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Can a WW Warrior reach the CT milestones?

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    Can a WW Warrior reach the CT milestones?

    Just looked at the ANB leaderboard, and almost no one is using WW in their build. I am playing Warrior for the first time in ages because I really enjoy the 4 Fury: 2 Warlord build with Storm of Swords and Whirlwind Tornadoes. I also have very limited gems to spend after the Gold ANB, so I am running a minimal gems event, which makes decisions on which abilities to cook more important (only 1 upgrade slot open). I had been thinking about just running the event with only the epic e-box gear, but I just crafted a level 77 Integralas Mantle so I really want to get that first TL90 CT. I am only 2 hours into the event running 4F:2W build with generic belt and bracers, Vampiric blades, Talisman of Storms, and Vial of Wind Spirit (all epics). I just completed TL67 in about 4 minutes, and I am trying to think about which abilities to prioritize going forward. I was thinking that I wanted to cook WW to level 10 to be able to pull mobs, but now I am not so sure... I need to know:

    Do the WW procs from the 4 pc Warlord's set also spawn tornadoes or does that only happen with the 4 pc Fury set?
    Does Storm of Swords damage link to the level of Charge ability, as I move into higher trials it seems to have less of an impact?
    Which Warrior abilities are must haves to reach the CT milestones?


    I've played Fury2/Warlord4 with WW. I've never seen any tornadoes spawn from WW procs or from WW skills From the Fury armor description, it's a 4 Fury set bonus. No way a Warlord4 WW proc can proc a Fury 4 tornado because you cannot equip 8 pieces of armor.


    • Ozymandius
      Ozymandius commented
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      mousse Thanks for clarifying. So the 4 Warlord: 2 Fury Warrior build gives you the WW procs but not the WW tornadoes effect. I thought that the WW procs interfered with using WW as a separate ability. Where does most of the damage come from in that build?

    • Naktl
      Naktl commented
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      I think the basic build is 4WL/2 Fury. ITZ, Leap, SW. In my TL 100-ish 42% of my damage came from SW. or so it seems. What makes SW work is the way it relates to DoTs. It takes the next 1 second of DoT damage and x10. So it is actually a DoT build with burst damage triggered by SW. Leap is a DoT, swords are DoT, Rend is a DoT. WW is not equipped and only comes from the WL proc. With ITZ up more or less all the time you get a lot of WW and a great crit buff from the Templar belt. With WW at lvl 10 you get that pull when it procs.

    • Stusmith50
      Stusmith50 commented
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      If you use shockwave, it should be level 10. Until then itz, charge, WW is probably better (not tried SW for XP).

    Naktl I did have Shockwave up early on before I got the fourth Fury piece. Since then, my damage has been fairly evenly split between Storm of Swords and WW Tornadoes. I am enjoying Tornadoes too much to switch back to the 4 pc WL build right now, but I will start cooking SW in the background (thanks @Stusmith50). I swapped in Leap, and it gives me twice the Storm of Swords compared to only using Charge, so I should be able to push this build a bit farther.


      TL90 is definitely doable - since I've reached it, and I suck, haha.

      Running 4 Fury / 2 Warlords with Vampiric, Charge, Whirlwind, Shockwave - still sticking to Frenzy as primary, 2nd is Cleave. Tornadoes and Storm of Swords doing most of my damage...

      Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20200820-112330_Eternium.jpg Views:	13 Size:	103.6 KB ID:	179176Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20200820-112959_Eternium.jpg Views:	13 Size:	81.7 KB ID:	179175

      Don't know about 110, the 100s still eludes me so far, haha

      Still have about 6 hours left, spent 4 clearing story mode, only crafting rare weapons every 10 levels or so for the damage... testing minimum gems spending... (spent about 2.5k, full unlock and socketing...)
      Last edited by Nhat; 08-20-2020, 03:46 AM.
      Eternium Files - links and details


      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        Nhat Thanks for the info. I am using the same build except I found that, since my Shockwave level is still quite low, I am getting more out of using Leap for now (twice the Storm of Swords damage). I am just over 20 trials behind you right now. I am still running mostly epics with rare XP jewelry. I will probably have to use the ephemeral jewelry soon, since I am trying to conserve gems this event. Did you use XP on your jewelry?

      • Nhat
        Nhat commented
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        Ozymandius yeah, my usual xp build, still using epic ephemeral gear: xp, cd, cr - jewelries also ephemeral: xp, cd, cr, ar (same with other crafted legendaries)
        Just crafted the pants to transfer: xp, gold, movement, cd - talisman was another drop...

