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whirlwind is much weaker

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    whirlwind is much weaker

    Whirlwind is now 600% at level 10, used to be 900%.

    It's been changed to a passive attack, you can do your normal attacks and cast other abilities, while Whirlwind is active. So I suppose the lowered damage is to compensate for this...
    Eternium Files - links and details


    • Skyla
      Skyla commented
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      I love this fact. I hated that it put you into a spell lock.

    You need only to have the sweet sweet bonus that creates the lil tornadoes my friend. Whirlwind has become my very best friend since then, and I couldn't bring myself to use it before (even though I was so excited when the spell first came out, then when I first used it I found the spell lock it puts you into..can't even drink a potion..and was devastated (pun intended) but it's a beast of a spell now with Fury
    Hacker, not to be confused with cheater or cracker


    • Skyla
      Skyla commented
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      Now if only they'd fix the Axe set. It's garbage because of one mechanic.. it only effects your target... Not the swarm of enemies around you while you're spinning.. Just one target..

    • Easilyconfused
      Easilyconfused commented
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      I loved it for dragging around mobs at lightning speed farming XP. Now, with alacrity cut in half, and battle rage proc stuck at 7, I need to relearn how to farm efficiently. Your point re: the axe is interesting. I always wondered why that didn't work as expected.

    • Skyla
      Skyla commented
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      Oh ok, so they fixed BR... That's why you slowed down huh. That kinda sucks, but it was a bug anyway. I actually haven't used anything but ItZ and charge with my whirlwind with this new stuff. I'm farming faster than ever before. With this Fury set, warriors are actually in the class of farmers now, legitimately.

    Originally posted by Easilyconfused View Post
    Whirlwind is now 600% at level 10, used to be 900%.
    Might be just me, but it seems that WW now does some damage to Kara, when it used to be utterly useless against her. It's still the weakest attack against her, but it does damage, and when using the Belt of the Triad, it's actually kinda fun.


      Originally posted by Ubba Lothbrokson View Post

      Might be just me, but it seems that WW now does some damage to Kara, when it used to be utterly useless against her. It's still the weakest attack against her, but it does damage, and when using the Belt of the Triad, it's actually kinda fun.
      As Nhat mentioned above you can now perform your basic attacks during whirlwind. Before this was possible it was most likely that using it against a single target actually reduced you damage but now it is additional.


        Originally posted by James Bob View Post

        As Nhat mentioned above you can now perform your basic attacks during whirlwind. Before this was possible it was most likely that using it against a single target actually reduced you damage but now it is additional.
        I'm aware of that, but I have cast whirlwind on Kara (TL 80) and let it run for a second or two without doing anything else. I see it causing damage to her, which I didn't before this update. Kara used to seem utterly impervious to whirlwind.


        • Nhat
          Nhat commented
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          I've been using Whirlwind for trials in nearly all my runs, and it definitely do damage to Kara - I use it to help build up bleed stacks for Shockwave... The potential problem sometimes is ensuring that you're close enough to her to actually hit her with it, since she doesn't get pull in.

        Since there's no leaderboards to look at, what is everyone using as far as gear/abilities with the new fury set? I'm running TL 90-95 in 2 mins with 4/6 fury, 2/6 warlord, vamp swords, and shockwave, charge, and WW. Does anyone have better ideas?


          Easily confused thanks for this topic
          ​​​​​​Nice information indeed
          For ages I only used whirlwind for mobs
          but after reading this I just smile
          Last edited by TheExorcist; 08-04-2020, 04:42 AM.
          Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
          trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

          brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

          Hv a nice day


          • Rogtime
            Rogtime commented
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            When I first started reading this forum, your enthusiasm for whirlwind inspired me to try it and I knew you would love the new Fury gear!

 kind of you
          Fury? now that i'm back..i will definitely try the Fury gear
          Just read on the Fury capability
          erm..2 Whirlwind warrior then (SW&DW)
          Anyway Whirlwind is "a must" for my Old shield warrior (because of Low end PC)
          Thank you
          Last edited by TheExorcist; 08-04-2020, 04:25 AM.
          Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
          trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

          brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

          Hv a nice day

