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Release notes - 1.26.201

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  • Bryan James
    If there's anything other than a cactus in range, the Bounty Hunter should ALWAYS be firing.

    And she shouldn't switch until the thing is dead. Not just frozen, stunned, any of that.

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  • Geoff13
    Sounds different.

    Click on enemy to start BH attacking. Enemies get too close. Click somewhere to move BH away. Should resume attacking but doesn't. Manually click on enemies to resume attack. Sometimes this "repairs" resume and further movements auto-resume attacking, but often multiple movements away will require multiple manual resumes.

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  • Thanatos67

    I believe in that case, the question should be whether the individual actually engaged first, then withdrew a distance. My understanding of the resume auto attack feature, is that you must attack first, then move your character, regardless of class, as long as the weapons being utilized are in range of the engaged enemy, will resume the attack. For me, regular minions is not a big deal, however the boss fights, or multiple elites/heaviy’s fights, it can be a pain and does indeed, at least for me, effects my TL time and or completing the TL, specifically Garm at higher TL levels. The resume attack working is the rarity vs the norm.

    As for the loadouts, at least for the BH’s, pretty much the same for the top 100, with very little deviation amongst the players. However, what may be a possible culprit, is that a players companion’s distance to said target, in relation to your distance, may be beyond your weapons range and the software takes that range into consideration ?? I don’t know… I am throwing darts blindfolded ?

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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    An anonymous contributor sent me this:

    The issue is not restricted to BHs. I tried today moving my warrior near a bunch of enemies (but not too close) and auto-attack after moving did not engage. But the enemies saw my warrior and started wacking at it. And the warrior stood there getting hit over and over again without retaliating. I believe that's what is bothering the players complaining in the forum.
    Is that what you guys are reporting? An idle/disengaged hero being attacked doesn't retaliate?

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  • Thanatos67

    For TL’s:
    See first three pics

    for EXP see pics 4,5,6.
    Attached Files

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  • Geoff13
    Companions : None
    Attack : Primary Explosive, Secondary Lethal
    Abilities : Rapid Fire (not used in a low level trial)
    Passives : Piercing

    If you want more detail I am PIPA JABU JEMO 9181 and this happened with the hero Cathin.

    I only play BH so no idea about other classes. BH reminds me of my D2 Amazons.

    CORRECTION: I was thinking about my "Monsters in Town" posting when I picked on Cathin. I should have said all my BH's. Most recent would be Nova in the Silver ANB Veterans. You'll have to look at your copy of my file when the ANB ended as I've sold off all the ephemeral gear since then in anticipation of deleting Nova soon.
    Last edited by Geoff13; 01-07-2025, 12:21 PM.

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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    So it sounds like a Bounty Hunter issue or an issue that is more prevalent with the BH. Thanatos67 Bryan James Och Geoff13 What companions and attack abilities are you guys using?

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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    Thanks for the reports, everyone!

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  • Geoff13
    Also the same on Android. I minimize what I add to toughness so I can maximize damage. This means my BH needs to back off approaching enemies. I would say resume works the majority of the time, but I'm baffled why it's not 100%. Resume has never worked 100% since it was added to the game and I haven't commented since I've come to accept that that's just how the game works.

    Sometimes it's a mob, and perhaps the argument is the particular monster I was locked on to died as I moved away, but the mob is still attacking me and I would expect resume to apply to the entire mob, not just the particular enemy I'm locked on to.

    I have no idea why resume doesn't work when attacking the final elite from a mob. The elite hasn't died when I run, but resume doesn't kick in. There's only 1 monster so why doesn't resume realize that my attack should continue?

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  • Och
    Same here on iOS iPad auto shoot stops most of the time after moving around on bh

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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks for the details!

  • Bryan James
    Re: Resume Attack After Move

    I've mentioned it a couple times, but it might have been mid-rant about something else. Maybe something to do with range (i.e. distance) changing due to movement when enemies get "froze cleared" but not killed (I often use 3 archer minions).

    But yes, auto-attack after moving seems to work noticeably less than 80% o the time. I can get stuck dipshittedly shooting a rock (or cactus) and oohing-aahing over the math that went into all those pretty ricochets, but simply moving during a regular skirmish my gal just stands still until I manually engage one of my 30 enemies? Tis an aggravating wtf.

    I want to always attack something "living" in range, with the top/constant priority being the last thing I clicked on.

    (I'm Windows, touchscreen everything--manual draw everything, left-hand only for last month)
    Last edited by Bryan James; 01-03-2025, 07:39 PM.

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  • Thanatos67
    Hello Travis!

    On my mobile (IPhone 15 pro max, IOS 18.1.1), under settings, I have resume attack checked all the time and some times, I have Start auto attack upon casting. Neither one of these seems to work 100% of the time. More like 60/40. This has pretty much been the case since I started playing this great game on my IPhone 13. Do you require more info? Kinda hard to get a screen shot of this. Not sure how to have a video recording. If you know how, I will do that. It is funny to see my hunter blazing away at a baddy, take a few steps, stop firing and watch the same baddy walk right up to him and get a whack…. That is, until your are in the higher TL’s

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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    commented on 's reply
    Yours is the only report I've seen. Can you clarify the problem?

  • Thanatos67
    Appreciate all the hard work gentleman!

    Quick question: Is there any focus on the issues of “Resume Auto-Attack after moving” or “Start Auto-Attack after casting”?? Honestly, it is a coin flip as to whether or not it is going to work. I notice it more on the higher TL’s (120+). Perhaps it is IOS…. Could be the issue, as my Siri is beyond retarded! ?

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