      OK, I went ahead and crafted the jewelry with CR/CD and XP on every piece and balance of AR and Vitality. Just completed TL90 with the 4 Fury:2 Warlord set using WW, Charge, and Leap. The Fury gear is level 70 stuff from the e-boxes, since I don't have those recipes. Now, I need to rethink my strategy because on completing TL90 I got a Bracer of Mastery with 100% Shockwave bonus. Looks like I will switch to 2 F:4 Warlord gear set because I can craft Warlord gear, and I want to try out the BoM.


      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        Argon thanks for the advice, sounds like I should continue with my current XP build, which is nice because I really enjoy the tornadoes effect. My WW is still on level 9, but I am hoping to get to 10 today and be able to pull mobs. It feels like if I can get both WW and Leap to level 10, I would be able to pull mobs two different ways. I had a drop of a WW belt that I have been using, but I also opened the Belt of the Templar recipe, so I will give that a try. I haven't played Warrior that much since the gear update, so my goal is to complete TL110 for the second CT.

        I only have the Epic Level 70 Fury gear pieces from e-boxes, so at some point I may switch to 4WL because I can craft Legendary pieces of Warlords gear but not Fury (though I may get a legendary Fury piece to drop now that I am past TL90).

        Right now, I am using Charge, Leap, and WW, and most of my damage is coming from Storm of Swords because both Charge and Leap pros SoS. I am guessing that to work SW into the rotation to take advantage of the BoM, I would need to give up Charge?

      • Argon
        Argon commented
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        If you want SW for xp I would go charge, WW, SW for the CR bonus. But SW doesn't perform as well as Leap for xp. SW gets better and better the higher the tl.
        When WW is at 10 you will probably get more tornado damage than SoS.
        I also had 4 epic 70ies in gold and in bronze. Works pretty well. Pushed with 70/71drops in gold, but baught 3 fury pieces this bronze. Now I ran to 130 with 1 drop, 3 more fury and 2 wl. Was fun!
        Last edited by Argon; 08-21-2020, 06:53 PM.

      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        Argon Definitely having fun! Still running the 4F:2W build for XP, but I had a couple of Fury pieces drop without XP that I can swap in for pushing later. I am glad that I discovered Leap for my XP build. I am at TL95 now, but I really need to push to TL100 to get the 200% XP boosters. I have had to run this ANB cheaply because I am gem poor after Gold ANB.(there used to be more time between events to farm gems). I have mostly run only 100% XP boosters to save gems. I will be lucky to get to the second CT, since I have a number of events this weekend that will limit my playing time.

      I play shield warrior (again). I said I'll try DW and fury/WL but maybe not this time, I will practice in my main warrior first so maybe I will try at silver. I am expecting to reach the 130 milestone with 2000CL, because I finished 123 last gold with only less than 1100CL and no 77 gear, but this time I have 77 shield and +93% shield slam bracers...


      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        Benedicto I understand sticking with the build that you know the best, but at some point you really should give the Fury/Warlord build a try. I haven't enjoyed playing Warrior this much since they first introduced the Whirlwind Axe set.

      • Benedicto
        Benedicto commented
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        Yes I really want to try but not this time. I have already decent fury drops and enjoyed it trying for the first time since it was released. And I was planning to switch to fury/warlord set to make a final push this season LB...

      I'm stuck at TL124 with a 2 Fury / 4 Warlord. Cleared TL123 in about 8 mins. TL124, I just can't clear the mobs. Big mob, little mob, doesn't matter, the timer goes further in the red with each group I kill. Leaderboard isn't much help as everything seems to be Leap, Zone, Shockwave. i'm running Charge, Leap, WW. I would like to salvage this and push through to TL130 without switching to shockwave zone I'm currently run Physical Dmg on my four piecces. Shockwavers are all Fire Dmg. Already gave up Bladestorm set for the Vampire blades, the 73/74 Axes stalled out earlier and 73/74 vampires pushed a little and cleared a little faster.

      Thoughts appreciated on tweaks to get to TL130. Overall I'm brittle, if I'm not dragging the mob in the WW, any elites snuff me in a blink. Do I dump the parry for Vit? I need Vit maybe Armor.

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      Attached Files
      Last edited by NoSuchReality; 08-22-2020, 07:07 PM.


