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Trying the Meta..

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  • Skyla
    commented on 's reply
    Travis to the rescue, I knew it was an acronym, but Google didn't wanna cooperate fully haha

  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    commented on 's reply
    Most Effective Tactic Available

  • Skyla
    commented on 's reply
    "Most commonly used" or "current most popular"
    For example, with warrior the Meta recently changed to the Juggernaut Shockwave build from the fury whirlwind build. Just gamer lingo
    Last edited by Skyla; 11-11-2022, 04:28 PM.

  • Ender1970
    What does Meta mean anyway? I don't see it in the abbreviations thread.

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  • Skyla
    started a topic Trying the Meta..

    Trying the Meta..

    Back in the day, when you died, you'd be spawned in at the beginning of the map, and have to run back to your death point, which was detrimental to your time. This caused me to completely avoid the pure power/crit builds and go with other routes,..loh and vit on everything. It was time to try the Meta, even though I was reluctant to do away completely with my life on hit addiction I see why it's popular, very satisfying when the proc goes off correctly. Now I've got to regear my fully CTd BH as well as my warrior haha