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Whirlwind SW observation

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    Whirlwind SW observation

    I wonder (LB aside)

    Related to Trial 142

    ​​​​​​1. When I put power for all empty slot etc I get 4859 value at the hero attribute. AR is 34% with integralas: And used the 121% CD - 2034 CD Damage all

    I fail to beat TBD for months

    2. When I discard all power and exchange it for all vitality I get a mere 3800 somethin power ( 1K difference). AR is 1800 with integralas. And used just a mere 93% CD - 2006 CD Damage all

    TBD 6 feet underground (RIP)

    Wat to observe ehh?

    1. Power as an attribute or filling all empty slots not important to a Shield warrior? Just high in block should be fine?

    2. AR is very important?????

    Am I right or wrong or somethin in between?

    Many thanks
    Attached Files
    Last edited by TheExorcist; 09-13-2021, 02:43 AM.
    Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
    trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

    brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

    Hv a nice day

    Ar is terribly important yes. The more uptime shield block has, the more you have that huge power bonus active.

    On my fire Lilly boardy I got 40% cooldown reduction (ar on every piece of gear). To keep it easy, 18s cooldown on shield block, that’s 5 seconds on 12 seconds off, so around 30% uptime.

    The ‘regular’ 2000 ar gives you 30% CDR, Sb cooldown is around 20s so around 25% uptime.

    That means you can calculate your average power gain (assuming 3600 block rating + 500 + 4000):

    30% of 8100 = 2700 average power gain

    25% of 8100 = 2025 average power gain

    On my fire Lilly boardy I gain way more from that 5% CDR, since I stack way more block rating than the 3600 breakpoint. I have 5534 block, giving me an average power boost of 3340. Add to that another 4760 power from well… power for 8100 total.

    Last edited by Kardinaal; 09-18-2021, 04:10 PM. Reason: 500 br from sword and board is not added to character overview.
    mobile (Apple) player - shield enthousiast - Heavily suffering from butter fingers

    SchilKardy - main Fire Lilly Shield Warrior - Trial 143


    • Kardinaal
      Kardinaal commented
      Editing a comment
      Did some further checking on the effects of the belt of the whirling storm, just out of curiosity. Numbers are from my fl boardy.

      Whirlwind has a 7s cooldown with the belt, meaning I can fit 2 activations of the belt in one 18s cooldown on shield block (- 4 from 2 activations leaves 14s cooldown on Sb).

      This would bring Sb uptime to a whooping 35%, for around 3500 average power extra (a gain of 160).

      Now there’s another aspect to keep in mind. I have a 4.2 s deadly throw. That would go to roughly 3 seconds with the belt. Which means I can do roughly 25% more deadly Throws, which is the same damage boost the girdle would give me, even a bit more. And at a bit of extra power…

      So belt of the whirling storm might be a smidge better compared to girdle of heroism. If you can keep up with the constant deadly throws that is…

    With the new update without changing anything to my build except charge for BR. I did 142 on first try in less then 6 min
    imo SW now top reachable trial will be around 150
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      those are my stats and trial level.

      also: something else. I noticed the 500 block rate the sword and board passive gives, does not show in the character stats. Which means 3100 block from gear would be enough to hit the 195% breakpoint with shield block active.
      Attached Files
      mobile (Apple) player - shield enthousiast - Heavily suffering from butter fingers

      SchilKardy - main Fire Lilly Shield Warrior - Trial 143


        I'm very happy
        With the old build Im stuck with Elban at 143
        A few minute ago try my luck with our new updating thing. Thank you tank you tank you the Dev etc

        repeat again: timin more better (same trial)

        3rd attempt:
        well there is no such thing as 4th attempt ( 3 is enough)
        Attached Files
        Last edited by TheExorcist; 09-18-2021, 07:02 PM.
        Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
        trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

        brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

        Hv a nice day


          The “real” shield block uptime will be higher than in my calculations ofcourse:

          - you start with 3 charges so that’s 15s extra uptime
          - blackguards set adds 1 charge per 30s, if you manage to drop below 50% health consistently

          So the effects I showed in my earlier posts are bigger in reality. The math however… Too hard .

          And blackguards is hard to consistently trigger, especially in the boss stage. Mind you it can be done on most bosses. allthough it takes some pretty ballsy face tanking of dragon flames, timing with Elronds leach thingy, carefully catching meteors (the smaller ones that come in 3’s, take 1 to the face),… The only boss that gives me problems to trigger is Kara, I have to stop using shockwave healing so she can drop me down enough.

