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Release Notes - 1.26.40/1

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    Release Notes - 1.26.40/1

    New Features:
    • New leaderboard UI and functionality including podium in Home Town
    • Season Leaderboards now ranked by:
      1. Season Level (highest to lowest, max 60)
      2. Max Trial Level (highest to lowest)
      3. Time on Max Trial Level (lowest to highest)
    • Added new Legacy trinket: Emblem of the Everbound (for upcoming season)
    • Added a new Celestial Weapon cosmetic effect
    • Added on/off toggle for companion abilities
    • Added Gemstone+ Selection to Ruby’s offerings
    • "Resume auto-attack after moving" setting now default on
    • Improved season-end Spiritstone conversion messaging
    • Various UI improvements
    Balance Changes:
    • Switched 2-piece and 4-piece bonuses for the Arcanist set
    • Updated Cloak of Mystic Deflection to reduce CDR pool by 10% per stack.
      • Ex. If you have 60% CDR, each stack reduces it by 6%.
    • Updated Gornathon’s offerings during Survive the Land events:
      • Odds of seeing an enchantment offered based on hero level
      • Items capped at level 72
    Bug Fixes:
    • Season heroes would occasionally show up on event leaderboards
    • Gornathon would offer gear for the wrong class
    • Using right-click to move inventory items
    • Typo in the story level 9 description
    • Accessing store from inventory screen
    • Text in 2-piece bonus for Elemental Lord's Regalia set
    • Improved Premium and Premium+ Pass descriptions
    • Improved Custom Legendary Item Level 77 Box description

    Thanks eventually.

    Is Eternium going to officially become an "Idlegacha" game? What with all the automated, unskilled play that is consistantly "rewarded," and such cheating as goes unfettered, why not just ditch Leaderments entirely? Pay 29.95, get Godmode, knock yourself out.

    The technowledgy exists...record Trials after 150, preserve the blur-over-time inputs such that we can watch enough of what happened to know exactly how much cheating is enough to destroy this game.

    Edit: I'm setting myself to Appetite:Crow. This upcoming Release will fully flesh out many of the glaring longitudinal gamefails, will both curb and retroactively fix unintended macro use, allow for Better-than-Bioware interoffice romances, fix henchman stupiditations, complete the Main Story, finish the entirety of The Expansion, and tantalizingly begin the Third with absolutely zero potential Jar-Jar Binks.
    Last edited by Bryan James; 12-09-2024, 10:48 PM.


    • Bryan James
      Bryan James commented
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      If any of that ad been official, it would have been "THIS MANY": !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      'Cuz Y'all fall for that.

    Oh qué bien! Tengo dudas sobre que será de la piedra dorada de oro y experiencia? Ha estado ya más de 3 temporadas y si mal no me equivoco cada piedra dura 3 temporadas , muy aparte quisiera saber en qué consiste la piedra velosinity ? En todo el tiempo que juego al eternium jamás eh escuchado de esa piedra por ende desconozco su atributo , gracias
    Saludos Travis


    Originally posted by Travis | Support Mgr. View Post
    New Features:
    Balance Changes:
    • Updated Cloak of Mystic Deflection to reduce CDR pool by 10% per stack.
      • Ex. If you have 60% CDR, each stack reduces it by 6%.
    May be you just change the coefficient for counting percentage of reflect from 1/250 to 1/25 and leave on the Cloak of Mystic Deflection the area damage effect only (with removing the bonus for the value of reflect and debuff feature with the stacks too)?
    BTW: it is interesting that you - ones that wrote that you are small team of ones that love rpg games - repeated in the case of Arcanist Set the same mistake that was made by Blizzard in Diablo 3 with the CM-build ("Freeze Sorceress") which allowed to provide near to permanent control (freeze) of enemies. This build was removed from the game at the moment of release of add-on Reaper of Souls by removing the passive Critical Mass which allowed to use such build by collecting the specific enough (and rare) gear. Exactly, this build was just an abuse, no more. In addition to this, devs of Diablo 3 removed even the possibility to control enemies long enough time by introducing something like immunity in the case of repeated attempts to control enemies, by diminishing the time of control of enemies at next times.

    Another moment: the alternative name of CM-build is "piano" due to the fact that gameplay in this build was required flying of fingers on keyboard like ones on the fortepiano. You repeated the same in the case of Arcanist Set - i.e. instead of just enjoying the game (like it is happened in the case of other sets of mage) one should fully concentrated on the counters (cooldowns of skills + the number of stacks of the debuffs of the Cloak of Mystic Deflection + the state of HP bar) without possibility to see the enemies (what is happened at the center of the screen) sometimes. Perhaps, it was normal in 2012 (release of Diablo 3), but now - at the time of more and more using of AI in the real life - it seems very wild. I want to note that even in 2013 some players just used AHK scripts or macroses for mouse to automatize builds like "piano".

