Hello I'm just started playing the game and I would like to know what class what the most easiest in soloing the main content I'm play on tablet if that helps?
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Best solo class
The game is single player anyway, and each class have their own Ranking Leaderboard, no cross class competition. So just choose what you like more.
Recommend not to spend too many Gems unlocking Inventory/Abilities/Companioms for your first main char, just get to level 30, and take your time getting used to the class - can clear story for Daily Quests to stock up Gems. Then make a new one in ANB (A New Beginning) and unlock things for a lot cheaper - after ANB finishes, that char can move back to your main account, and become one of your main (max of 5 chars)Eternium Files - links and details- Jewelry Guide - 20 Sep 2021: updated stats range for v1.5.73
- ANB League FAQ
- ANB Warrior - Defender, no recipes runs
Honestly I think you should read through the tips and guides section of the forums. There's so much amazing information there that will help you navigate the different builds and why they are good for each type of play. Some players that are much more dedicated than I have posted some great walk walkthroughs and videos of builds , playstyles, and stuff all the way down to the complex mathematics of how and why things work. Even after a few months I'm still learning about my Defender warrior. Please feel free to join them on discord to pick people's brains about the game and how they like to play. If you look around, the link is here somewhere.