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To Bag or not to Bag: how do I craft a lvl77 item?

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    UmbraDei can you update the Important notes 2 and 3? They sound unnecessarily scary to newer players

    Point is there is no issue crafting legendaries on your first toon before crafting mastery 77, and on PC as well. It's the natural way of leveling up the crafting mastery after all, and people can do just fine with <77 gear. It's just when you decide to go for 77s that you should read the crafting guide and use only new toons as a rule.

    Regarding mobile - there's no real issue in crafting legendaries on PC, except for bracers because of their random effect.
    Mage: Anba
    Bounty Hunter: Gemma


    • UmbraDei
      UmbraDei commented
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      Point 2 I can indeed reformulate, but avoiding crafting on PC would still remain valid: anything relying on RNG (e.g. stat rolls, sockets, IM effect percentages, "perfect" stat procs etc) is all impacted and can all end up in loops. It doesn't just stop at the BoMs.

    Hi guys,
    I've got a curiosity, but I've read the post a couple of times and I haven't found the answer: all the "algorithm" considers the whole account, or the single character?


    • Grand_Wazoo
      Grand_Wazoo commented
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      My understanding is that it's per character....Most people use ANB (and a newly created character with a new ''bag'') to get those lvl 77 items faster (and cheaper). But better wait for an expert to confirm...

    • Benedicto
      Benedicto commented
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      It's per character/toon, whether you created it in ANB or in your main.

    • LodWig
      LodWig commented
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      It's per character.

    Its 90% less cost crafting materials on event but they are etheral items they gone after event cnt even salvage them for materials


    • Grand_Wazoo
      Grand_Wazoo commented
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      If you apply a CT (2 in ANB) on them they become permanent and will transfer to your main after the event ends.
      Last edited by Grand_Wazoo; 05-03-2021, 02:24 PM.

    Other questions, about the Important note #1:
    1. Epic items won't count on the "bag count" am I right?
    2. If you have craft a 77, is it more convenient go for 70s for a while and than go for 71?
    3. Do common items and set/unique ones, go in different "bags"?


    • Benedicto
      Benedicto commented
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      1. The bag count is for legendary unique and set items only.
      2. 71 all the way, because RNG is so unpredictable, I crafted a 76 then a 77, and another case a 76 then a 77. and go craft using greater essences that is the most abundant to you (most of us are Water). Two tips, (1) if you crafted a 71 before the 77, just craft few gear, maybe 10-15, then go back to your greater essence main stats; (2) the best and more safe is to have a list of your crafting activities, group them by 64s so you can visualize and count to "fill the gap on the present 64" and go back to main crafting.
      3. Yes, normal legendaries and set/unique gear have different bags.
      Last edited by Benedicto; 05-03-2021, 10:23 AM.

    • LodWig
      LodWig commented
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      1. And level 70 or 71.
      2. Wet crafting is always a bet you can lose. Also, grouping may ease visualize things, but be aware that no grouping is done by the GFEM. Meaning, nothing special is done when you "cross a 64 boundary".
      3. More precisely, items that are not level 70/71, legendary, unique/set are not subjected to any GFEM, there is so to speak no bags for them. It's just plain pseudo randomness.

    I have a doubt. Should I craft only the legendary item i want lvl 71 everytime or can i craft lower lvl items and epic per example so it counts as the same bag? I find it extremely hard crafting great fire, air, etc. Thanks for the help


    • UmbraDei
      UmbraDei commented
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      Only lvl70 and 71 counts for this sadly, so no way to 'cheap out'...

    Whats dows 'bag count' mean


    • Benedicto
      Benedicto commented
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      The group of 64 crafts you made.

    Sorry... still dont understand.
    I've got all the recipes. ive maxed my skill8
    When I craft, its always a roll of the dice what level will pop and I burn through tons of resources.
    And now, with the jump to TL 120 to get all legendary, its become a real beast to get reaources.
    And what do you mean by 'group of 64s'?


    • Benedicto
      Benedicto commented
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      You craft only legendary set and unique items. Within the 64 attempts you crafted, there is always a guaranteed one level 77 and 71, 2 level 76s, 4 level 75s and so on. If you already crafted a level 77 gear, you will craft another level 77 if you finish the group of 64. That is why listing the level of your crafts is important if you are interested in tracking whether how many times you still need craft to get a level 77 or how many you still need to get the next.

    that's a really gopd tip.
    Anyway to know whem the 76s will come up?
    In any event Benedicto..... thats great information.
    thank you.


