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Help Understanding ANB

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    Help Understanding ANB

    So, my husband and I are new to this game; have been playing for maybe 6ish months. We have participated in a few ANBs but the last two, my husband and I did decently and earned our first medals. For context, out of the last two ANBs, I first ran a mage and this last one I ran a warrior, whereas he has always ran a warrior.

    Now the reason why I ran a warrior this time was to kind of compare the reward outcome between his and my account. See, the ANB before this, I received like 4 medals, and he received 1. Now, we played different characters, and I really didn't think I did well at all, whereas he did pretty well all things considered. This ANB I decided to run a warrior and a VERY similar outcome occurred. He did even better than he did last time, certainly out preformed me by a huge margin, but when we got the medals he got two, where I got three. It makes no sense and I need help understanding this.

    I hope this explanation makes sense. How do these medals work? Why does his account, who does drastically better in the ANB get fewer rewards? We don't really care about the medals as much as we just want to understand the game, how it works, and how these competitions are scored. If his efforts aren't really rewarded at the same rate and this is normal then that changes out view of the game. Anyways, not sure, so hoping for some clarity. Thanks guys.

    The first question is whether you were both in the same league. If moving to warrior put you in the lowest class (veteran) while your husband was already in contender he would have been playing against tougher opponents than you were.


      I believe this is due to the recently introduced "Leagues separation" for ANB -

      I suspect that since your husband did better previously, he's in a higher league than you and is therefore competing against players that have been playing longer... The latest discussion on this is at:
      Eternium Files - links and details


        +1 you are most likely being judged on different leaderboards as Nhat says. The same trial completion time can get different rewards based on the competition within your league [contender, veteran, or masters]. Once you complete TL120, you will move up to the Master's leaderboard, then your advantage will be gone. Enjoy it while you can...

