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Dungeon Keys Getting Rarer
There are a number of improvements to be made with Dungeon Keys. We'll get to it as it comes up on our list of priorities.
AH! I always thought they were tracked separately, Main v. Event...because that just seemed to be how it should be. Now I know, thanks info =)
Check your main heroes' mailbox. Keys are sent to whichever hero is active when the Key is sent. So, if you do something on one of your standard heroes before closing the game and going to sleep, the Key will be sent to your main mailbox, not your event hero's mailbox.
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Dungeon Keys Getting Rarer
My event heroes just haven't been getting key renewals anything like clockwork.
Am I missing a special trigger, like something to tell the server to check to see if one (or more) is due?
Every 8 hours is not even close to being the rule.Tags: None
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