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Fury warrior tl135

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    Fury warrior tl135

    Wow...TL135 with the new gear already...impressive.

    Need high toughness (Vitality) for this build . What about Armor? Now that they made it a a worthy stat.

    Thanks for the upload.


      Hmmm... charge + talisman of the storm

      Click image for larger version  Name:	ZomboMeme 29062020063813.jpg Views:	0 Size:	132.7 KB ID:	174551
      Last edited by Arawn; 06-29-2020, 11:47 AM.
      DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


      • Grand_Wazoo
        Grand_Wazoo commented
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        Yea I just realised it is a 4 Fury/2 Warlord combo. Looks like a good fit.

      Originally posted by Romme View Post
      Nice .


        Shockwave is too good not to use. Maybe leap will be better at low tl. Having an extra charge of charge for fury6 is not worth 850 haste and 20% damage. 4fury / 2wl will be the way to go. Could probably make better use of other new uniques but just used what I had.
        Grand_Wazoo imo you lose too much if you gem or stat gear with armor


        • Grand_Wazoo
          Grand_Wazoo commented
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          Thanks for the headsup...

        • Arawn
          Arawn commented
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          I'm not sure I understand how you're using shockwave... whenever I use it, it doesn't do anything

        • Romme
          Romme commented
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          charge, ww (I think you need to move around for tornadoes) shockwave, shockwave.

        Thanks Romme, I was just going to try and learn how to use Devastate properly with Warlord x6... but this actually matches how I've been playing Warlord x2 & Juggernaut x4, so properly go with this and see instead - was worried about the lag from all the added effects, will see how it go in Gold I suppose...
        Eternium Files - links and details


        • Pakkshet
          Pakkshet commented
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          try 2 warlord 2 jugg 2 furry .

        • Nhat
          Nhat commented
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          Pakkshet - I'm thinking that the added aoe from those Tornados (Fury x4) would worth more than +500 CR from Frenzy from Juggernaut x2, especially when bleed build is already going heavy on CR...

        • Romme
          Romme commented
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          yea i think you will like 4f/2wl on my android. With lower fps devastate takes too long. Although you may have seen improvements with fps on devices in this last update.

        This would have been the combo I have in mind if I'm still playing. More feeder dmg for sw. I was shocked, shocked to find that storm of swords dmg got ramped to 15000% (10x of original). Lol I said it will take that exact change for it to be dps competitive with devastate. But charge is clearly superior to leap given its CR buff as well as quicker animation. I haven't gone through all the new equipment stats.. but seems to me it's possible to go CR less now for a bleed build. Go balls out for vitality and other defense measures. Goal is really speed up the mob phase and let storm of swords and tornadoes as feeder dmg to shockwave for boss. To that end, more d could be beneficial. I might hop on discord just to theorycraft.
        GAQO KITO REZO 1934


          So since your main damages come from Shockwave, we should have +fire damage on the 2 trinkets/belt/bracers and have + Shockwave on the bracer of mastery right ? Should we also get a fire damage oriented trinket such as Talisman of the pyromaniac (+100% damage)
          CL 1850 Mobile player
          Imperius, Warrior Defender pushing (TL122 : 8"49)
          Athena, Warrior Defender Xp grinding (TL90 : ~1"40)
          Elminster, Mage Regalia for dailies and gold farming


          • Romme
            Romme commented
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            Haven't really been able to test what element would be better, fire or nature. I think cd trinket would be better, but havent tried other options really.

          • Arionthe
            Arionthe commented
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            always SW 2x for the most bang for the buck since SW is one skill that feeds on itself. Due to that I am inclined to say fire will do better than nature. however circumstances might not afford you to hold back SW for two charges at a time (healing being the key constraint).
            Math works like this assume nature 100% you get 2x to feed 1x SW, assume fire 100%, you get 1x to feed 2x SW. You are basically equal after 1 SW. Differences comes at 2nd SW.

          Also to get synergy from shockwave i wonder if 2 dot oriented enchants on weapons are better than 1 dot + 1 slayer enchant.
          CL 1850 Mobile player
          Imperius, Warrior Defender pushing (TL122 : 8"49)
          Athena, Warrior Defender Xp grinding (TL90 : ~1"40)
          Elminster, Mage Regalia for dailies and gold farming


            Well tried this build but I instant die at TL110 (while I'm pulling half the map at tL122 with defender set). I guess it requires a much better stuff than I currently have to push with this
            CL 1850 Mobile player
            Imperius, Warrior Defender pushing (TL122 : 8"49)
            Athena, Warrior Defender Xp grinding (TL90 : ~1"40)
            Elminster, Mage Regalia for dailies and gold farming