    • Benedicto
      Benedicto commented
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      Because the RNG is totally random, you can't exactly know when you will craft a certain level you need. However, they say that there is a "craft predictor" excel sheet in Discord, you can use that to guide your crafting. I don't use that so I don't have the link, I just prefer the simple listing. And, as said here before, just do crafting in mobile and never in pc.

    New update:

    Important Note #2 has been removed, as it seems this is not (or no longer?) correct.

    An experiment with a new account and literally hundreds of crafts (fun fact, did you know it takes 325 Integralas Mantles to go from ML25 to ML50? ) shows the bias for less higher level crafts is pretty much gone as soon as you reach ML50.

    Once you reach ML50, new crafts seem to follow the normal GFEM pattern again.

    We apologise for the confusion this caused.
    It's important in science to regularly revisit past assumptions, and in this case, it seems that we can now refute part of the previous theories with a new experiment.


    • Grand_Wazoo
      Grand_Wazoo commented
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      Glad to read this is not an issue anymore. Won't have to replace all my old characters.

    Is there any way to find out what your previous crafts where?
    meaning, if I didn't record all the legendary set|unique items before, can I someone "get back onto the path" ?
    I'm using have accurate will it be if I just craft ~10 items, and then just use that data? i've crafted like 4-5 items on the char, I don't remember if 72/73 etc...


    • UmbraDei
      UmbraDei commented
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      In that case your predictions will (usually) be 'off' by a partial not-a-bag of 64. So if your history had 1 more 77 than a 71 for example, the Pythia will systematically give you 77 odds that are too high, and 71 odds that are too low, for that hero, forever.

      That's why the Pythia works best on a new hero with a clean history.

      P.S. Guess who built the Pythia? :-)
      Last edited by UmbraDei; 08-14-2021, 07:57 AM.

    If 77 is crafted on new character, then character deleted and new character created, will it take more crafts to roll a 77 again (ie 77 closer to craft #32) or is there just as much chance to roll a 77 within the first few crafts as if a 77 hadn't just been rolled on a deleted character?


    • Arawn
      Arawn commented
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      LodWig Thanks mate!

    • Arawn
      Arawn commented
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      LodWig Do these crafting rules/chance of getting a 77 apply to the BOMs too or only the armour and weapon sets?

    • LodWig
      LodWig commented
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      The Bracer of Mastery is a Unique item, so the rules apply.

    Oh Don't forget the randomness!

    Last Alpha test 24 hour ANB, my very first legendary/unique craft was a 77 VoWS
    Alas there were NO CT's available :-(
    So that character was not a good one to keep.
    Although you did have 24 hours play time so coulda crafted away like mad and burnt through a few bags/cases of beer lol, but there didn't seem to be any point without the CT's (apart from the beer) 8-D
    Click image for larger version

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      Originally posted by UmbraDei View Post
      All of this post only applies to crafting of lvl70 and lvl71 legendary set or unique items, as well as Mastery Level 50.
      If you do a normal legendary, a lower lvl or an uncommon/rare/epic item, it's still 1/64 chance but with fair random dice rolls, you could have 5 in a row or you could have none for 300 crafts.
      Just confirming--this means there's no point in starting a new character for crafting if you're crafting rare items? The odds of rolling a 77 are the same as for an established character that's already rolled a 77?
      DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


      • UmbraDei
        UmbraDei commented
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        Correct, for anything not legendary special 70+, the game absolutely doesn't care about your history and you could have many 77s in a row (or none at all)

      • Arawn
        Arawn commented
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        UmbraDei Thx!

      I dont care about stupid math. spent thousands maths i want results.


      • bojck
        bojck commented
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        How much did you spend and what were the results?

      • Hermiyas
        Hermiyas commented
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        For reach lvl 50 mastery you think its free?

      • LodWig
        LodWig commented
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        It is free though

      Is there a spreadsheet I can download to track my special 71+ crafting and predict level 77 items? There's so much info here, it kind of makes my head spin!
      DEPE CIQU ZILU 2182