      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        I'm afraid that I won't be of any help. You have made it much further than me. I am still running mostly Epic e-box Fury gear, and it looks like I won't even make TL100 without making a major change [hero can't handle mobs now that WW hit level 10]. Lots of time on play clock, but I won't get in much more game time before the event ends. Doing a brake job on the car took priority this weekend.

        I am afraid that this is the reason everyone switches to Shockwave; it heals your warrior to 60% of total health. I don't see any other options to being able to survive at higher trials with the Fury/Warlord build, unless maybe you have lots of open sockets that you can use for emeralds.

      • Stusmith50
        Stusmith50 commented
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        Too much haste - switch those sapphires for emeralds. 4 to 4.5 seems fine. Move some CP haste to Power as well if it's still over 5. But I think trying to beat 130 with whirlwind is a tough task! Especially with only 1500 CL. I think your entering good PC / Romme territory!
        Last edited by Stusmith50; 08-22-2020, 07:17 PM.

      • NoSuchReality
        NoSuchReality commented
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        I'm playing switching between an old Amazon Fire gen 7 and a two year old ipad. I've been playing too much BH addicted to spend. I can drop my haste to lower my AS, but that will just make my problem of not killing the mob fast enough worse. A 5 AS is 16% less than AS6 which is 16% less 1 second alacrity pumps. I'm down to the last hour thirty. I may do 6 more 60 second TL80 runs to grab 3 hour books to get the last 8% synergy boost.

      NoSuchReality you need a little more vit, AR and LoH. You do not need as much CR, CD because of ToS and Templar. When you get into an elite pack, fight as against a boss. Stay put and spam all abilities. I'm sitting on 130 with 4f,2w but I have a cleave bracer which made cleave my best damage source.. My stats Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20200823_002630_com.makingfun.mageandminions.jpg Views:	0 Size:	68.9 KB ID:	179412Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20200823_002621_com.makingfun.mageandminions.jpg Views:	0 Size:	84.2 KB ID:	179413Edit:My haste was at 933, I have crafted ToS and pants to CT them, though ToS still doesn't work. Rest is pretty much what I used. For the SS I'm wearing the new ToS and old xp pants
      Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20200823_001815_com.makingfun.mageandminions.jpg Views:	0 Size:	111.3 KB ID:	179411
      Last edited by Argon; 08-22-2020, 10:46 PM.
      Mobile only
      ZOBO NEVI CIXI 0314
      Warriors, BHs Argon
      Mages Tuca


      • Argon
        Argon commented
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        BHs and mages kite, warriors tank. But not sure whether LoH is really needed, I always put more defence than those around me in all classes.

      • Ozymandius
        Ozymandius commented
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        Argon and @StuSmith Thanks for the advice! I mostly play BH, so I didn't realize that those Haste values do not work for a Warrior. I think I got fooled because Haste seemed to help early on, but now I am getting killed when pulling mobs since WW hit level 10. I think that I need to boost Vitality, so I can withstand the elite counter attacks during mob phase.

      • Argon
        Argon commented
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        To get the haste breakpoints you need to use charge or leap, because you always have BR procs active in trials adding 850 haste. Or find the bps and subtract 850.

      Thanks Argon, got me closer, sadly looks like I’m timing out at Garm TL129. Got 20 minutes left so debating on sockets, TL100 runs, etc to pull just a little more juice. I can dispatch Garm quick enough, just taking me over 8 minutes to summon him. It took 8 minutes to get Elban up, then still finished with 0:22.

      I need to work on my mob pulling, definitely get too large easily and die, accidentally trip an elite group with a regular mob and it’s a problem. Just 15 more Glory to be able to unlock BoM, only got one BoM drop and it was frenzy.

      Toying around with my last 20 minutes, up to five sockets to make, that’s 250 more power which adds 7% to base dmg, 250 ability which should move me from 63% cool down to 65% cool down, buying me 0.4 seconds on the cool down or a desperate 5 or 6 speed runs at TL95 hoping for a drop. Got to once over my enchantments again to make sure there isn’t something to change out.

      Current spec sheet.

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      • Stusmith50
        Stusmith50 commented
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        The LoH is a bit high for a warrior - completed 137 with 1070

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      • NoSuchReality
        NoSuchReality commented
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        @Stusmith using a BoM? Your base dmg, CR/CD are lower than mine when I was stuck unable to clear mobs at TL123/124. Your cool down is slightly faster, but buffing my AR at the end didn’t gain me any in clearing the mob. Thanks.