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Eternium Lore, Acts I - IV

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    Eternium Lore, Acts I - IV


    Act I: The Broken Dragon -- Elderath, Human Home World

    1. The Shores of Hope
    They burned our books and they enslaved us in the name of Ragadam, their twisted lord. On these shores begins my vengeance: I will hunt you, Ragadam, across the worlds!

    2. Ruins of the Dead
    I need the strong arm and sharp axe of my old friend, Marcus. I must cross these ruins to reach his village. The dead stand in the way, mumbling Ragadam's name.

    3. Marcus' Village
    Marcus must be here. With him by my side, this quest may stand a chance.

    4. Road to Anderra
    We are heading to Anderra to find Eileen the Healer. But the road ahead is crawling with the minions of Magroth, the demon of the Severed Mountain..

    5. Out of Nowhere
    We spent the night in peace and quiet, in an abandoned farm. But then, at dawn, the dead surround us, and so we mean them harm.

    6. Misty Island (not part of the "Main Story" ; unlocks at level 20)
    The peaceful sorceress Gorgana has been tortured to madness by Ragadam's disciple, Elban, until she gave up the secrets of invoking life from bare stone. Elban left for Levania, but Gorgana still haunts this island, mad and lost, poisoning the waters she once loved.

    7. The Defiler
    Only a graveyard lays between us and Anderra. The demon Magroth has dispatched a Grave Defiler here to unearth more minions for him.

    8. Training Grounds (not part of the "Main Story")
    Your personal training grounds. Hone your skills and gear against target dummies.

    9. Anderra
    Eileen the healer is held captive here, in Anderra. Let's hope we find her before we encounter the Demon Magroth.

    10. The Severed Mountain
    Magroth has dwelt for centuries in his mountain, as demons do, their love of caves and fire keeping them contained and content. But then a sinister call silently echoed across the worlds. Magroth heard himself whisper "Ragadam...", and saw himself rise. Elderath hasn't known peace since.

    11. The Siege of Anderhelm
    The Demon Magroth escaped to Anderhelm. We must assault the fortress and end his dominion over these lands.

    12. The Gauntlet (not part of the "Main Story")
    "So, you enjoy slaying my minions?", Ragadam laughs from across the ether. "What if they never stopped coming?"

    13. The Wailing Peaks
    Ragadam's Broken Dragon holds Robin the Archer. We must make our way through these frozen peaks to the dragon's den.

    14. The Descent
    The grimlins have dug their mines deep inside the mountain. They're not too welcoming of visitors, but we have no choice. We must pass through them if we are to reach the Broken Dragon's den and free Robin.

    15. The Fiery Pits
    This cave must be one of the Broken Dragon's lairs. She is not here, and the place swarms with restless minions. We hoped slaying Magroth would stop them, but Ragadam still grasps their feeble minds through the Broken Dragon's presence.

    16. The Broken Dragon
    A century ago, Ragadam found a dragon egg on the barren moon Levania. Hungry for anguish, he raised the hatchling in chains, clawing at her mind and breaking her spirit. Feeding on her terror, he was invigorated, and sent her then to Elderath, to channel his power into this world.


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    Last edited by Coda; 11-03-2018, 07:03 PM.

    Act II: Project Desparia -- Levania, Eldarath's Moon

    17. Currents of the Ether
    We have defeated the Dragon, and removed Ragadam’s Claw from her head, unbreaking her spirit. She now relishes flying between the worlds on the currents of the ether. She has taken us to Levania to hunt for Ragadam, and left on a journey among the stars to cleanse her mind of his terror.

    18. Rain of Fire
    We were awed to find our moon is inhabited by strange creatures that seem sentient. Too bad they are aggressive. As we ponder this, several meteors blast huge craters in the plateau ahead. A minute passes, then several more. It almost looks like someone is doing this with a purpose.

    19. Stones and Bones
    A crater is a perfect place for an ambush. Let's hope instead of a fight we can have a talk. We just want to find Ragadam.

    20. Canyon of Whispers
    The alien creatures we've come to call Levans are not willing to talk to us, and seem to get along well with the walking dead. They look sentient, but not sane. Alien whispers fill this valley, like shreds of the Levan’s ragged minds.