    Another your mistake - unlimited increasing of the damage of enemies (instead of just to fix it on some level - say, on Trial 100 / 110 / 120). As consequence - the necessity of the builds like Arcanist Set (i.e. with the much more highly increased time of invulnerability - i.e. something like God Mode = the most known cheat for many games) because in other builds with the same parameters of defense and regeneration hero will just die by one shot of enemy.

    BTW: in the case of Diablo 3 devs removed Life Steal (restoring of HP by percentage of provided damage which was really gigantic and was increased after each update though the pool of HP of hero remained the same) using the reasoning that they do not like "jumping HP bar". But they did not fix this problem on the higher levels of trials - there was still jumping of HP bar: kill by one shot of enemy => resurrection => another kill by one shot => etc. I.e. they can't provide the balance between incoming damage and regeneration (one can see such balance on the Arena in Eternium - in the comparison with the PvP in Diablo 3 where one will win who is provided the first one shot kill strike to another player, on the Arena there are no jumping of health in HP bar - it decreases and increases slowly in approximately the same rate).
    Last edited by ; 12-10-2024, 11:36 AM.


      Thanks Travis!
      DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


        "Resume auto-attack after moving," even when turned on works about 60% of the time. Woefully inconsistent.

        If something WAS my target and is still alive and in range AFTER I move, it is STILL my target, regardless of it has been/is frozen by one of my 3 archers...UNLESS I physically select a new target. Keep shooting, dipshyt!

        I just don't consider this stuff to be rocket surgery.


          When does the new season start?


          • Travis | Support Mgr.
            Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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            The plan is to start the Late Fall Season tomorrow.

          Originally posted by Andor View Post
          When does the new season start?

          Any information on the new Spiritstone(s) ?


          • Travis | Support Mgr.
            Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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            Velocinite will be rotating back in for the Late Fall Season.

          Thank you!



            I opened either 384 or 1 Gemstone+ cluster and did not get a quarantined Spurtostone.

            Please fix me.

            Edit: I did not spend gems with Ruby. THAT would have been gripeworthy.
            Last edited by Bryan James; 12-11-2024, 07:36 AM.


            • papa jim
              papa jim commented
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              Spiritstones are only available during season and the new season has not started.

            Gornathon was and is useless:
            1) he is useless in the initial progress 1-70 due to the very fast collecting of exp = increasing level of hero (i.e. any item you bought will become useless very fast);
            2) he is useless after reaching level 70 because after this one needs the parts of any set which provide enough damage to farm trials of the medium level (in the case of mage one need just Eridanus, nothing more);
            3) he is useless on end-game because at that time one need the parts of top set with appropriate other items and all these items should provide the needed stats (i.e. craft).

            BTW: the cost of items was and is really wild. The crafted rare and epical items (really useful ones) have much less cost.


            • Travis | Support Mgr.
              Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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              He plays a big part in Survive the Land events.

            • WarriorSeven
              WarriorSeven commented
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              Gornathan's usefulness is much improved, but could be better ... and more fun. Why limit his cap? I think you folks could run a better drop rate for gear similar to a level in Trials, say Level 103. That certainly would entice his use even further!

            Cannot update on PC using Microsoft Store. "Select Retry to close and update the app" Code: 0x80073D02
            Where is the "Retry" button?
            Attached Files


            • Travis | Support Mgr.
              Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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              Try the following to reset the app cache for the Microsoft Store:
              1. Open the start menu.
              2. Go to settings, then go to "apps" on the left.
              3. Click on "installed apps", then search for "store" and click on "system components".
              4. Click the 3 dots to the right of "Microsoft Store", then click "advanced options".
              5. Scroll down a bit and click on the "reset" button.

            If you see anything like this on a leaderboard, don't click to investigate unless you instantly need your desktop:



            • Travis | Support Mgr.
              Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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              Some server side work is actively being done on the LBs right now.

            How about fixing the recipe's? I'm using a mage and every crafting recipe is not usable by mages. They are almost all purely for fighters which makes it impossible to craft anything because I can't buy the recipe's I need to actually make items for a mage. So I'm either stuck with whatever drops or I have to switch to the fighter class and abandon mages altogether.

            Could use some more characters to purchase in the inn too, they are all useless as they are just different looking copies of the same characters we already have with the same abilities so other than their appearance there's no reason to waste gems purchasing them.


            • WarriorSeven
              WarriorSeven commented
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              We ALL have been down the painful road you are slogging on now. Patience. Simply gather EVERY recipe you can. You will eventually get everything in due course.

            Eternium 12_11_2024 10_03_34 PM.png
            I know this will be very short-lived, but I can't believe for the very first time I'm actually in the top five on the leaderboard! Even if it's only for just a moment, I just find it incredible.

