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Exciting News! Changes Coming to Seasonal Trials!

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    However, the heroes who have been at the top for years and received medals will dominate


    • LodWig
      LodWig commented
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      They don’t dominate because they have medals, they have medals because they dominate

    What are “seasonal Spiritstones”? I’m new to game but I’m assuming they are not the same thing as the red crystal currency or the other crystals used in crafting and socketed into gear.


      Originally posted by nicebridgesturdybridge View Post
      What are “seasonal Spiritstones”? I’m new to game but I’m assuming they are not the same thing as the red crystal currency or the other crystals used in crafting and socketed into gear.
      We don't yet know what they are. This thread is the first time I've seen them mentioned on the forum. I guess we'll find out when the next season begins!


        Originally posted by nicebridgesturdybridge View Post
        What are “seasonal Spiritstones”? I’m new to game but I’m assuming they are not the same thing as the red crystal currency or the other crystals used in crafting and socketed into gear.
        Shintara did some translated reporting on this on Discord from the recent Live Stream between John (CEO) and Josh (Developer). Reposting her Discord synopsis here:

        For those of you who want to check out what new feature was being discussed in the Live Stream.

        Spirit Stones:
        I've transcribed (parts of) Josh and John's, very enthusiastic, explanation in the Live Stream on Twitch on the 26th of October, 2023. Paraphrasing where suitable.

        Their wish and hope is that it will be ready to be released in the upcoming Season.

        "Special gems[tones] found during Seasons. They have the spirits of heroes and magical creatures trapped inside them, and these spirits are gonna give you really cool bonus stats and maybe even new powers down the road.

        But these spirits will want to be free, so at the end of the Season these Spirit Stones will essentially dissipate into the Aether, transmuting the gem into gold.....
        You'll be able to find Spirit Stones much like you would find normal gemstones. You'll be able to fuse them...[2 tiers for now.]"

        "All about being able to change the relative effectiveness of different abilities, within the Season. We wanted to come up with a more story-based way of doing it, of aggression based.
        So you can [adapt and fuse the stones together and boost your powers in a Seasonally themed manner]."

        So, it appears a new, special (but temporary) type of gemstone will drop during the upcoming Season and going forward. We'll all have a chance to play around with these items to see exactly what kind of "bonus stats" and effects are imbued with them. For now, it still remains somewhat of a mystery how these gemstones interact with the champion and/or gear, but on the surface, it is intriguing.

        It's also, probably a VERY good idea by the DEVS to transmute these into gold after the event instead of having them accumulate in a players inventory or stash -- otherwise I could see this unique item as another jumping off platform for some to b**ch -- about ala medals.
        “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


        • Shintara
          Shintara commented
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          Thank you for sharing my transcript mate♡
          I hope it's clear enough for everyone.

          Please join us on Discord for discussions, questions and more info

        Great stuff. Also I think 40 days is too long.


          For those who purchase the season pass, you need time to fill the bank with 10,000 gems


            WarriorSeven, thank you for clarifying this for those of us not on Discord.


            • Shintara
              Shintara commented
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              Get on Discord please! Hahaha
              We could really used a seasoned hero like you to fill the ranks mate ♡

              And you can also find the new Discord for the new game: Artemis there, and the discussion/info about, yet, another new game being lainched: Heroes Of Eternium.
              Last edited by Shintara; 11-07-2023, 07:48 PM.

            I think this will be fun for a season or two, but it will become just more grinding after a while. Perhaps an annual reset as someone else already suggested. It would also be harder for those people that just do not have a lot of time to play regularly? Just a personal opinion, like everyone else.


              Originally posted by WarriorSeven View Post
              , probably a VERY good idea by the DEVS to transmute these into gold after the event instead of having them accumulate in a players inventory or stash -- .
              We don't really need though how about, staying in the *spirit* of the game, transmuting them into actual Spirits? Brilliant Gemstones? Gems?
              Post your suggestions on Discord


                Ok, just noticed that I now have to get to level 100 in trials to get the first celestial transform. Which is the last straw for me. They should have made it easier, not harder. Ain't nobody got time for that. If I'm gonna work that hard I expect to be paid for it and, anyway, I already have a full time job, so congrats: I'm out.


                • Travis | Support Mgr.
                  Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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                  The Platinum event is intended to be the most challenging tier of the ANB event cycle.

                I'll wait for it to reset to Tin then.


                  A very welcome change