          Use these tips with caution, I have a huge life pool and shockwave provides a nice ammount of heal.
          mobile (Apple) player - shield enthousiast - Heavily suffering from butter fingers

          SchilKardy - main Fire Lilly Shield Warrior - Trial 143


          • Turgeon
            Turgeon commented
            Editing a comment
            Black guard set add 1 charge when youre below 30% health not 50%.

          bf the updating as we all know the most difficult boss for a Battle Rage whirlwind shield warrior is: Kara
          I even have to use my DW assistance to beat Kara at 140 so that I could progress further at 141 etc

          How bout after the updating: Kara is still a "MF son of a B": but but but 1st & 2nd attempt:
          Attached Files
          Last edited by TheExorcist; 09-19-2021, 01:24 AM.
          Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
          trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

          brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

          Hv a nice day


            Magroth at Trial 146:
            I wonder wat makes the shield slam thing so high? I absolutely have no idea. Just play play play
            Attached Files
            Last edited by TheExorcist; 09-19-2021, 01:54 AM.
            Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
            trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

            brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

            Hv a nice day


            • Kardinaal
              Kardinaal commented
              Editing a comment
              Yeah shield slam is taking a bigger slice of the pie on my toon too. Guess they boosted it a little more than deadly throw.

            Not terribly bad at 147
            Attached Files
            Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
            trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

            brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

            Hv a nice day


              First try and easily did trial 141 (non ANB) with my very dusty and not very well optimized SW. It looks promising.
              We probably owe it to TheExorcist and Turgeon who kept the build alive for so long.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	SW.jpg Views:	0 Size:	152.8 KB ID:	203403
              Last edited by Grand_Wazoo; 09-19-2021, 09:40 PM.


              • Turgeon
                Turgeon commented
                Editing a comment
                Hope we help to let them thinking about balancing a bit SW. but dev team did it. Yeah now let see if we can do 150

              • Grand_Wazoo
                Grand_Wazoo commented
                Editing a comment
                TheExorcist is nearly there...I'm sure you guys helped a bit just by discussing it.

              • TheExorcist
                TheExorcist commented
                Editing a comment
                Grand Wazoo thanks for givin Us hope. There are many knowledgeable & better shield warriors out there. Hope they like you would start to polish their shield that have been kept so long and try to have fun with shield warrior once again

              Trial 149
              Repeat and repeat timin more better If only can skip Kara. If not would try her later

              ​​​​​​GArm have cold-feet if face him at: you know wat

              Attached Files
              Last edited by TheExorcist; 09-21-2021, 11:02 AM.
              Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
              trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

              brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

              Hv a nice day


              • Turgeon
                Turgeon commented
                Editing a comment
                Cool now let see how you handle kara! At 150. Is it gonna be the new final destination!?

              To all friends (warriors, BH, Mage) who had ever try and beat Kara with a Battle Rage or DT whirlwind shield warrior:

              1. For years I only knew one method
              2.. Attack Kara together with minions usin cleave or RS only.
              3. After the minion dies, quickly change to frenzy and continues attacks Kara solely. Repeat.
              4. Any possible way better than this? Any ideas?

              Many thanks
              Last edited by TheExorcist; 09-21-2021, 04:48 AM.
              Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
              trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

              brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

              Hv a nice day


              • Turgeon
                Turgeon commented
                Editing a comment
                The only thing i can say my friend: dont let the minion boost his def u can let them boost the dmg but not def. So when there is a blue link to kara u need to stun the minion

              Can’t really help you with that one I’m afraid. Shockwave seems to reset the timer for the minion if you hit him before the boost is on. So I allways manage to kill Kara way easier than other bosses. The difference for me between 129 and 130: I had 3 seconds left on the clock on 129, then 2 minute at 130.

              One thing I do know about Kara: don’t bother evading the pink rockets (shield warrior specific).

              They only debug your attack speed, so the only negative effect you get is on your normal attack. It will hardly influence your damage to just facetank them.

              The benefit to not ignoring them: they are blockable. So I pop my shield block when I see the arrows coming up and allways get at least 2 extra deadly throws out of it (good ones with the power boost on ).

              Maybe those extra deadly throws you can trigger can help with the minions too. Just make shure to whirlwind them right on top of Kara so deadly throw can consistently bounce between Kara and the minion.
              mobile (Apple) player - shield enthousiast - Heavily suffering from butter fingers

              SchilKardy - main Fire Lilly Shield Warrior - Trial 143


                Do you guys think the new SW is better for mobile users than the current WW?


                • Turgeon
                  Turgeon commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I think it is but probably because 8m notuse to play 2 hand warrior

                • TheExorcist
                  TheExorcist commented
                  Editing a comment
                  In the old days my Redmi 4x have a very hard time playin a SW above trial 120. Now? My honor 7 (a low device also) can still reach trial 150's with less than 20 fps

                • Kristoff
                  Kristoff commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Thanks, guys! Now I just have to spend the resources crafting all that gear...

                  Good thing I saved my old jewelry sets so I don't have to remake those.