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Guide to the "Speed Run" Achievement through The Descent

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    Guide to the "Speed Run" Achievement through The Descent

    • All Classes
      • reduce enemy level to Normal, level 60 instead of 70
      • don't use minions, they lag behind and attack enemies you'd rather just run past, maintaining combat as 'on'
      • swap in Fleet Footed passive
      • maximize %-movement-speed, not just in Champion Points but also >50% on both Boots & Pants
      • memorize the map
      • set view distance to 150% (max)
      • get a lucky spawn -- after you try it a bunch of times you start spawning at other places & eventually you'll spawn a decent ways into the level
    • Warriors (said to be the easiest)
      • Battle Rage makes warrior run faster
      • Use the Leap trick to go over the first wall to the north (more or less on your left), and again over the next wall to the north (more towards the right this time -- try to leap past the last bridge) (see video)
      • There's another route that uses the Leap trick -- read it here.
    • Bounty Hunters (easier than mage)
      • they have much faster innate movement speed than mage or warrior
      • the Assault-4 bonus makes BH run even faster while attacking -- click to attack a monster as far ahead as you can see -- including the other side of the first wall to the left, as pointed out here.
      • the Smoke Screen spell forces combat to disengage (use at the end, after killing the bosses)
    • Mage (hard)
      • use Blink -- but save it for key spots, as you only get ~4 casts; unfortunately you cannot Blink over the wall like the Warrior Leap
      • cast Singularity backwards near the end of the last bridge; kill those slowly spawning enemies then run to the bosses, otherwise combat stays 'on' (see video)
      • about this same last bridge, the long one with the railroad tracks. Running through the middle of this bridge triggers delayed waves of spawns. A mage can BLINK past this spot and avoid the trap being sprung. Minions do not trigger it.
      • consider using Time Warp (slows down time 50% for 6 seconds) and/or Arcane Deflection (30% boost to movement speed for 4 seconds)
    It's one of the hardest achievements !

    Here's Dyoma's video of a Warrior. Note he runs northeast after the first Leap, in order to get the second Leap in the optimum spot.

    Here's a Bounty Hunter running it in ~26 seconds. If you stand at the spot the Warrior does it's second Leap, you can occasionally click on an enemy on the other side of that wall, instead of just the ground -- and then your BH runs very fast almost all the way to the end. This video did not use that particular trick.

    Here's proof a Mage can do it. I captured this video on PC, where the mouse is a little too accurate when you're in a hurry. So the move/fight/move sequence on the last bridge is pretty messy. Also forgot to set Difficulty Level to Normal 60. But it's under 45 seconds so can't complain much... the lucky spawn helped.

    THE MAP:

    Click image for larger version  Name:	 Views:	1 Size:	111.1 KB ID:	72924
    Last edited by Coda; 05-17-2018, 12:26 PM.

    I was just thinking it would be nice to have the map a couple days ago when I got the achievement.


      Click image for larger version

Name:	descent.png
Views:	4438
Size:	188.9 KB
ID:	72932

      Important to note that the achievement is easier by using Warrior or Bounty Hunter(with Assault 4). The marked part is crucial as you can either leap over it as Warrior or attack the group that is at the tip of the arrow to have the tip of the arrow as a Bounty Hunter. This cuts short/speeds up about 1/3 of the whole way.
      MULU FIGU DUFE 7374


        Can a mage blink over the wall?


          When I got the achievement (I believe it was 15 secs or so) it was through a bug. I died before the elite pack at the end and it counted the time between reviving and killing them as completion time (so like 9 seconds). I guess it was a bug, hehe.


            Walls are a scaled down version of pebbles - Mage can't Blink over them.
            MULU FIGU DUFE 7374


              Originally posted by adjacentengels View Post
              Can a mage blink over the wall?
              A mage can't blink anywhere without a clear line-of-sight to the destination. No blinking around corners, for one.


                After they changed the logic so that MOBs no longer follow you I just went in with my warrior and battle raged to the end. The first time I had forgotten the map and aborted half way through. Second time I got Speed Run award. Third time under 45 second Speed Run. It really didn't seem like an accomplishment.,,


                  42 seconds on Descent tonight ;-)

                  narf nailed this one. With CL points maxed into MS and as many as possible into AR, you can Leap one of the first walls as a warrior, and get a second leap in just before the boss area to cut down extra seconds.

                  I loved this challenge. So glad they added it.
                  Last edited by Rytrik; 11-28-2017, 02:17 AM.


                    Added a consolidated list of Tips to the main post.
                    VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


                      As a Warrior, I preferred to Leap north at the point right in the middle of the map. That spot lets you bypass the bridge where mobs have delayed spawn.


                        Added videos of all 3 classes. Updated tips (no minions, lower the enemy level to 60).
                        VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


                          I found another possible route for the warrior. It MAY be faster than our current route.

                          This one requires you to go through the initial part of the maze, but hug the right, and Leap where the red arrow is. It takes you to the lower alcove just before the final elite mobs. I believe a person can use a Leap and a Charge to get to that spot rapidly, and if you do a leap first, it'll be cooled down by the time you get to the arrow alcove.

                          I've already completed The Descent speed run, so I can't test to see whether it's faster than jumping the first wall.
                          Attached Files


                            I don't know if this achievement was really hard to a certain extent, all I knew is that the "original version" of Descent was somewhat easy, I can't even remember how I worked through it! Then again, I forgot what the map originally looked like, can someone care and post an old map, then compare if it really justifies being an achievement for the newer map. haha


                              44 seconds tonight, straight speed run, skipping the mobs. No teleports, no leaps, just running fast.
                              Assault BH with +50 Move from CL, boots and pants.