    21. Stairway to Levania
    The air is fresher, the sand is moist, and lichens grow on some stones. Could the myth of the Levanian Gardens be true?

    22. The Levanian Gardens
    The Levanian Gardens are real, but most things growing in them are twisted and tortured, like the spirits of their wretched Levan gardeners.

    23. The Levanian Jungle
    The thick forest on the bottom of these once barren canyons weeps quietly in the wind. It could be beautiful, in an alien way, but in the weeping wind we hear a whisper… “Ragadam…” and beauty is drowned by anxiety.

    24. The Scent of Home
    We found a huge stone structure, filled with the sound of flowing water and with familiar smells. There are plants from Elderath here, but they’re confined and ordered like the vials in (an) alchemist's lab.

    25. River of Blood
    In the stone laboratory, we found a log written in archaic Elderan by Elban the Demiurge. It speaks of Levans as “drones”, mentions “Master Ragadam”, “Project Desparia” and a “lying snake-witch”. We reach a canal where rivulets of thick red ooze are gathering into a sickly parody of a river.

    26. River of Dreams
    Flowing out of the colossal system of dams and reservoirs, the ooze changes into clear water, and green plants grow on the shores. We rushed to get a drink of water…

    27. Going with the Flow
    After drinking the river’s water we had hours of horrifying hallucinations. We waited them out in agony until evening, and then continued downstream, keeping our distance from the bank. The river leads us underground; it looks like another of the Demiurge’s water enrichment mills.

    28. The Seeds of Life
    The Demiurge’s Log, the whispers in the air, the nightmares in the water, tortured denizens and plants leave little doubt: Ragadam wants to grow a whole world for himself here, Desparia, a world of beings knowing only anguish, and speaking only his name, for his eternal sustenance.

    29. The Temple
    We reach a vast temple, bearing Elban’s seal and the words “Elban’s Holy Halls” in archaic Elderan above the entrance. As we step in, the gate closes behind us, and a humming starts filling the air, followed by a deep rumble.


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    Typos & omissions -- let me know!
    Last edited by Coda; 11-03-2018, 07:09 PM.


      Act III: Pyramids of the Gods -- Nirgal, The Rusty Planet

      30. The Rusty Planet
      Elban’s temple turned out to be a space-faring vessel, and has transported us to Nirgal, the rusty planet in Elderath’s sky. Maybe he and his master Ragadam hide here, among palm trees and pyramids…

      31. Twilight Garden
      The beautiful stone cities of Nirgal are inhabited by a reptilian species, who coexist with Ragadam’s undead minions. They look like brutal warriors, but architecture (or clothes) seem to elude them.

      32. Beneath the Pyramids
      The lush garden’s alleys lead us to the entrance to one of these magnificent pyramids. The corridors inside are lit by glass tubes, cold to the touch, and lined by iron conduits that carry fire.

      33. Path of Sand
      We exit the catacombs into a sandy canyon, walled by red, Nirgalian cliffs. The manuscripts we found inside the pyramid indicate this is the way to The Wall, and to Elban's city of Malador.

      34. Oasis
      We have been wandering the desert canyons for days. From the top of the high dune, we see in the distance a lake, palm trees, and ruins.

      35. Ruins of Minaris
      Beautiful arched gates and decorated walls slowly crumble into the red sounds. This must have been mean Minaris, the City of Three Canyons, the old capital of the southern Nirgal lands, from before the Coming of the Demiurge.

      36. The Wall
      Built between two mountain ranges, the titanic Wall once protected the realms of Minaris from the more aggressive peoples of the Mire and Malador in times of war, while the narrow path on its top was used by traders in times of peace.

      37. Trial of the Mire
      As we descend off the Wall into the mire, we find ourselves in a sturdy wooden enclosure. Whatever its purpose might once have been, now it's a place for us to be ambushed by Elban’s reptilians and Ragadam’s dead.

      38. Murkvale
      Murkvale was a village of the Mirefolk, or, as we knew them on Elderath, the Merloks. Now it has been taken over by the Demiurge’s creations, the vile reptilians. Beyond it, we can see the walls of Malador.

