Can someone help me to understand why top warriors always have very high cleave damage? My high damage is always sos. Thanks!
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High cleave damage
BoM Cleave bonus, Cleaver butchery bonus, Rending Slash attack speed bonus, critical damage bonus, a bunch of other bonuses I can't remember. It's wild man. Cleave accounts for 50% of my damage, I can only assume top players achieve such wild results (80-85%) because they can herd larger groups than us mere mortals. Cleave hit all of the targets in front of the warrior.
With Fury, Storm of Swords is going to be the dominate damage dealer at mid-high trials, where you can potentially kill mobs with a few of them.
It's at those really high trial levels, when mob hp are higher that you'll be spending more time fighting mobs that Cleave will slowly get ahead of SoS.
Also check the builds: 6x Fury have more SoS procs, while 2x Fury 4x Warlord leverages Battle Rage damage & Parry damage boosts, which applies to both Cleave & SoSEternium Files - links and details- Jewelry Guide - 20 Sep 2021: updated stats range for v1.5.73
- ANB League FAQ
- ANB Warrior - Defender, no recipes runs
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Thanks mousse and Nhat! Your explanations totally make sense! However I still have a few questions regarding the details:
- Those warriors have frenzy as their main attack, so how can their second cleave attack got so much damage?
- I also switched to 2F4W build, and I used same skill and pull etc and killed mobs without sos, but my cleave damage is still very low. I don’t have bom cleave buff yet. Is bom the magic here?
- I kill the boss with sos and tos. Do you guys do the same, or do you kill the boss with cleave?
1. Most PC players have their main attack as secondary to help prevent the "dash of death" - hitting the 2nd attack to ensure attacking, rather than hitting 1st attack and accidentally rush into a different mob.
2. BoM can potentially doubles Cleave damage, +100% boost, so... yeah it does make a different
3. I personally do use everything I have... others can comment on their strategies...Eternium Files - links and details- Jewelry Guide - 20 Sep 2021: updated stats range for v1.5.73
- ANB League FAQ
- ANB Warrior - Defender, no recipes runs
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