Originally posted by King Krakatau
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Android Open Beta (Build 1.1.47)
Originally posted by QOOLEERТам на экранах загрузки много текста. Да и так чтобы яснее было. Это мы с тобой шарим немного на английском, но большинство игроков-то нет.
Hello , I would like to propose some changes for one of the future updates:
1. add new difficulty, because the people I see their characteristics are very high for the current difficulty;
2. think of a place where we can spend gold,because it very much(can be better weapons, armor , or the purchase of temporary improvements, such as increased experience or chance drop items);
3. add ranger's class passive skill that with increasing distance from the mob increases the damage (30% at the maximum distance).
Is not present more ideas, but interesting- i can come up with something else
Thank you for attention
Originally posted by whitelight View PostI just finished heroic broken dragon and minion died at the end but vanished all i saw was the shadow moving on the ground .
Originally posted by whitelight View PostPlus every time i click yes to exit game i get a message to report game crashed ?
Originally posted by alleex View Posti noticed 1.1.50 just updated but there's no changelog or announcement anywhere, it would be neat if there would be a separate thread that gets updated every time there's a new patch so we know what's changed
yeah i got the mail but the issue still stands, when 1.1.47 was launched the changelog included only the "big" changes and i did not notice anything in regards to 1.1.49 either, the point was that a detailed changelog for each patch that can be accessed reliably from the same place any time you want to see if anything new happened to the game would be a good resource to havePAME VAWO ROSO 8723 - main character is "Miez"
If an in-game message isn't sent, you can always find the changelog at https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...mageandminions
Clicking on the friends tab while offline gives an error message that reopens itself when you close it, forcing you to restart the game. No biggie but a tab switch when you confirm the error message would make it all bettah. I love the graphics update but the game seems slightly darker now. Meh. RIP noclip lightning