      39. The City of Malador
      Malador, the Crown of the Mire, is being slowly consumed by the jungle’s neverending twilight. The screeches of Elban’s abominations echo among the stone walls. This is their city now, and the seat of their warlord, Gorlak.

      40. The Crucible of Mawrth
      Deep beneath Malador lies the Crucible of Mawrth, a vast dungeon built among flowing fires to contain Mawrth, Nirgal's ancient demon. The demon was long since slain by Elban, and the crucible is his lair now.


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      Typos & omissions -- let me know!
      Last edited by Coda; 11-03-2018, 07:10 PM.
      VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


        Act IV: Ragadam's Dominion -- Demeter, The Shattered World

        41. Demeter, the Shattered World
        We traveled to the place that could not be seen from afar and have discovered the fragments of a world floating in space, teeming with life. Whether these people will receive us as allies or conquerors remains to be seen. The temple-ship dropped us in a forest.

        42. On Wings of Aether
        The aether is the mysterious energy source that still holds these shattered remains together. There should be 5 kinds of crystals: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue , and White. We must collect them all to be able to travel freely across the aether.

        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
        So far, yellow and white aether crystals have not been found. Read more here.
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        43. Darkhold Citadel
        The once great Keep of Whitemoon, the Ursoc bulwark against the Minotaurs’ savage attacks, is now a dark shadow up on the bleak land of the Isle of the Ursoc Kingdom. The blood-crazed servants of Rak’shul now call it Darkhold Citadel. One thing hasn't changed: it is still considered impregnable, so forbidden knowledge is brought here to be stored. Perhaps this knowledge can be used to reactivate the gateway that would take us to Ragadam.

        44. Blenheim
        We learned that Rak’shul is an agent of Ragadam that holds one of the keystone fragments used to power the gateway, someone named Sivari holds the other. The town of Blenheim seems to be at the center of the spreading corruption. The town is guarded by a fallen champion of the Ursol that has eventually succumbed to the same mysterious blood-craze as most of their warriors.

        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
        So, Rak’shul has one keystone shard, and Sivari the other, right?
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        45. The Highroad
        We discovered that the blood-craze is fabricated by corrupting dragon blood. We must cross the Highroad, the path through the mountains and through Ursoc territory, to get to Dragon’s Crag -- the only likely source of dragon blood on Demeter. Curing the blood-craze will surely disrupt whatever plan Rak’shul has.

        46. Dragon’s Crag
        Gram, the Keeper guards the Dragonspawn at the center of Dragon’s Crag. He could be under Ragadam’s control, or he could be his captive. Either way, this is where the alchemist corruptor got the dragon blood from.

        47. Morgenheim
        Once we stopped the corruption rituals, most of the Ursoc begin reverting to their regular selves. Rak’shul the Usurper, Ragadam’s minion who caused the blood-craze, retreated inside Morgenheim Castle together with his loyalists. He must be dealt with, and we must recover the keystone fragment from him.

        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
        So, the first keystone shard should be found near Rak’shul in Morgenheim, right?
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        48. Desolation Desert
        With the Ursoc usurper dealt with, the blood-craze cured, and the rightful king back on the throne, we focus on the Minotaur tribes. The Minotaurs are savage warriors who respect strength above all else. We travel to the Desolation Desert in search of the second keystone fragment.

        49. Scartree Forest
        We learned that Sivari is the former Warchief of the Scartree tribe, that proclaimed herself Overlord of the Minotaurs. Although not all follow her rule, she and her followers display unnatural strength. We travel through Scartree Forest to reach the Scartree tribe’s home grounds and find the source of her strange and newly gained power.

        50. Scartree Hold
        Before their newfound mysterious strength, the Scartree were the weakest of the Minotaurs. These outcasts learned to construct their settlements undergrounds, unlike the rest of their kind. Scartree Hold is their underground capital. We could find the answers we are looking for here.

        51. Crystal Mountain
        The Void Infusers at Scartree Hold were corrupting aether crystals from Crystal Mountain. If we cut their supply, the source of the Scartree power will be shattered, and the way to Sivari will be open.

