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Seasons Rank?

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    Seasons Rank?

    For each of the Season events, there is a small emblem that appears on the side menu, and it currently has a rank number 11 posted. I have completed every task in the season event, including reaching level 20 and fulfilling all the bonus XP objectives, but the emblem is still only at 11. How do I make that number progress to 1? Is there some secret task or objective I'm missing? I've attached an image of the emblem I'm referring to. Thanks for any help!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	emblem.png
Views:	531
Size:	26.3 KB
ID:	220232
  • Answer selected by Travis | Support Mgr. at 10-23-2023, 03:48 PM.

    These eleven are the “Finish the event in top X” milestones. They’ll be fulfilled when the Season ends.


      These eleven are the “Finish the event in top X” milestones. They’ll be fulfilled when the Season ends.
      Mobile Only (iPhone 5 / iPad Air 1st gen / iPad Pro 11" 2nd gen)
      Eternium Files


        I need help understanding something else. Looking at the current leaderboards, I see characters in the top 100 with a damage level of around one million completing Trial Level 162, while my character has a damage level over three million and I can't beat Trials over level 117. How is that possible? Click image for larger version  Name:	Eternium 2_8_2024 6_31_17 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	195.5 KB ID:	221450 Click image for larger version  Name:	Eternium 2_8_2024 6_31_22 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	187.9 KB ID:	221451


          You can't compare two entirely different builds, different weapons, full ct, is armor the same set?
          Last edited by papa jim; 02-09-2024, 07:34 PM.


            Centurion Anas build looks like full 6 piece Defender (6D) set plus liberator shield. Fully ct'd as well hence the 13 million odd health. This is the current meta.

            Whereas Kevin build looks like a 6 fury build (could be wrong) with only 4 ct items.

            So direct comparison is meaningless as we are looking at two different things.

            Note. If 6 fury then it needs charge/leap/whirlwind and not devastate. Crit build 6 fury is normally paired with Talisman of Storms and Charm of Qol trinkets too. Not much call for wind spirit trinket at high trial levels either (lacks enough oomph to kill at higher Trial levels)

            Also, 6 fury can't go as high as the current 6D or 6 piece juggernaut (6J) sets. Which is a shame as I think more variety in meta is better.

            Also CL 2137 vs CL 1910. Big gap there too. Might not seem like it but once you are above CL 2000 then adding CLs takes more and more xp. There is a graph somwhere which shows this.

            6 Fury is a good set for building up experience and materials, you just need to grind away running levels which you can complete in around 90 secs

            ANBs are a must as xp and materials are easier to accumulate in them. Plus you get to bring back CT'd L77 items which helps build your season gear. Over time, you will find yourself ranking higher and higher.

            If you haven't already done so, I would strongly recommend joining the Eternium discord channel and seeking advice in the Warriors channel.

            Finally, you have come this far so do not give up now. With more time and experience you will get to the higher Trial levels. I know because I've only just managed to start to get there myself!


              Okay, let me try another comparison. Thanks to equipping the new yellow Spiritstones, my current damage rating is 4,860,350. Here's my current Trial stats:

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Eternium 4_10_2024 7_54_12 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	169.5 KB ID:	222205

              Now, here's the Trial stats of the current (as of this post) top leaderboard user, with a damage rating of 3,832,774:

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Eternium 4_10_2024 7_55_12 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	155.0 KB ID:	222206

              So, how is this possible? There can't possibly be any legitimate way to do THAT much damage is there? I don't want to accuse anyone of cheating, although I can't come up with any other explanation. Granted, this character also has a ton of medals, but again I question whether you can get a damage rating that high from medals alone.


              • Gargos
                Gargos commented
                Editing a comment
                It is quite possible, but very hard to pull off. This is the highest yet achieved by Warrior, but some others are close. Nhat below describes the various builds, but the trick to deploy such enormous damage is to have all the processes active simultaneously....lining up the procs and feeding the massive DoT of Shockwave lvl 10. Apart from Devastate fueling SW, Lightning Reflexes, Duelist, Belt of the Templar, and Power Infusion all proccing destroys the Boss in seconds. The 6J build hunts Elite mobs and tries to avoid maps with Normal mobs. Map shopping for the perfect Elite-rich map can be very time consuming.

              Getting the most damage is about leveraging set gear bonuses. From your stats sheet, it looks like you're simply using standard skills/utilities and attacks. What set are you using?

              There are currently 3 viable sets for Warriors: Juggernaut, Defender & Fury, each with their specific playing style to leverage the bonuses.

              The player you posted is using the Juggernaut set, as indicated by the massive damage from Shockwave & Grievous Wounds (from the Swords set)
              Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_120327_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	103.5 KB ID:	222208 Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_121356_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	131.2 KB ID:	222211 Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_120229_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	101.2 KB ID:	222210 Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_120215_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	103.9 KB ID:	222209

              This build is heavily Crit focused, leveraging the boost to Devastate (increased Power from Juggernaut 6/6 bonus), Critical rating boost from Juggernaut 2/6, and Grievous Wounds from the Swords. The idea is to boost your attack as high as possible, waiting to Critical boosts to max, hit Devastate for Crit - which then adds the Bleeding damage, hit Shockwave to trigger the 20x current bleed instant damage, hopefully that also crits and stack again, repeat Shockwave proc... and you get MASSIVE Shockwave & Grievous Wounds damage - as per the stats sheet, damage from others don't even count.

              Fury leverages Storm of Swords, triggered from casting Charge and/or Leap. Use Whirldwind to gather the mobs, and deal some damage from the Tornadoes as you run. Then spam Charge/Leap to take them out. I've used this with great success in ANB (up to TL110 that is, I tend to stop there), and currently use it for my main, not as much timing needed, just gather and spam...
              Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_120302_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	127.2 KB ID:	222212 Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_122604_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	150.2 KB ID:	222214 Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_122616_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	88.6 KB ID:	222213

              Defender is making a push lately due the new Legacy shield, which boosts Deadly Throw damage and adds an Armour debuff to the target. The build leverage the Power boost from Defender 6/6 - so can focus on adding Block Rating to gear to maximise block chances, and increased proc for Deadly Throw. Basically, you gather as many mob as you can handle with Whirldwind, have Shield Block active and watch the flying shields shred them to pieces.

              Here's my current ANB run, as you can see "sheet damage" is extremely low, but the build doesn't need it, all the hits are from Deadly Throw and Shield Slam - which depends on the Shield's Armour value, hence the socketed Diamond, if I have a Legendary one, then those will be even higher.
              Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_120439_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	180.5 KB ID:	222217 Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_122527_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	112.1 KB ID:	222216 Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_120409_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	73.2 KB ID:	222218 Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240411_120413_Eternium.jpg Views:	0 Size:	65.8 KB ID:	222215

              Edit: Defender can be a bit poor as you build up, you need Sword & Board and Whirldwind at level 10 to get the max boost and to help gather mobs. You also need to get all 6 to really start seeing the "mass of flying shields", the default 6 seconds restriction kinda dampens your damage output a LOT. And you also need Shield Block active as much as possible... the current Manastim stones greatly help there.

              So, the key is work out what style you prefer, get that set and learn the requirements... then go fight. Hope that helped, have fun
              Last edited by Nhat; 04-11-2024, 02:56 AM.
              Eternium Files - links and details


              • Nhat
                Nhat commented
                Editing a comment
                Note also that in both of my builds, I'm using a Legendary Fire Lily, which gives a flat +500% damage boost - and prevents all crits. This also makes the "sheet damage" value useless as a comparison to builds using criticals...