I am running a bounty hunter maisy and have filled the offence box haste 100/100 critical damage 100/100 and the rest on power. Is this critical damage doing anything or should it all be on power as I know someone on the forum mentioned diminishing returns.
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Fire lily and CL points distribution.
If you are running with a Fire Lily? No matter what the game says, Critical Rating and Critical Damage do absolutely nothing for you.
When you have a Fire Lily equipping, you can no longer trust the reported damage change for any piece of gear that has any Critical Rating and/or Critical Damage on it. They really need to fix the reporting to acknowledge the existence of the Fire Lily but doubt that is even on their longest-range radar.
Haste is the first to load up because you get 4 Haste per Champion Point while you only get 2 Power. Balance out your Haste and Power somewhere else with gemstones or gear stats. Though, when you are running with a Fire Lily, you will hit CL 600 fast enough that worrying about temporary balancing out stats is time better spent just playing.Last edited by Tin Man; 02-08-2023, 05:30 PM.