        52. Drakenmoor Forest
        The watchtower in Drakenmoor Forest could warn Sivari of our impending assault. We must capture the watchtower before we proceed any further.

        53. Drakenmoor Citadel
        Drakenmoor Citadel is the seat of power of the Minotaur Overlord. Sivari, the great agent of Ragadam that holds the second keystone shard, must be here with her elite forces.

        54. Drakenmoor Catacombs
        Sivari fled in the underground catacombs below Drakenmoor Citadel. We must pursue her and obtain the Keystone shard.

        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
        So, the second keystone shard should be found near Sivari in Drakenmoor Catacombs, right?
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        55. The Underworld
        Kara, the Tempest Queen, leads what's left of Ragadam’s forces on Demeter from the center of the underworld Necropolis. Ending her means undoing the threat that Ragadam poses to this collection of worlds.


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        Typos & omissions -- let me know!
        Last edited by Coda; 11-03-2018, 07:11 PM.
        VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


          Reserved for ACT V :
          Originally posted by Adrian (Developer)
          Act V
          The level designers have already started producing levels for the fifth act. They have also re-done the not so good looking levels from the first three acts, we’ll released that polished content as soon as we get some breathing room.
          Last edited by Coda; 11-01-2018, 11:09 PM.
          VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


          • rickcy86
            rickcy86 commented
            Editing a comment
            when will it be released? act V?

          Reserved for ACT VI

          ...wishful & long-term thinking...
          Last edited by Coda; 11-01-2018, 11:09 PM.
          VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


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            Letter to Alistair Thadden
            A Letter by Professor Xagan
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
            Professor Xagan writes to his colleague, Alistair Thadden, about the concerning events in Elderath.
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

            Professor Alistair Thadden
            Anderra Academy of Natural Philosophy

            Professor Alexander Xagan
            Lighthouse Laboratory

            Dear Alistair,

            I hope my letter finds you as tireless and witty as ever.

            Alistair, you know I was never one to fall to superstition or to discourage research, but I am very troubled about this Lifecrafting Order at the Academy. Studying Lifecrafting is a noble pursuit, but I fear they are not doing that, my friend.

            I have been visited by a triad of Lifecrafters here at the Lighthouse. They have taken to wearing uniforms and bleaching their beards. They requisitioned all the books from the Lighthouse Library against my protests. They were followed by walking skeletons, Alistair!

            I fear they are dabbling in necromancy, I think you suspect that too.

            The Elderan’s nights have been tormented enough by these restless dead. You know the will that moves them is not of this world, and cannot be bent by us. Raising them only gives more power to their puppeteer, whose name I will not write or utter.

            I urge you, try to contain this Lifecrafter Order for as long as you can.

            I will arrange for ______ to leave for Anderra.

            It is time.

            Hoping to hear from you soon, old friend.

            Yours truly,


            Typos & omissions -- let me know!
            Last edited by Coda; 11-17-2018, 01:09 AM.
            VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


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              Project Desparia
              A Journal by Elban the Demiurge
              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
              Elban's notes about his project to turn Levania, Elderath's Moon, into Desparia, Ragadam's Domain.
              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

              Project Desparia, First Sun
              I, Elban, High Disciple of Lord and Master Ragadam, have descended upon my Master’s former prison wall, the barren moon Levania, and for his Eternal Glory I am tasked with Lifecrafting it into a new world, Desparia, where all creatures will live in terror of His Name.

              Project Desparia, Sun 72
              Before losing her mind, back on that island on Elderath, the lying snake-witch has yielded the secrets of LifeCrafting to me. Or so I thought… for most of the things she said were deceits, aimed at ruining my work, curse her name. I will need slaves to do the work that her magic does not.

              Project Desparia, Sun 130
              The wretched Mirefolf that Gorlak is sending me from Nirgal are too feeble to work on these arid lands or breathe this thin air. I will have him invade Minaris, and enslave those desert-dwelling, trident-wielding drones. They might do.

              Project Desparia, Sun 276
              For his deeds in the seige of the Wall and the fall of Minaris, I honor Gorlak with the title Wallshatter.

