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Garm 154 ELR
Question: why not cast frostbolts instead of arc lightning when dodging? Ain't it more dmg?
And gg indd. 2bad I play mobile only, stuck on t144 atm
Geez man that was nutz. I thought your dodging and timing was on point. Way more than mine. Also: what do you do to make the blue circle spawns so convenient? You never had to run more than 45 degrees around him. Basically the circles he spawns always seemed to be pretty much above and below him in a vertical line that was perpendicular-ish to the line between you and him. One of the problems I’ve had in Garm is that I frequently have to go behind him to get to the blue circle. So if I’m far enough away to dodge his bolts then I don’t make it in time for the blue circle. If I’m close enough to him to guarantee making it to the circle that’s past him I get bolted to death.
Ok good to know. One of the things I plan to do is to just run the highest lvl Garm I have available so that the next ANB I’m more practiced. This one came outta left field. During this last ANB bronze I’d never gotten so high in trials ever, and Garm had never been too much of a problem so I was just stumped and surprised.
I'm stuck on both anb and main on garm 144. I'm trying to copy this but I die in the blue circle waiting for garm to start breathe poison. I have high health and loh.
What's the secret?
The secret is NOT to beam when in the blue circle! You can check my Garm 159 video in the tutorials for more details : )
Explanation by the devs is that once you start beaming, you effectively silence Garm, thus removing the healing buff.
And of course you should move out of the blue circle when it explodes...