, 01:36 PM.

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by Purple Potato View Post

    At high trials elite healers literally NEVER die. So the only way to deal with them is for them to lose aggro and not heal anymore.
    Seconded. Healers cling to life and can't always just be folded into your usual mobbing at that level. Pulling big enough mobs may sometimes mean those healers are a screen away, with your Comps still married to them instead of helping you where it's needed. And since they can't kill high-level healers on their own, they just yo-yo until something happens to kill them.

    But much of a big mob may also be out of the healers' range at that point, and healers generally can't outpace your DPS, so better that the Comps stay close and support you directly even if that means ignoring the healers.

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  • Rytrik
    Originally posted by Purple Potato View Post

    At high trials elite healers literally NEVER die. So the only way to deal with them is for them to lose aggro and not heal anymore.
    I'd actually prefer minions to never aggro proximity groups. Only attack groups that I HAVE AGGRO ON. Period. The end. That includes any and all minions.

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  • Purple Potato
    Originally posted by Skyla View Post
    Surely you meant to say "don't" stop... Right? Lol
    Maybe stop spamming the words all over the screen yeah but you kinda want your healers dead asap that's a great feature imo
    At high trials elite healers literally NEVER die. So the only way to deal with them is for them to lose aggro and not heal anymore.

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  • Skyla
    Surely you meant to say "don't" stop... Right? Lol
    Maybe stop spamming the words all over the screen yeah but you kinda want your healers dead asap that's a great feature imo

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  • Purple Potato
    As long as archers stop purposefully going for healers when they become invulnerable I will be happy.

    I think upgrading minions with gold could be a cool new gold sink outside of jewelry.

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  • Melchiah
    started a topic Companions/Minions


    They need an overhaul.

    First, fix the AI. The marriage/yo-yo'ing thing is annoying and a huge tactical liability. They need to be smarter in terms of enemy selection and supporting the Hero too.

    Second, add indicators. When you're using 3 Comps + 10% Muk + 30% Necro, it's *awesome* and all, but the Comps blend into the fray real quick. The targeted enemies get red indicators, so the Comps should get indicators like Green and Blue and Gold (for example), with the colors coded by Companion type.

    Third, implement some sort of leveling beyond 70. Their DPS contributions aside from draw abilities are miniscule at high levels, and they get pretty squishy too. Stat and aura upgrades would be nice.

    Fourth, maybe some additional vocal lines indicating which auto-ability they're using at the time? It wouldn't fulfill any major needs, but it could be potentially helpful.

    They're good for meat shielding and buffs, but that shouldn't be all they're good for.