              Project Desparia, Sun 391
              The drones do good work before they die, and Gorlak Wallshatter is sending a temple full more every Sun. The canals are well underway, as are the forest halls and sun mills.

              Project Desparia, Sun 447
              Lord and Master Ragadam, Glory to his Name, has walked the land of Desparia this Sun. Desparia’s forests and critters trembled, Desparia’s dead rose, mumbling His Name in terror, and He was pleased.

              Having crafted for Him the race of Aztrak warriors, and having started to craft Him a World, He has honored me with my new title, Elban the Demiurge.

              Project Desparia, Sun 529
              That fool ______ has somehow managed to slay Magroth, ride the Broken Dragon here, and is now wasting my drones. I’ll go have a word with Wallshatter, and see how ______ likes Desparia until we return.


              Typos & omissions -- let me know!
              Last edited by Coda; 11-17-2018, 01:16 AM.
              VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


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                Pyramids of the Gods
                A Journal by High Disciple Elban
                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                A journal entry by Elban about the Pyramids of Nirgal.
                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                Lord and Master Ragadam, may forever in terror His Name be spoken, has commanded me to restore the fire engines of Nirgal, so that they may power the Crucible beneath Malador and I may complete my work of Firecrafting his Aztrak warriors.

                For all the pride I take in my skills, I am humbled by the Master’s knowledge of the inner workings of the worlds, Glory beat to His Name. For before receiving his instructions, the Mirefolk, Dragonbone, and Demonfang essences would not fuse in the Crucible, and I had not the wisdom to know that the Crucible’s fires were burning low.

                When the engines beneath the Pyramids are pumping fire again, I shall return to Malador and Firecraft the mightiest of the Aztrak, to be there warlord. In praise of the Master’s boundless knowledge, I will name him Gorlak, for the awe that mortals owe to gods.


                Typos & omissions -- let me know!
                Last edited by Coda; 11-17-2018, 01:02 AM.
                VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


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                  Gorlak Wins!
                  A Scribbling by Gorlak the First Aztrak
                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                  A boastful note by Gorlak the First Aztrak about the fall of Minaris
                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                  GORLAK WINS!


                  MINARIS FALLS!


                  MASTER ELBAN'S WILL IS DONE.

                  GORLAK DONE IT!

                  So wrote Gorlak, the First Aztrak, at the fall of Minaris, for the Glory of Ragadam, may forever in terror His name be spoken.


                  Typos & omissions -- let me know!
                  Last edited by Coda; 11-17-2018, 01:15 AM.
                  VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


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                    Gorgona’s Origin
                    A Chronicle by Koschei the Sage

                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                    A tale of Gorgona, the mad witch of the Misty Island, and her torturer, Elban the Demiurge.
                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                    From the sea comes the deadliest, most resilient of all life, which is why Ragadam commanded his followers to learn from it in their experiments to create life on the inhospitable surface of Levania. Elban the Demiurge, a clever disciple whose wretched nature was made evident by his fulsome reptilian appearance and hazy breath, followed his esteemed master’s example and found someone else to carry out these experiments for him.

                    Tending to the secluded grove she called home gave Gorgona both purpose and safety in a time when it felt like either could be snatched from you by Ragadam’s legion. She was so skilled that she didn't even need her magic to grow fruits, vegetables, and nuts, more delicious than could be found anywhere else. No, that magic was reserved for intruders. On those occasions the leaves of the grove would rustle with news of the unwelcome. Most of the time simply having one of the larger, more gnarled trees uproot itself and come marching toward the stray wanderer, would convince them to find a different forest to explore. Gorgona sometimes couldn't help but laugh at the way they flailed as they desperately ran away. She wouldn't have actually hurt anyone who didn't deserve it, but they needn’t know that. They just needed to believe the idea of the scary witch whose laughter echoes after fleeing trespassers.

                    On this occasion, before she could even return home from scaring off the last wanderer, the grove notified her of a new presence. Not alive… metallic… lots of them trampling savagely. It had to be Ragadam’s automatons! Gorgona hurried to the northern edge of the thick forest expecting the worst. Automatons were generally used as a garrison which meant someone wanted this grove. Arriving quickly, she saw there were several dozen of the small rolling automatons accompanied by about twenty of the larger two-legged models. They were already starting to divide into smaller groups and fan out.

                    Crouched amongst the tree limbs, Gorgona watched through the shade of the boughs and waited until they were sufficiently far apart, and then gave life to the stout trees she spent so much time tending. Their thick limbs tore the larger automatons apart while their roots and trunks smashed the small ones into the earth and ground them into parts. She swiftly moved to the next group of automatons, and then the next, overseeing similar destruction each time. While dispatching the fourth bunch, she heard a single automaton that had made its way behind her. As she turned to look at it Gorgona sent a tree limb to smash into the construct. She saw it had a deadly multi-arrow arm that could fire a volley and riddle her body. Instead the machine pointed its arm directly up and fired just one shot before being mangled by the grove. Following the shot with her eyes she saw it become a puff of hazy fumes that quickly descended and clung to her.

                    Elban had his signal. Vanishing Skybreakers who had lain invisible in anticipation of this moment started a hail of meteors. The large, flaming meteor's snapped trees in half while the smaller shards were hurled with such force that they bore holes in anything they impact it on. The fires spread quickly, setting Gorgona's army and home ablaze until a sudden storm began driving sheets of rain to combat them. Elban grinned. The witch was definitely the one to lead the experiments. Then he saw her. She had smashed all of his toys and clearly wanted to do the same to him. Thunder boomed overhead as lightning arced between the clouds.

                    “Show me the power of your world!” he yelled to her over the winds, with a challenging smug look on his face. Obligingly she dropped bolts of lightning from above. Elban held out his hand and immediately her arsenal was turned against her with the electricity being deflected at her. Gorgona was behind a tree in a flash, and then let out a gasp as she felt a small sting in her back and a hand on her shoulder. She barely had time to question how he'd covered that distance before she looked up and saw the smiling madman. “And I’ll show you the power of Ragadam’s new world.”

                    There wasn't much to greet Gorgona's senses as she began to awaken. Her face was covered so she could only see the tiniest pinpoints of light. Her mouth was gagged, her arms and legs were bound, she was suspended, and there was very little sound except a scraping noise. A hand on her head and a whisper in her ear indicated that her awakening hadn't gone unnoticed. “The work you’ll be doing on your island is going to teach us so much.” Gorgona smelled something akin to smelted metal on Elban's breath. His lingering touch made her struggle in vain against her bonds. She could not feel the magic of the earth around her. No way to free herself or fight back.

                    Elban withdrew his hand and stepped away. “But first Ragadam has to teach you about obedience. It's going to take some time to change you for our needs.” The scraping noise she'd heard ended in a loud thump above her. “I'll leave you to your lessons in compliance. Don't worry, we've protected your face with that mask. We’ll only be changing the rest of you. It'll take a year or so before they are through so I hope you’re patient.

                    Gorgona heard a crank turning and felt her body being lowered into water. Her leg jerked reflexively when something brushed against it. When it then wrapped itself around her leg it felt like a snake. Immediately there were more of them in the water wrapping themselves around every part of her. The small bit of light she could see through the mask was growing narrower and finally disappeared as the crank stopped turning and ended with a clang that told her she was now entombed.

                    Elban left with his usual satisfied grin on his face. There was nothing left to stick around for, he thought. The warped sea-snakes would pump her full of their venom again and again slowly transforming her body and her mind. “Maybe I should have taken the gag off her mouth so we could hear her scream.


                    Typos & omissions -- let me know!
                    Last edited by Coda; 11-17-2018, 01:16 AM.
                    VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


                      Reserved for future book

                      { I'm pretty sure that up to v1.3.17, there are only 5 books? If you know otherwise please send a PM. }
                      Last edited by Coda; 11-02-2018, 07:20 PM.
                      VUFO ZEBE ZAQI 1381


                        Coda , your work ethic and devotion to this game continues to surpass all expectations. Impressive to say the least.


                          Coda Thankyou. Have a cyber-pat on the back and a digital thumbs up. Great work.


                            Not bad, don't see a useful purpose to post the stuff here when we can see it in game but impressive non the less that you took the time to put it here

